Do you stand for your opinions irl Sup Forums?
Do you stand for your opinions irl Sup Forums?
I gassed 6 kikes last week.
Took Sunday off.
No. I don't want to get my head kicked in. We all know liberals rule the roost in the real world. Why would we expose ourselves like that?
Have lost jobs because of my hate for feminists/homos.
Don't give a fuck but I make sure the pc cocksuckers can't fire me as easily as they have done in the past.
I really can't think of anything stupider than 'standing' for half baked opinions nurtured by other social retards on the internet in real life.
Yes. Not hard to redpill people when you're handsome to women and intimidating to other men.
Standing for your opinions irl is for cucks and niggers.
Some of us have jobs, and lives we don't want fucked with.
Why don't you have opinions that aren't half-baked opinions nurtured by other social retards?
I have never concealed my political beliefs once in my life, and I have never encountered any problem interacting with people. If you drop your speghetti and act like an annoying retard people will treat you like one, if you give them an extra reason to dislike you they will go out of their way to make your life unpleasant.
Autists do not understand this. I know this one whiny-nosed fucking cuck from New York who has the most droning, annoying voice and he can't stop sniveling in his cringy voice about right wing topics. We believe the same things but he's universally reviled and I'm a pillar of my community.
Literally just don't be a loser.
Of course not.
In real life I say I am a lefty, communist, migrant supporting, gay rights supporting, pro abortion, pro EU, pro all kinds of liberties super socialist.
In reality I am a gay rights supporting, pro abortion, pro EU, pro liberties, pro capitalism free market supporting, anti migrant patriot.
Yes, but most people in here share my opinions so it's not exactly brave.
Yes. But none of my friends, despite being fairly left wing, are the sort who would pick friends based on politics. Most of them at least try to understand opposite ends of an argument, and quite a few of them are drifting towards the centre these days.
I support Trump openly on FB, been blocked or unfriended by about 8 people so far. But I don't wear my hat in public because I live in a black neighborhood and I don't want them to think I'm a racist (even though he hasn't said anything even remotely racist about black people and has been endorsed by multiple black pastors and politicians).
>I support Trump openly on FB, been blocked or unfriended by about 8 people so far.
You're better off without those fags anyway.
Yes. A lot of people are redpill-able if you can stand up for your opinions and state them in a clear logical manner. So far I've convinced several people that democracy is a lie, "human rights" are a fiction and that multiculturalism is the cancer of the west.
of course
This. Exactly.
I have read pilled nearly all of my works mates. Just keep to topics they like. Let them ask questions and let them come to there own conclusions.
And keep that spaghetti in your pocket
Abso-fucking-lutely, I have the no girlfriend to prove it!
Yes. I'm a jew so people are afraid to criticize me when I criticize atheism, muslims, and sjws
i'm nowhere as radical as in here, but yeah, i constantly get called a "fucking cis white male" for saying feminism and PC is destroying society, rape is only forced sex against one's will, not including drunk sex, and muslins should be banned
I also have a great thinker question that helps. Ask. "Why does X do that? what does X have to gain?"
Blind when it comes to themselves and how others see them, how they come across.
Anyone who can't keep a tight hold on their spag has no business discussing politics. They give a bad impression of the rest of the right to everyone else.
I do but I have like different grades of how much redpilledness I show to people depending on our relation becaus normies will be turned off and frightened if you give them the whole dosis at once
Yes i do im a white pride skinhead 88
I red pill people around me (from all ethnicity) about islam and multiculturalism. I lived 10 years in muslim countries so they usually listen.
It's actually not hard, but with people of color you just need time to show them the difference between racists retards and someone that just wants his country not to morph into a shithole.
there's Alexandra maria lara
muh waifu
Yes. But my opinions don't align with most of Sup Forums's meming though...
> not including drunk sex
Suppose she doesn't notice the act and nothing afterwards either. It's like the quantum thing where stuff changes by being measured.
I'm not even saying that it's right to do it, but when she doesn't know, then it didn't happen.
Do you drop truth bombs about the Holohoax on them too, my semetic anti-semetic friend?
>when she doesn't know, then it didn't happen.
>t. Holy Mary, Mother of Jesus
I disagree with Sup Forums so I have no Sup Forums opinions to 'come out' with.
Got talked to yesterday by my boss because of it
My power level is what it is, better dead than silent
To a point. Everybody knows I support Trump (who cares enough to pay any attention), only family IRL knows I'm a neo-nazi.
Despite what Sup Forums would make you think, chances are the holocaust did happen. For example, my grandfather's family existed in poland before, but not after, the war. However I make sure to point out that the holocaust only justifies letting every ethnic group have a country of it's own, and that multiculturalism only ends in disaster. Germany owes us nothing, the "Greatest Ally" thing is a lie, and if all the lefties were killed (including all kikes abroad) the world would be better off. I have a deep seated hatred for people who use "muh holocaust" as an excuse for being shit themselves.
*Its, not it's
>Took Sunday off
Like a good FUCKING KIKE!!!!
If all jews understood this there would be no anti-semitism
>chances are the holocaust did happen
Memes aside though, yeah.. Probably.
Yeah I have a few times.
>Be me
>Have a best friend since secondary school, like 15 years ago
>Both of us lived in north Wales
>he gets a swanky job in London (he fell for the London is amazing meme)
>Asks me to come visit him over Christmas
>I take the train to London, or so I thought, turns out I arrived in fucking Istanbul
>My friend jokes about playing "spot the white man"
>I'm seriously on edge because I hate big cities and it's fucking full of ragheads and ninja's in dresses
>"Don't you ever get fucked off by all this?" I ask
>"No you get used to it"
>Fast forward through boring shit, back at his house, he's doing some stupid shit on his PC, games or something (this was back in 2012)
>I'm sat there reading the Koran (I had recently become concerned about Islam enough to read about it)
>Asks me what I'm reading
>Tell him and say that it's seriously fucked up shit
>says I'm bigoted
>I ask him to explain
>He says my views are unnecessary and that I'm overreacting
>Not been back to see him since
>Since then though, Syria.
>Since then though, ISIS.
>Since then though, Charlie Hebdo
>Since then though, Paris (again, like twice)
>Since then though, Brussels
>And many more
Spoken to him a few times recently and he's becoming more red pilled. He's pissed at how many immigrants there are who don't speak English and he struggles just to buy food at the store because the cashier doesn't speak English, and then they get he manager, who only speaks broken English.
This is London. London has fucking fallen. It's not even a meme. It's gone at this point.
He has to keep moving to shitter areas despite his promotion and (I assume) pay rise, because the rent prices are going up so fast, he ends up in the ghetto's with the nogs and dune coons.
That bastard can only stay blue pilled for so long. This is my best friend for fuck sake, even if he is a fucking moron. He will know, by the end, that I was right.
I don't leave the house or interact with anyone so it's pretty easy.
Fuck off kike.
>>My friend jokes about playing "spot the white man"
Kek. I always play that driving through the Hague with a friend of mine... Bonus points if the white person you spot isn't some square-jawed Polak or other Slav.
I don't just stand for them, I impose them.
I will actively call out dishonorable acts. I once broke a man's nose for stealing from an independent, local store.
Not only do I stand firmly for my opinions, I also redpill every motherfucker I meet, be it a 60 year old guy in a hospital, or some nerdy teenager, regardless the outcome.
To change the world, you must first change yourself and then your surroundings.
And thats why i have never set foot in London and hopefully never will have to hope your mate sees sense and gets out before its to late
I agree but the numbers are definitely inflated. Do Israeli Jews consider themselves white btw?
No, I hide my power level.
He won't. He's an idiot. Thing is he's one of those people that lives for others. I'm not talking in a covenant with God kind of way. I mean he needs peoples approval, people he shouldn't give a fuck about.
You know he's a careerist, for the sake of being careerist. Doesn't give a shit about the job, just likes feeling important when he steps up the ladder. Materialistic too. He deserves London and it deserves him. He's just another cunt trying to make it there.
Thing is he was born there, so he feels like he's home. But his home has been overrun by orcs. It's basically the orcs breaking down the gates of Minas Tirith at this point. They're hammering against the door whilst Gandalf blags to Merry that it's all going to be okay.
He won't leave. He's see it as a complete status failure. He's quite pathetic like that.
Yes. Most objections you'll find from your typical 20-30 age liberal come apart pretty easily.
But it doesn't matter, make whatever arguments you like because if they're alone they'll play dead for a while and wait for more to arrive.
It's gotten to the point where the young in the west don't even believe in the concept of nations.
This is a good argument.
>"Multiculturalism? The last time the jews were genocided! What are you, a nazi?"
Their heads would explode.
This. We live in a very dangerous political climate (particularly for bros in Europe) so there is little sense in revealing your opinions when there will simply be negative backlash.
Unless you have the charisma of Hitler, you're not going to convert anyone so just keep your head down to avoid the chopping block. Our time will come.
My boss hates mexicans is definately voting Trump. Was pissed off he cant order milk at his local mcdonalds without saying "leche" so the retard can understand. And has a strong hatred of jews, asians, indians, sandniggers.
Of course, but I'm smart about it. Don't talk about the holocaust, about how Hitler was actually the good guy, etc. Do not even direct truth to you opponents, try get them thinking they found it out by themselves.
Things like "don't you think there's a bit too much of immigration when we don't even create jobs?" or "why can't Europeans have their own land when every other people can?" works better than "Yeah I'm racist so what?
I'm Czech. My opinions are mainstream here, so much that I'm actually very mild in comparison with others.
nice story m8
hopefully soon the men of harlech will stop their dreaming and take out isis :DDD
No sympathy for him then if he can live in the shitty gethhos these rats have made and not see the his life means more than some sad job then let him rott away with the rest of the cunts
>my grandfather's family existed in poland before, but not after, the war.
>so the holocaust probably happened.
You do know that hundreds of thousands of jews (and millions of people of every ethnicity) were surely killed during the war either by bombings or by deportations with inadequate supplies or by hunger or by typhus and cholera, right?
Even if your entire family died during the war, that would not do anything to prove the holocaust story of millions of people gassed in gas chambers disguised as showers and then cremated, leaving no trace whatsoever (not even the ashes).
Even if just 5 million jews were gassed and cremated (and the remaining million was just shot), we're talking about 5 million corpses reduced to ashes.
Considering that each human body produces an average of 2.5 kg of ashes when cremated, we have around 12,500 tons of ashes unaccounted for.
>He will know, by the end, that I was right.
Is your bff named Joseph?
with my life u based sweden cuck get a hold of ur country n ur women before some nigger slam the door n rapes ur wife and daughter while u jerk off to it
This is the thing I don't get about London. I mean it's got to the point where these "young professions", which is the most pretentious thing in da yoof job market atm, are barely saving any money, if at all. The living costs are so high that wages barely cover it. So it's just a crap life in London.
If they went to other cities in the UK, where there are some jobs, they'd have a whole flat to themselves instead of being squashed with numerous people, and they'd have fuck loads of disposable income despite being paid less.
London is just a con at this point, I don't get why people keep falling for it. You don't even really meet friends there, just twats who hang out with you for your status and because it makes them feel a bit more important.
These fucking millennials man.
But never enforce your opinion on others.You'll look radical,and people will dislike you.
Just state your opinion in a very calm manner,make a suggestion of what you think would be the best way to deal with situation,and leave it.
Literally everyone I know is redpilled.
He does look a little like Goebbels desu. Well, more like Snape. I don't look like Hitler though, otherwise I would have decided to try and earn money as an impersonator.
Of course I do. What kind of fucking cuck hides who they really are? What the fuck OP
>Literally everyone I know is redpilled.
Pretty much in the same boat, I rarely talk about politics, but I don't think I've meet anyone who disagreed with me unless he was a commie shitcunt.
You're in Croatia. Who the fuck is being politically correct in Croatia?
You should try our lot. You have a better just of finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow than finding a seriously red pilled individual who knows their shit.
I've voiced my support for Trump several times. Some people agree, one ugly fat dyke hates me for it, and most don't give a shit.
Croats know how it goes. I just wish I could reach more people, you kind of just have to politely deprogram them from a lot of bullshit and usually you'll be pleasantly surprised by how quick they start picking up on other nonsense they've come to accept.
What does he do for a living that so worth risking his life for by living in That rat infested shithole
I'm a Trump supporting Libertarian, so my views aren't as right-wing as a lot of Sup Forums, but I (and most other people IRL really) feel discussing politics openly is a huge faux pas. That's why you tend to see the most insufferable and immature kinds of people at protests, wearing political T-shirts, posting political memes on FB, and having political bumper stickers on their car.
I'll discuss politics with friends and family that I know somewhat share my views. Never with strangers or friends I don't know well or that I fundamentally disagree with (I've got a lot of Bernie supporting friends), because that's not constructive to me. Real life "political debates" tend to turn into pointless arguments. Despite how "open minded" most people claim to be, they've already decided for themselves what they agree with, and that seems to be especially true for people who publicly declare their views.
If politics are discussed around me by people I don't know well, I just take the role of listener and decide for myself whether to take it or leave it; agree with them on points that I also agree with, ask them questions on points I disagree with.
The way I see it, my political views are between myself and the voting booth. I think that an individual's views on society and politics should influence the way the individual make choices in their own personal lives, but not in the way they personally interact with others.
All your savings are going to be wiped out, better to spend it now before it becomes toilet paper.
>letting every ethnic group have a country of it's own
thank you, Schlomo, that's all everyone should ask for.
And I even go further: there can be multicultural countries, free cities, merchant nations, if this is truly what the people living there want.
But if some people just want to live on the land of their ancestors peacefully then they should have the right to do so.
I would have been one of Hitler's top soldiers.
So you pretend to be a retard to cover up for being a retard? Truly the German is master of subterfuge.
You should have assasinated churchill
Wow, stay safe maties.
I hope the UK won't fall too soon. You're the only moderately eusceptic big western nation at this point. The continental core has completely fallen to the Evil.
Seriously all he is is a fucking consultant/manager whatever for some tech company that does "customer engagement". The jist is the company helps other companies listen to and engage with their customers.
So helps them shill better or something.
Yes, fuck what other people think.
If you can't stand for your opinions irl, you're a fucking beta cuck and you should rope yourself.
If you can't even red pill your friends and family then you're not really red pilled.
Also if you have friends you're not really red pilled
nah, I just do my job and go home.
Always. I don't care if being called out by leftist traitors. I don't care if I get fired. I don't care if they'd arrest me.
Never apologize. Never bow down. Let them scream at you. Always laugh right into their disgusting faces.
how can you gas kikes from your basement?
No, its all satire. When i say," 1488 gas the kikes", its just a metaphor for the suffering peoplea of the world....
Of course i have the same beliefs...down with democracy and judaism!! Christ is king and Heil Hitler.
truth hurts
Well I don't have friends anymore, not really. And this was back in 2012, when I was first reading into it all. I didn't even go on Sup Forums until about 2013/14.
UK is probably fucked at this point. Fight well Hungary.
And thats worth living in a dump just waiting for day some raghead bursts in and goes all snackbar
Apparently so. It's not even a job he's passionate about. He's just there because that's where he feels like a big deal. His life. I probably won't be too torn up if he gets killed by a bunch of sand people.
>be me
>be traditionalist Catholic
>be friends with traditionalist Catholics
Why don't you try meeting some nice people at Church, user? Why don't you stand against the degeneracy of the West with your brothers and sisters?
Leftys are weak as fuck senpai. Even in large numbers a few good haymakers will keep you safe.
Yeah Im pretty open.
I don't really have a chance to do it. People here aren't interested with someone's political views.
"Don't be a loser" lol
Its more like don't be a selfish or unlikeable person
People are very tolerant and accepting when you show patience, understanding, empathy, etc
If you just try to give a fuck about the people around you while not being a cuck about it, you will get peoples respect
Lefties don't need to do that anymore. They go all zerg on the internet and ruin your life instead.
Yes, but my opinions aren't that unusual or strange.