Hey b
A family member of mine just added me on instagram ... looks like she’s trying to model ... how do I get her to pose nude for me
Hey b
are you two close?
Not at all really ... there’s also an age gap
How much of a gap?
Post pics, fag.
15 -20 yrs
Any pics ?
I’ll try idk how to get them off Instagram
Just screenshot
Fucking retard. Sage.
Not sage says file is too big asshat
Pretend to be a photographer
I’d have to build an Instagram too look like I take photos
Well if she wants to be a model, simply ask for her to do some modeling for you as practice?
Does anyone have good amateur test pics... ? Maybe I can convnce her I am one
Nah sorry, i reckon just ask her to send you some stuff that she wants to do
Well my Instagram profile doesn’t look like I do photography so ... I doubt that would work
Find someone you trust to be a "model agent" and then come up with a plausible reason for him either contacting her or encountering her somewhere and, from there, he'd make the pitch for her to come to an audition.
You're pretty enough to model. Ever think about it?
Gross. Mods mods mods
Haha nothing illegal here fag
Do you have a DSLR camera?
Just tell her that you want to try to get into photography / maybe even boudoir but you don't know how to get started and ask if she would be comfortable being a test model for her to help you start building your portfolio.
Seem humble and embarrassed about asking and mention that you don't know who else you would ask but you thought that she wanted to get into modeling so thought that it may help both of you - make it a win-win.
Then when you are shooting her, keep being suggestive about showing more and more skin. She will be having fun and feeling sexy and more likely to be caught up in it and keep going - at least to a certain point. Don't be too pushy. It may take multiple shoots but the more she takes off each time the more comfortable she will feel to continue.
how old is she FYI?
Not saying age .. I mean the catch is the Instagram she added is fake ... so she doesn’t know I know her
How do you know she even made it if it's fake? Is this leading up to you wanting to post that insta?
>she doesn't know I know her
She doesn't know that you know her? Or she doesn't know that you know she wants to model?
You don't have to say that you saw the Insta. Just say that you thought you remembered her telling you one time that she want to model. If she says no, then its done. Just keep following the insta.
Why won't you post age? That's sketchy af unless shes like 14 or something. I'm not asking for full name and location or something and you already posted a picture with face - assuming that was real. Age discloses nothing. Sketchy.
No I mean the insta I made that she added
15 is the age
Then how do you get her to send you nudes? You wait until she is legal you sick fuck.
Haha fuck off
Did you take that or thats another from her?
How do you know she wants to be a model? Has she posted anything suggestive on her insta or just stuff like this? This is regular 15 year old stuff really
She posted more model type stuff on her Instagram ... I just can’t post it cause file is too big ... unless you got a kik
screenshot it and the file size will be smaller... dont have to post originals
I did screen shot it still too big
What kind of pics are we talking about? Nothing illegal right?
No not illegal it’s on her insta gran
sorry about them tumblr in the name - old legacy account I stole
Ask her to pose nude for you