What countries really are multicultural/racial?

what countries really are multicultural/racial?

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Aren't Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and Panama like the same thing?

Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, UK, France, Sweden, Germany

All of them

Most sub-Saharan African countries are multicultural/racial. Tanzania for instance has over 50 tribes with different languages from three distinct races; Bantu, Nilotic and Hadza/bushman.

it's just more of the same

>Tanzania for instance has over 50 tribes with different languages from three distinct races;

That's not really a conventional delineation on race though.

You could say the same for Europe or anywhere really but Tanzania is multicultural notheless.

literally all the americas

Thats what you say.
But the same could be held true for europe.
Oldworlders are.. well old. this makes even the variations of "more of the same" quiet remarkable in some way. Some tribe from the other village in africa has as many differences to their neighboors as washington people to floridians id argue even though the distance is far smaller.


UK is not multicultural, it's a forced artificial shit, it will finish in civil war like the rest of europe.

The black man has lived in Britain since the 12 th century

Seriously calling european countries "multicultural" just because diasporas of retarded shitskins lives here since the 80's and the 90's it's a nonsensical shit.

europe isn't a country

you can't really compare Tanzania multi-culturalness with Colombia for example, it's another whole level

>Most sub-Saharan African countries are multicultural/racial.

African diversity is overstated. East differs from west, and San, Pygmies, and possibly Hadza are also distinct.

But the majority of African countries are just Bantu'd lands, whose genetic distances from each other are only slightly greater than in Europe, despite covering an area over 5x larger.


It's not though. Bantu tribes like the Chagga are as different from the Masai (Nilotic) as, say, Cossack Russians are from Irish Gaels. And they live in the same country.


>macaron vs. lel pen

French had it as bad as our prez election.

Every country in America is a product of mestizaje

No it isn't, stop looking at the world as an European settler
Bantu is a linguistic group

You do have a point regarding Bantu'd land. However, there exist significant cultural/linguistic differences between different Bantu tribes within these lands. I'd argue the differences are enough to qualify Bantu countries like Zimbabwe as "multicultural". But that's just my first hand opinion of the region.

are they really counting spanish regions as different ethnicities in spain but not in latin america?

and? what's the point of your reply exactly?
Macron didn't even wins because of Multiculturalism, they were a lot of people who don't even vote, and it was actually the greatest score the FN ever did, for a political party constantly bashed by massmedias.

what are you trying to say exactly?

Not the same guy, but how do you see future of macaron? Tbqh, he just looks like Hollande 2.0 to me. Think he will just fail miserably.

very simple, Macron it's nothing but Status Quo.
this sunday they will be the second turn of legislatives elections, to wins sieges on the national assembly (counterpart of the parliament)
If Macron don't get majority, he will be useless as fucks, with a governement controlled by LR. (Center-Right and Right)

>this post triggered the KANGZ

I heard major media predict macaron getting majority. Still, not sure if he'd be able to do anything. IMO, he posed himself and status quo to begin with and I don't think he really made any detailed/realistic plans for France.

Macron it's an artificial marketing phenomenon pushed by the medias and the banksters.
he won because the press fucked up François Fillon with scandals of corruption.
combined with the regular bashing of Lepen because of her daddy, that dirty red shit of Mélenchon attracting the young retards, and that cuck of Benoit Hamon with absolutly no chances of wins because Hollande killed his party, and the other ones too irrelevant.

like i said, it will be nothing but status quo, with maybe some stuff related to a law about work, EU, or refugees, but nothing of really alarming.

Colombia isn't multicultural.

Considering admixture being adaptor in multiple parts of South and central Africa that's a big factor too

>not multicultural

Bantu is also a genetic group.

remove this fucking shit, i wonder who was the american who did this shit

Kek, we're far less multicultural than our neighbors desu

Perú supports Colombia's new revelation as an Amerindian brother!

Rimaykullayki causachum!

You are multicultural, France and Germany are trying to multicultural with mixed results.

Language does not equal culture. We're a lot more similar to each other than north Germans to south Germans (or old Germans and new "Germans").

Chile, ha, that's fun we don't have a culture

Stop being a bitch and blaming Americans. Social movements have always spread across countries and fit the needs of that specific groups issues.

This. Panama is quite triratial actually.

Malaysia, Singapore, USA

Haplogroups are meme

>fit the needs of that specific groups issues.
they have no issues you stupid fucking leaf, i consume american media all day and i only knew about that because i used to have a tumblr, no one cares about your dumb ass movements

Add Kazakhstan, Cuba, Puerto Rico, India, China, and Portugal

>Switzerland lies at the crossroads of several major European cultures. Three of the continent's major languages, German, French and Italian, are national languages of Switzerland, along with Romansh, spoken by a small minority. Therefore, Swiss culture is characterised by diversity, which is reflected in a wide range of traditional customs.
What did Wikipedia mean by this?

>23% foreigners
Well who can beat that?

Why isn't the US on this list?

Meme desu.
Sure we have different languages, but acting as if it's just like taking a slice of Germany, France and Italy and sticking it together is nonsense as well.

Our foreigners are either relatively integrated or rich. Can you say the same?

These are fake "multiculture".


Multicultural, sure. Multiracial, not really.

You really think Black-Colombians have no issues?

please teach about my country you stupid leaf, i really want to know

Who actually speaks romanch there? Why is it an official language? Was it because of Hitler?
But most important of all

Why do you have to be from a nation to have a say about it. Black -Colombians have their own groups and social movements lol

Blacks have their own groups here too
They are called football teams

Mexico isn't multiracial.

Just because you have 1% of white people and 0,001% menonites, 99% mestizos and native americans it doesn't mean Mexico is multiracial

okay, show me what social groups do they have, please englighten me


>an american sees mexico on ANY map
>spergs out for the 9827836484 time

I'm chicano myself and you need to lie yourself a lot to think Mexico is anything close to multiracial/multicultural

no australia, no france

mexico in blue, any south america countries in blue besides brazil

-USA: Obvious one. It pretty much have every ethnic group in the world.
-Canada: Whites, Asians, Indians.
-Russia: Whites, Asians, Eurasians, and Caucasian people.
-Australia:White, Asians, Abos, Indians.
-NZ: Whites and Polynesians.
-UK and France: Whites, middle eastern people, blacks and indians.
-Pretty much the entire Western Europe and South America counts.

Singapore, America, Canada, United Kingdom and Australia. The only South American country that really looks diverse is Brazil.

South Africa looks diverse too.

I was just in Ecuador and its pretty homogeneous compared to Colombia.

The brunt of the population is either Mestizo or American Indian, with the countryside being almost exclusively indigenous.
India should be on the main list.

I'm white but I lived there for two years. In terms of linguistic, cultural, religious and ethnic diversity, India is a world-class leader.

You can take an overnight bus from New Delhi and be in states that speak Punjabi, Kashmiri, Marathi, or Hindi. Just as the language on signposts change, so does the religion, way of dress, agricultural techniques, and appearance.

>not France

I would add at least India, China and Bolivia

isn't Bolivia pretty much Amerindian?

Yes, but as far as I know it has like 4 different amerindian ethnicities

"Amerindian" is pretty much as general as "white".

I don't know if that puts in the same league as India or China or the United States, though.

Not trying to be a hater - I've traveled Latin America a bit and love what I've seen - but the impression I've gotten is that Bolivia is one of the less diverse countries in the region.


But in the case of Ecuador, which I was referencing, there are a small handful of prevailing tribes.

A lot of people in the Andean portions of the country are Quechua, with there being more Mestizo mixes in Quito and along the coast. There's also a very small African population, which I think amounts to three or four percent of the total.

Nice post.

Fun fact, the majority of black South Africans are diaspora from the Congo, and the original natives were the HotnTots

Mexico (and some, maybe many Latam states) have this whole "we are all Mestizo, this is a Mestizo nation" social meme that is widely propagated so cultures/peoples that don't fit that are considered exceptions from the Mestizo mass for what can be construed as "good or for worse".

-Some maybe fawned over look and socially be considered the ideal and plastered over media over represented in said media and even treated better due to the masses self-image issues or subconscious beliefs manifested in action .
-others are considered to not exist or aren't really considered "part of the nation/nation's image"
-some have faced discrimination in some way etc

Because it is a native Romance language that is spoken in certain Cantons. There is nothing wrong with preserving local treasures.

>I'm chicano myself
Oh, I see you are an expert. Pardon me.

>Fun fact, the majority of black South Africans are diaspora from the Congo, and the original natives were the HotnTots

Where do you get your fucking info from lol?

Is that why the burrito shop lady looks like my German grandmother despite being Mexican? Yeah, fuck off. There's a reason they play trumpets and accordians in one half of Mexico, and guitars and maracas in the other

There are a bunch of random pockets of European diaspora including the "ghost rape" mennonite community

Do you think that woman isn't culturally Mexican even if she is stark white?

UK is only multicultural in its major cities. The rest homogenous


>culturally Mexican
And that means?

99% of Mexico look like this. Almost no whites, blacks or asians. Mexico is a very homogeneous country.


She is, my point was that Mexico isn't racially and culturally homogenous, just because some ChicANO thinks he knows everyone from Mexico. As far as your rhetorical question, it's a bit like me saying "why isn't this Inuit culturally Canadian?" Canadian is not a culture, just like Mexican and American.

You link is a complete non-sequitor. I did not ask for South Africas Permanent residency numbers you idiot which I don' know why you would bring up.

At no point in that article does it state that the majority of black South Africans are diaspora from Congo.

The article is breaking down the nationalities of immigrants. It doesn't discuss the numbers of immigrants relative to citizens, so I have no idea how you arrived at the conclusion you did.

>an american sees mexico on ANY map
>spergs out for the 9827836485 time
Please continue telling me about my country, not yours, mine

They look like Guatamalans to me.

It was something I read a long time ago, but I can't find the source.

They could be Argentinians too. How do you know the difference?

It's pretty much mestizos all around barring like Indians who are a non-factor and whites who are 10% of the pop but culturally assimilated into Mexican mestizo mainstream society.

This is probably what he meant, Congoids pushed the Capoids into the Kalahari

People who have absolutely no idea about my country should just stay quiet.

Correct me then. Mexico like America is multiracial but Multicultural it is not.

Mexico is not even close to multiracial. Why do you lie to yourselves a lot?

What do you want to know? And before you mention it, pictured represent a fraction (there should be around 68 different picture) of about 25 million people living here. Not to mention that "mestizo" isn't an homogeneous mixture in itself. At all.
See this again, and if you have doubts, ask any question 400 pictures, no less, showing Mexico in a lot of facets. Not all of them, by far, but you get the idea.

google image Guatamalan, and then google image Argentine people, then report back