C-c-crisis actor!

>c-c-crisis actor!

Why are people so delusional every shooting?

Other urls found in this thread:


And come out with every bullshit argument to try and save der widdle gunsywuns:


Because they're some of the most intellectually dishonest people on the planet.

Any other situation and they'd just call the kid an attention-whore--which is probably what he is tbh.

He and Emma aren't crisis actors, but they are contemptible mindless tools who are part of the problem.

They want something to complain about, something to spruce up conversations and to try to get the 'sheeple woke'.
Honestly it says a lot about people in general when they just can't accept that horrible things happen in the world and it isn't always some psy-op deep state inside job.

I honestly feel bad for the victims families having to see all this shit crop up.

We dont need arguments to keep our guns. Our rights are protected.

>why are people so distrusting a media that uses mass murder to push political agendas?

hmmm i wonder

>Jews do a huge push for radical changes in politics during election year
>All racial Jews are against Trump except a few who are really just damage control
>Trump wins and Jews throw a massive fit
>Jews openly talk about killing Trump on twitter and all over the news
>50 people dead in vegas
>Jews suddenly stop talking about Trump for a short time
>Jews get mad again for no reason
>17 dead children on SAINT VALENTINE'S DAY

Can you people make it any more obvious?

There's distrust and being a tinfoil retard that thinks everything is staged

Read your sentence again.

Which part did you have trouble comprehending

>Our rights are protected
Until they vote to amend the constitution. Only needs 2/3rds of states once the vote is passed.

>continues to believe the ranting of a paranoid moustache model from the 1930’s still pissed he failed art school

>believes REE isn’t the true controlling force

I bet you don’t equate mass export of terrorism to the authors of an enduring antisemitic books but believe Jews control everything.

How can one ethnic group control everything, really like how can that be achievable?

>kid just happened to be involved in a news story in california regarding a violent altercation, after only being there a week. ive lived here my whole life, seen crazy shit, never been on the news.
>kid just happens to be practicing on CNN a month earlier than the shooting
>kid just happens to be at the next school of mainstream shooting
>kid just happens, of ALL the kids at his school, of ALL the kids from all the other schol shootings, to be the one interviewed and given national television time, to be face of gun control change, etc.
>video of kid interviewing a fellow student at 930am about the shooting that took place at 2pm
>video of kid practicing and failing at his lines to a news reporter, at night time, at the crime scene

if you dont realize hes a kid being groomed to be a crisis actor youre fucking out of your damn mind. Not saying the shooting didnt take place, and that there arent actual victims here, but the kids we are seeing talk on tv about it are obviously actors. theyre not even shaken by what happened, they speak like anyone memorizing a script or being full of shit

Can you show us both clips user?

Also, is your argument really:

>kid is too well spoken, obviously a paid actor

Because the kid is eloquent, you think the deep state is doing this?

>our rights our protected
Heh, yeah... until they're not. Why don't conservatives understand the fact that rights are illusory? They're invented!

If you don't realize they interview multiple people and air only the interesting/compelling bits, you might be a conservative

97% of right wingers are mentally ill (seriously)

Where can I find the now removed YouTube vid that started all this ?

What is "the problem" exactly? For him it's that a bunch of his friends were killed. Is your problem that you're severely mentally ill and worried about that triggering a gun-right revocation?

I think regular mass-shootings are newsworthy, and most rational people think it's reasonable to "politicize" it in order to get some legislation passed.

But you're right, it's probably just thA Evil lIbRul mEdia BEin aLL KerUpT anD Shit.

His mom works for CNN, and she gives him all the time in the world in front of the camera. What does CNN do for kids whose parents don’t work for CNN?

>really like how can that be achievable?
Keeping everything in the family, and spreading the word through religion. it's not that hard really

There was nearly a shooting tomorrow at a South California school, but a guard overhead someone talking about shooting up the school friday, cops got invovled, stundent's house searched, fucking ammo and guns everywhere.


But Trump literally cannot stop sucking Israeli cock. He's choked down more than any president in my lifetime, and it's still year one. He's desperate to muscle in those dicks.


heres him forgetting his lines


here you can find the audio of his interview in the morning thats supposed to be about the shooting that takes place later. the audio has been set to video of the actual news coverage from after the shooting... but David is clearly heard in the audio saying that the time is 4 hours earlier than the shooting

I also forgot to mention his dad is either FBI or former FBI

oh and this kid just keeps happening to be the "compelling" interview across the country for unrelated events? just happens to get to come hang out backstage at CNN headquarters a month before the shooting?


Because the government...and fluoride in the water...contrails and um

Wow check out this yank believing every shady news site/source going.

Wheeeeewww talk about unable to think and look up info for yourself.

Isn’t it great when cops do their job? Instead of visiting someone’s house 39 times in less than 2 years, and another 10+ public interactions, and half a dozen reports and tips, and still they did nothing?

That is the most crudely reductionist things i’ve ever read. No it’s probably a lot harder to gain this much control and be completely unremarkable in history.

This is something that really pisses me about these theories, how can they be so powerful and Incompetent in the same time, control everything yet not control everything either. It’s a complete ghost story, when in actuality whilst everyone is scared of the shadows the real issues of having a globe so interconnected and reliant is effecting our everyday life.

>hurr hurr these sources arent credible even though they have video and audio evidence right tehre for everyone to see, i will ignore this evidence because of reputation of the sources and how I already dont want to believe them

so if alex jones posted a video of the sky being blue and said the sky is blue (or at least appears blue to the human eyes from earth) you wouldnt believe him because "muh liberal news sources say its not reliable?"

clearly you didnt even attempt to view the evidence and your mind is already made up you libsheepfag

They do their jobs, why wouldn't they not? Otherwise there wouldn't be millions of criminals caught every year.

Just because a few stories show bad cops doing what they do best, doesn't mean the whole is the same.

That is just ignorant thinking.



go to 2:06 and keep replaying i would love if, sound like a script maybe???


if only the "reliable" liberal news sources arent reporting, and only the "quacky" right wing ones are, maybe the liberal media wants to hide facts from you? especially when the evidence is clear video and audio. really makes you think.

>railroad sources are unreliable
>remove all traces of evidence from your "reliable" sites
>leave only the sources youve dubbed "unreliable" with the evidence
>people wont believe their eyes and ears

wow you libs are fucking braindead arent you

FOR FUCK'S SAKE, this is about the 3rd mass-shooting that's been thwarted in the past 2 weeks.


Immediately know this is tinfoil’s we don’t have a large jewish population any more yet me suffer similar catastrophes.
So is it Jews or is it humanity?

Three whole percentage points less than left wingers.

I am not American but yet I am a libsheepfag, wow talk about not reading anything.

I will tell you why it is wrong....

It isn't recorded during the shooting, it is after, hence why the girl he is talking do is in a dark area because it is dark outside, limited lighting.

9.32 he did say that, but did you not figure that he meant PM, or does yank time only work in 24 hour clock mode only? Of course it doesn't.

That's how much of a stretch that was, because he neglected to say PM, the fagtoids jumped on it and tried to make it look like it was AM he was referring to.


Odds on the age this kid comes out the closet:

18 - 5/1
19 - 4/1
20 - Evens
21 - 3/1
22-25: 2/1
26-30: 7/1
30 and older: 10/1
First court case for molestation: 2/1

>Believes libs aren’t interested in the truth
>literally thinks a man who complains about frogs behind gay and celebrates the zeitgeist of memes is credible on any level outside of homeless drunk who screams at taffic



>>c-c-crisis actor!
>Why are people so delusional every shooting?
Because shooter is white

OH look someone else who can't read.

How utterly fagtastic of yanks to cry "hurr durr you don't think like me so you must be the thing I hate" because nobody joins with their way of thinking.


No wonder the US is a mess, with 69% overweight people, massive national debt, corporations sucking the economy dry and paying for healthcare everyone else receives world wide for free through taxation.

wheeeeeeeeew get salty.

Yeah, it's a good thing we b& those Muslim countries, huh?

[citation needed]
Angry winner of moustache mistake of the year 1945 aside, where’s your proof?

* Yanks.

(capital letter brah)

The cops dropped the ball on this, though. 50+ interactions with police, calls and tips, in less than 2 years and no arrests, charges, or anything. Dude posted animal cruelty on IG, that should have snagged him at least a misdemeanor in FL, and if aggrevated a felony and/or psyche exam. Either of those would have prevented him from getting a gun. People tipped the cops that he threatened to kill them. Same outcome, no gun. They could even file a restraining order which would have also prevented him from getting a gun. All these pre-existing and legal avenues to keep guns out of the hands of a psychpath, and the authorities used none of them.


wins thread.

The kid is already 20, fix your odda

Can't argue that, eurofag. Can't argue that.

>Behind gay
Cause they only fuck asses

He's white, so it's ok. He's harmless

Parental political shill.

because its funny to piss off kids and libtards.

why would kids be at school/the crime scene doing interviews in a calm and collected manner at 930pm instead of being home with their loved ones after such a close brush with death? oh yeah, because CNN covers the story all night and theyre CNN employees.

>thinks cia, deepstate, jews or whoever have massive fake shootings, involving faking deaths of multiple kids, crisis actors, controlled media
>this is somehow easier than just sending some lunatic into a school

People actually believe this shit should be round up and shot. There is nothing of worth about this retarded subhuman scum
Somehow the liberals couldn't take away guns during 8 years of Obama and somehow liberals get blamed for everything while the GOP hold both houses and the presidency

>links infowars as source
did you take your daily dickpills yet user?

infowars is jewish

*Male vitality

Nope he won’t Alex told him they’re delivered by amazon who’s Alexa works for the CIA

no I dont like alex jones and I generally dont believe his bullshit but when someone posts CLEAR VIDEO AND AUDIO EVIDENCE of something how can you deny that just based on the source?

>oh shit, this guy finally has evidence and doesnt have to rely on insane fear mongering... cant believe it though, because past reputation

alex jones could do a piece on how water is good for humans and you fags would probably decide to never drink water again

He was hamming it up to be used as a tool to push an agenda. Those shootings must certainly did happen though, I'm not sure if Sup Forums is outright denying that or not, but who gives a fuck what they think.


Let's be real here.

Alex Jones is top banter.

And a millionaire.

Stop hating.

Everyone talking shit about my infowars link but NOBODY is talking about the CNN footage on youtube of the kid being coached and forgetting his lines, obviously doing many takes of the same sentences until they have enough to piece together a coherent "interview" from this "victim".

convenient you fags arent mentioning this but will say "hurr hurr infowars tinfoil hat hurr"

There's tons of evidence that 9/11 wasn't controlled demolition or faked, but people ignore all of it.

Alright. Give us your well thought out grand plan for gun control in the US. Lay it out for us step by step and explain exactly how it will a) stop these types of shootings (which is what the political left wants, they don't care so much about black and Hispanic gang crime) and b) how it will help to decrease the murder rate overall. Give us a step by step and produce evidence and statistics proving that it will work.

>reshooting interviews of traumatized children that stumble over their words
That's it. Deepstate psyops confirmed, i'm moving to glorious russian federation

I doubt i’d ever hear about it if it’s not meme’d to shit on YouTube you’re banging on about V&A evidence, but it has no relevance to anything greater right? How does mass killings actually have an effect on anything global? You’re so fixated on one small issue based in one small country that apparently according to you and your friends is a HUGE global conspiracy.

It is so illogical it hurts

Forgetting lines? Lol you truly are a redpilled retard. The fucking kid just witnessed his classmates get gunned down and somehow lived thru it and you want him to give a perfect interview on top of it???

talks like this in real life

You don't deserve it.

>picking and choosing which conspiracies you will believe

wow you libs are a special kind of retarded. just like christfags picking and choosing pieces of the bible.

"saying hes a crisis actor is paranoid and insane. but nein leben was an inside job."

im pretty sure thats also something alex jones believes! so hes only right when it fits your narrative? cute.

this retarded

this retarded

sure kid

traumatized kids that are smiling and speaking calmly yet not able to speak properly. they arent shaken or scarred, theyre totally calm and upset that they cant REMEMBER THEIR LINES. you even hear the fucking reporter telling him WHAT TO SAY.

are you fucking deaf? or retarded? liberal? european? what is it?

Alex Jones is never right, you sound retarded tbqh

so retarded

Then in a great leap in logic if this kid did recall everything perfectly
>HURRR how can he give such a composed interview he should be traumatised

this retarded

this retarded

>russian shill reading comprehension

I'm a Brit. Have some decorum.

sure kid

because the audio he added was at 9.32pm, and police were interviewing people?
also the clip infowars used was not "unedited" as they claim, it has clips of scenes after the event, so how can they be added if it was earlier?
the simple fact is fatboi alex attention seeker does what he always does is take something so insignificant and turns it into something that isn't even there, and people believe him because ignorant people like to believe lies that perpetuate their hate than to learn the truth.

this retarded

stay mad kid

this thread summarized:


Because there's actual proof he is a crisis actor, and it's being removed by scared MSM cucks.
Now why would they do that if they had nothing to hide.

Alex Jones said it was unedited, but it wasn't. He lied to you and you soaked it up.

He witnessed every shooting in every high school setting he's been in? when he'd been graduated for almost 3 years as he is already a 20 year old man?


and the retards are posting