Hi btards

Hi btards

How are all of you?


no homo but you are adorable

I'm a girl

then you're fucking gay




Kind of sleepy and lonely, yourself?

this is more like tumblr shit

jus sayin :)
i'm kinda down. the corporation that owns my company is closing us down. other than that i'm gravy and find you super attractive.

It's Sup Forums shit, cause it's on Sup Forums dipship

Tits or GTFO

moar pics at the very least, please

>Posts selfie with tongue out.
>What is this supposed to imply?
>Thinking you are as one.


super cute

Here's me from a few years ago.

Can you show some more current pics? I like

I don't see tits. You're not doing very well here.

>all of Sup Forums says things like this
>all of Sup Forums wonders why they dont have gfs


Bump for tits.

This girl is cute. Hope she gets em out!