Japan’s Debt Burden Is Quietly Falling the Most in the World
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Good job, Abe.
One of the most brilliant fiscal play's of this century. If capital is this cheap, might as well use it to purge debt.
Japan truly is one of the few countries untainted by the Jew.
Few? The whole of Asia (bar Israel) is untainted by Jews.
That wont fix their huge demographic problems. The fact that all of Sup Forums's Japanese posters are foreigners in Japan is a testament to this.
I always knew Abenomics would work in the long run
or maybe because most Japs don't speak English and have 2ch so they don't need to come here
Can't tell if retarded. The real japanese are posting on 2ch or 2chan aka: real Sup Forums.
But only the Japs are honorary aryans.
>implying Japan isn't saturated with English teachers
And they did it without importing millions of third-world violent scumbags.
The central bank of Japan has continued to buy national debt.
The bank has 33% of national debt now. Japan government doesn't need to pay money to the bank substantially.
Don't worry, cumskins. We'll get to the nips.
The day when Jews can rule all races with impunity is inevitable. Get used to it.
Fucking hell mate go easy on the harsh language.
TFW you're a north Indian and AN ACTUAL Aryan.
TFW the term "Aryan" is from Sanskrit for "Arya" = noble people.
TFW some greasy Jap is regarded as an Aryan
This can only mean good things later, I hope.
That name sounds familiar. Who is he again?
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I'm getting outta here.
Automation fixes demographic problems just fine for now.
You still pay interest to the BoJ. It's just that almost all BoJ profits go back to the treasury :)
>immortality, strong AI and mass automatization are all going to likely happen this century
>demographic problems
"Orya" is from proto Finno-Ugric.
It means slave.
>implying the Japanese care to post on whitu piggu 2ch knockoff instead of the original board which we're imitating
this is literally just japan decreasing the bond availability. a quick review of whats been going on broad stroke wise. europe hyped this notion of a bear bond market it spread to america every one tried to buy a shit ton of bonds but japan had already got into a argument with the imf over their last payout
the brits want to be the number 3 global economy and tried to force japan to pay way more than the interest rates dictated on short term bonds no less it wasnt even 10 year notes
so when the flood happened they had already cut availability really low for the sake of stabilizing their debt to growth ratio so their currency wouldnt tank when the next pay outs on 2 year happen
the only reason japan had such a big bond market was to keep the currency value lower than the dollar and americans cant even bitch because the international community benefits from the japanese bond market as well
it circulated some wealth that would have pooled in japan for a couple of decades but the situation for the past few years doesnt require it
麻生太郎 Taro Aso was a prime minister before.
Pajeet pls.
Typical Slavic nonsense.
Arya = Noble in Sanskrit = Aryan.
Italian mixed with Moor blood, pls.
Also 内閣府特命担当大臣... Fucking christ, Japan.
K thx just checking wiki rn. He is deputy to 安倍晋三 rn. Interesting.
>More QE
Yeah, the most brilliant idea ever. Bloomberg is basically telling us to print more dollars and devalue our currency.
ctrl+shift+f3 my dude
sorry, he meant third world cunts
Poo in loo
Good job, Japan-kun.
But their GDP per capita is consistently rising. Their population is falling to a stable level, as it would be in all developed nations if our governments didnt keep topping us up with barbarians. In the long run this is good for them
Only thing I can't read is after t. So what's that katagana says
Funny you should mention slavs, since by their own accounts it means something along the lines of glorious/famous/noble...
Basically, your excuse is neither new or unique.
Slaves you were once and painting your chains gold changes nothing, ori.
t. dravida shitskin
The idea of Aryans invading India has been debunked a long time ago.
It was never real science to begin with, just an excuse for whites to justify their colonization of the sub-continent.
Are you retarded? The percentage of their population which is non Japanese is fucking tiny. As soon as you're out of a city you basicly don't see anyone other than japanese. It's pretty weird in a good way.
Why the gov needs to borrow money ? Can t they print a certain amount without going into inflation( and end up like zimbawe) ? I never understood this , people say " muh inflation if the gov prints FREE "
Aryan invasion was debunked.
Aryan migration is the consensus.
B-but I thought we needed immigration to support our economy!
Where does the central bank get the money to buy privately owned bonds?
The shitskin of Europe.
Okay then, whatever you say!
>Aryan migration is the consensus.
Maybe among poo-in-loos.
Not among civilized people.
So does this mean Abenomics works?
murder yourself jew
>untained by the jew
oh man
ask any real singaporean he will tell you how jew fucked singapore is
This is how you do it Germany. Not by importing 1 million "refugees" and then paying 50 billion Euros for it.
I bet you're a goddamn fucking Jew. Pushing your Jewish agenda.
The white race stretched from The Atlantic coast all the way to China only a thousand years back.
The humour lies within the fact that only the European whites actually achieved civilization while the rest were (and still are- just look at Afghanis) crazy cousin fucking tribal niggers. The "wild whites" are still as wild as ever in the few pockets where they survived the great migration.
>麻生太郎 Taro Aso was a prime minister before.
The rozen maiden guy?
Needs to be more diversity and race mixing, huh Ahkbar?
That is what the US is doing and the Eurozone is doing.
I hope Mario Draghi continues the massive QE in the Eurozone and buys up more and more debt of Eurozone states. If it holds say 10 trillion Euro in Eurozone state debt, then this shit can just be cancelled and most of the Eurozone countries are basically debt free as a result.
Monetising the debit isn't an admirable solution.
Abenomics = Quantitative Easing
The government is basically printing money to no end and this is what our governments have been doing for last 20 years.
t. eternal anglo
This is why I love you little spurdos.
Love you too, big bro.
If you are not the US, you are in trade deficit, and you have a government with strong discipline then devaluation is the least harmful way to adjust the international competitiveness of an economy.
Internal deflation is very slow because of long running contracts, trying to let the economy adjust that way will result in a lot of very non creative destruction.
The US is a special basket case, because of having the reserve currency and having international military protection/extortion services off the books distorting its numbers.
In Korean
In Japanese
>at the very moment
Thus Korean and Japanese aren't part of Finno-Ugric group
Thank you doctor dingo for finally proving that snowniggers (no relation) and chinky abbos are not related to snowniggers.