Best amateur cuckold videos ya got?

Best amateur cuckold videos ya got?

OC pic of my girl sucking my friends dicks

Other urls found in this thread:

preferably ones where the couple talk to each other a lot

Have you got more pics of her?
how old is she?


your gf is a fatty. tell her that. bitch needs know...purge...throw up after more meals. she will be hot in no time

keep calling her fat til shes back down to human weight. not heffer weight

Pretty sure now she sucks all your friends cocks behind your back. What a fucking slut

so no cuckold videos then? lmfao wow thanks Sup Forums

Yeah, because that's how it works. Also you need to post at least 3 things related before anyone will take your thread seriously.

why would we help a pathetic faggot like you ?

post the girl's number and gtfo .
