Why does Sup Forums hate women so much? Give actual reasons
Why does Sup Forums hate women so much? Give actual reasons
Because they expect to get laid with 10/10s despite all their flaws and get mad when that's not happening.
Because they're bad people
Name one thing Sup Forums doesn't hate
Same reason we hate blacks. Their jellies and mouth off
Welcome, newfag
Men are the superior species.
everyone on Sup Forums is a 15 year old incel
Because of bad influence with women, sometimes it's their own fault for acting like a retard and having idiotic expections, sometimes it's just bad luck because they met with a shitty woman. In any case, once burned, twice shy.
they're the niggers of gender
They smell bad
I don't.
I fucking love women because I've slept with loads of them.
It seems the more sex/attention men get from women, the less they hate them.
Here it's 99% virgins that hate women because the women don't want them, and the other 1% are just trying to be edgy and look cool online.
Sup Forums don't hate women
the hate is directed towards feminist and sjw panderers.
I had sex heh heh
Sup Forums hates everything, woman just get offended the most
Sup Forums hates everyone and everything. You just notice Sup Forums hating women the most
they don't want my bepis
/r9k/ fags do
How about this...how can you respect a person who hides her insecurities behind a layer of toxic clown make-up on daily basis?
So you hate women because they’re insecure and wear make up? What about the ones who dont
Sup Forums hates everything
That said, women tend to be the main focal point and mostly idolized if anything.
Only a woman would think Sup Forums hated then in particular - posts your tits with a time stamp and watch the hoarded come to you
sage goes in all fields. 1 & 2, newfags.
I have a dick
Casual racism
tbh I dont fucking care about women here is everyone a user.
You will get hate if you start a thread with "fem user here ..." because why the fuck do we need to know you are a women if not only for attention reasons.
in cases like that there is a simple rule
tits or gtfo
its not like we never saw internet tits its just about a statement.
I based my answer on the majority not on individuals and as a majority the female humanoid tends to act like a mentally challenged child who insists of hiding behind a mask to appease to the world. And while doing so they willfully support a product that is toxic to their skin, a industry that sells snake-oil to mentally unstable people and a death-toll that goes into the hundreds of millions (if not billions) of animals that got and still get tortured to death so that a woman can feel like a woman.
indeed user, indeed.
> non insecure women
Are you from Mars?
woman can be morally broken with almost nothing of worth in world. They'll leave you asap when she finds anything more intresting in her little world like free drugs and money for sex.
Woman also are genocidfashists they continue what other woman have started not in a relationship but there too, what i mean is they continue to be stupid all the time.
Find a woman who pays the cost of lifelyhood for a man, it's not possible only if the woman is fat and well over 50 years old. As a man you can even finance a fucking 16 years old with almost nothing and let it seem like it is alot
woman should fuck more little boys but as soon they start talking with eachother about it to be placed in jail because of homosexual men who want to fuck little boys needed to be held under control
all woman need a radio emitter inside their throat not males only
fucking lol a literal white knight
no one hates lolis
Because women are petty, manipulative and have terrible self-awareness. At first women change to appease men, then when they finally "get" a man - then they spend the remainder of the relationship trying to change him into something that he isn't. Then when he finally dumps her for doing exactly that she cries "what did I do?" "why did you leave me!?!?". Then she goes and gets another man and does the same exact thing.
In short: Disney and white knights
I hate everyone equally, as edgy as it sounds.
Diff user..
you know what MGTOW means.. its literally the opposite
wtf wrong my bad, somehow my computer tagged the wrong comment. well i did i just dont remember clicking on a comment i didnt want to reply too.
i need a new pc.
Anyway ill give my two cents after my autism
They lie, All they want is status and money, they are willing to jeopardize basic moral principles for social image, They are willing to shame and blame other people for tyheir own emotion unstability and lack of responsability to be responsable and accountable for their own action.
They us the law to keep children away from there parents. There for are responsible for the upbringing of futuregenerations and thats working out well isnt it.
lowest iq recorded and dropping at unprecedented rates.
more women gettin into power, margret thatcher RUINED the UK. germany going down, Theresa is a EU 2faced cuck with no spine.
Women are responsible for 79 percent of divorce, women since the greek times have been recorded to be materialistic and happy.
Most unmoral and foul MALE behviour is because of a women.
im bored i can carry on all day
We are the generations of people who have seen what our mothers have done to our fathers. The man is infantalized by TV and movies to make room for the strong scolding women. Our mothers are those children of women's lives, beating down our fathers in a cloak and dagger fashion, controlling every aspect of life. There is no team in relationships, we see lowly men, we see our fathers and ourselves scrambling like followers of an angry god to appease said angry god
they cut off their nose to spite their face and then complain about not having a nose and how they're still pissed at their face.