What would you do?

Sup Forums
What would you do in a scenario like pic related?

You're supporting your candidate, minding your own bussiness and a faggot manlet comes and hits you with a bag in the back of the head

huh, really makes you think..

Why are trump let's so faggy? Lmao, they're pathetic.

I think the most prudent thing would be what that guy did but I couldn't due my temperament

I would take a heavy punch to his fucking face and fucking choke him

If I'm sued it's worth the pleasure

I'd pack a fucking gun

Not much you can do after someone rings your fucking bell from out of nowhere. Situational awareness, or just staying home can prevent this shit.

A gun wouldn't have helped.

Draw my legal carry weapon and shoot them until they stop attacking

You don't think people would back off if they saw a gun?
Or would they become extra retarded and try to force you to use it thus causing a panic

I want to think of better ways to retaliate without making waves

Maybe something like luring protesters into the police

what's this?

I'd tackle the piece of shit to the ground, whale on his face, and choke him right out. Nothing gets me more ass blasted than seeing these guys take the beatings.

>You don't think people would back off if they saw a gun?

Ask the guys from /k/ that were forced to shoot BLM thugs in self defense

I know that I would want to act immediately as well but you have to consider that this guy was probably in shock. People have been stabbed and shot before and gone on for minutes before realizing they are even hurt. It probably took him a few seconds to register what had happened and then he was probably in shock for a few minutes from the surprise attack, and by that time of course the coward attacker feared reprisal and sprinted away.

I ventilate the poor sod, that attacks me from behind with a blow to my head, right on the spot. With no remorse. I had a friend get brained in a bar fight, one suckerpunch and his skull caved in other guy got off on manslaughter. Blows to the head are not a joke and shouldn't be treated like one.

>You don't think people would back off if they saw a gun?

Nope. Unless you pull it and open fire immediately, you're as good as dead. If you're willingly going some place where you feel you need a gun, then you shouldn't be going in the first place.

t. CCW holder for 20 years

Curl up in the fetal position and cry for mommy and mercy. I'm pretty tough guy on the internet otherwise.

Repeating digits confirm this as the only true answer in the thread.

walk away. this guy is in a liberal city. the police are likely protecting the rioters, not you.

People are fucking stupid and in a group, even dumber. They no longer think for themselves.

If someone, someone that's already provoking the cops, throwing bottles at people, and violently attacking people in the street, if that someone sees you have a gun, they will only provoke you further.

Pulling a gun on a rioter and not using it shows them that you aren't going to use it, you effectively give them all the power.

I chase him down, tackle him, hold onto him tightly and bite him in the face until I go unconscious from being kicked by the surrounding people.

I would have shot him because I live in Texas and not faggot California.

this is the only answer

take teh one guy out QUICKLY

>trump let's
eat a dick, potato nigger