One Woman's Amazing Sex-Filled Journey to Recovery

>Around the world in 80 lays: Traveller who bonked her way out of heartbreak after split with long-term boyfriend

Look At this hepcats! This woman overcame a horrible life ruining breakup by traveling around the world and having sex with every man she was mildly attracted to. Here are some choice quotes!

>Despite our semi-naked antics he refused to have sex saying: “No thanks. French girls don’t do that.”

>Straddling him, I said: “I want you to f*** me hard like I am your whore, OK? F*** me and don’t stop.”

>Then there was “Big D” — so-called because he was endowed with the largest, unruliest exhaust-pipe of a thing I’d ever encountered.

>Another was a 19-year-old father of one who I had sex with every night for a month. I treated him like dirt — and when I ended it he chased me down his road in his pyjamas to tell me he loved me.

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reading hold on

Here's guy number 80.

Of course she's from the UK, god fucking damn it.

>british women

pic not related I hope

That is considered a 8/10 in britain.


>New Zealand talking about British women being ugly

what a fine specimen, who would reject this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

checked and kekd

Yeah. Come get your girl mate. She's bladdered and in shambles.

Hoes gonna hoe.

She aint a beauty, either.

Kiwi girls are great compared to bongland cattle.

what a fucking troll

also shes acting like shes "pulling" dudes when most guys in bars will fuck even a troll like her is she walked up and said she wanted to bang.

She was having so much sex, she had to do waitress gigs to afford birth control.

I know plenty of attractive women here, so why does every fucking news report hsve to feature some british hambeast or rugmuncher or chav. The media is supporting the stereotype. FeelsBadMan

>woman makes horrible emotional choices
I'm absolutely stunned

Also her ex has probably devoted his life to god in gratitude of dodging that bullet

They're literally the same people

No man wants a woman who is a slut.

Because sluts cannot pairbond.

Pic related (ignore the redhead thing).

>5 or more and she's a whore.

>5 or more and she's a whore.


5 years later
>Where have all the good men gone?

hes just used to a different type of women

Is she making a face in these photos or is she just that fucking weird looking?

She looks like that dog who sits with this shit eating grin on his face when his owner gets home.

her long-term boyfriend made an incredibly good decision by breaking up with her.

he's lucky he didn't end up marrying the skank.

I'm in londonstan and we just kekd

Of course she's a whore, an ugly feminist whore, but what else do you expect from british "women"?

>Dear Nice Guy, I Wasn’t Ready For You Before — But I Am Now

>I don’t know you yet but I’m so ready to date you. Seriously, I am. For a long time, I dated bad boys. Yes, I was that girl you blame for always coming in last. I guess I dated bad boys because, somehow, I liked their unavailability, sexy sideways glances, and late-night calls. I fed off the chase and mystery they provided me. I saw them as a challenge that I always happily accepted. Let me tell you, I’ve dated so many jerks throughout the years. A lot of times, I ended up being disappointed with how it ended with them, and wondered why I always had such blind optimism about these guys I clearly knew were jerks to begin with.

>But to be honest, I don’t regret any of it now.

>With all that being said, I’m ready to date a Nice Guy. I’ve learned all the lessons I need to learn from bad boys.

>ignore the redhead thing
No, those bitches be extra crazy.

The vast, vast majority of British women are shit-tier, with a very few stand-out qt3.14s.

I now only date non-British women and have done for over 10 years, once you make that decision its like an instant +3 in terms of looks for the women you consider dating. Currently doing a Japanese student.

"ooooh user san" she whimpers during sex.

Exactly! Will she lie to Trevor-the-Engineer about all the cock she has sucked and all of the dicks in her holes?

Will Trevor be smart enough to care?

Some Explanation:

1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually ditched Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. No bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship.

Damn, Jews really did kill western women.

Here's a chick from America.

haha for real holy shit this woman is a fucking psyco
i think she got kicked in the face by a mule as a kid. her nose is so fucked it hurts to look at her pics

are you done?

Hmm, have had all of them except 8 because gamer girls don't exist and 10 because I'm not an idiot.


>don't talk to me or my son ever again

This is exactly why I act like a douche bag to everyone. Nice guys usually end up with a woman who fucked 50 dudes and already has children.


You mean gangbangs?

Fucking whores die

>daily reminder if your girl ain't a virgin it ain't your girl and it's always going to remember the first kiss

Women are not men.

Attractive women can attract attention without resorting to media stunts.

Lost to Nostalgia.


Is he standing in her vagina?

That chick is only 30? Jesus Christ.

I don't get it.

>I then landed a stint in America doing writing workshops for Eastern Michigan University in high schools in Detroit.

>That’s when I fell for 18-year-old Chad, who I liked to take control of in the bedroom.

Western women are lovely.

>She's bladdered and in shambles.

Women who take it up the ass a lot will end up wearing lady diapers by the age of 40.

And all of the internal vag / bladder infections that get cleared up are bad enough but think about the ones that don't get diagnosed.

>I then landed a stint in America doing writing workshops for Eastern Michigan University in high schools in Detroit.



I bet the name was really Jamal and she changed it.

Her poor pussy must be a petri dish of nasty and ruination.

The worst part is that some poor beta chump is gonna end up marrying this walking STD

>You mean gangbangs?

I lived with a woman one time. STEM woman, quiet.

She eventually opened up to me that she had had dozens of lovers.

Gangbangs. Group sex with many men and women in one house, swapping off all night.

I had to wait 2 weeks, but she had fucked guys she had known for 15 minutes.

Never marry a woman without knowing her very well, anons.


>cor' blimey

>I felt like an emotionally detached and liberated woman.
Emotional detachment sure sounds like liberation.

>That’s when I fell for 18-year-old Chad, who I liked to take control of in the bedroom.

Yeah, she burned the coal. EMU is in Ypsilanti... literally full of niggers and nigger-tier white trash. Most people avoid going to that school when you have MSU,WMU,UofM,CMU,NMU etc etc instead...


From OPs link:

>I COULD not go to the pub, a party or a work event without looking at a man and saying to myself: “That one will be next.”

>There always had to be somebody to take home, a conquest.

Wow. Just wow.

Also, pic related is proof that any woman can get sex just by spreading her legs.

Because men want sex without having to commit to the same pussy forever.

So how a woman looks is almost immaterial. Because she is a pump and dump anyway.

There's going to be some beta-low-test-loser willing to accept this degenerate

Also - the reason she waited 2 weeks before she fucked me?

>I thought we might get married one day.

On the bright side, since she was out of the country she didn't get a chance to get groomed by Muslim gangs in England.

Will he ever know the truth about the cocks that have reamed out her pussy, etc?

Wow, a woman had sex. What an achievement.

>it's another easily manipulated woman who thinks casual sex is liberating episode.

I wonder if she's feeling crushed by the emptiness in her soul, now that she's found out that no number of anonymous cocks will fulfill her need to be loved.

Dub trips exploded my diaphragm!

Lots of whores in the UK, I guess?

>it happened in my head
>it's real

fucking kike.

If we had 10% women like this, I think all the prostitutes would go on strike and demand that non-prostitutes stop putting out for free, because it is lowing prices and killing the business.

>There always had to be somebody to take home, a conquest.
>a conquest

>mfw women pretend that getting cock is an achievement.

Most of them above the age of about 14.

Yes, just like the US

Can you see The pic in OP?
Just seeing it has irrevocably damaged my penis

This creature is what is considered attractive in the UK? Damn, no wonder the muzzies are taking your country over. Your bloodlines are fucked.

>I planned my next liaison via the internet — an obvious choice now, but unchartered territory for a booty call back in 2009.

What? Is she talking about herself, or is she unaware of the fact that people have been fucking people they've met online for decades now?

This is Joanna Dennehy, one of Great Britain's most notorious serial killers in recent years.

This fine specimen was considered so beautiful and charming, that she seduced three men, before killing them, and then seduced two others to join her as accomplices.

Truly the epitome of British women. Absolutely stunning.

>the muzzies are taking your country over.
Let us point and laugh at this fucking dipshit. No, retard, muslims are not a threat to anyone in power in this country.

>pretending Muzzies aren't ruining your country

Hello, Abdul.

You're in huge denial m8

Morons, how are stupid inbred muslims a threat to the people who have control over the world's resources and the means by which people organise?

It seems like women lose their shit if they dont have a kid by 30, wonder why that is.

Dumb ugly cunt.

Is it degenerate to fuck many dumb cunts as a male? I want to find me a decent qt but in the mean time, shouldn't I fuck as many sluts I can? Many older and married men I've met on hunting trips etc suggest it.

Londonistan has a Muslim mayor. How much longer till you guys have a sandnigger for a prime minister?


>London mayor having power
>prime minister having power
The government has little control over the country. All it can do is maintain the infrastructure used by our invisible elites to push their own agenda

Nasty looking.

Also, this woman is only 30 years old?

How does she look so old but only be 30?

Does she smoke?

And the agenda appears to be turning the United Kingdom into the United Kaliphate.

Simple, they'll just out breed you and instill their own government till the point where you have no one left to stand up to the shit skins. Already happening.

>How does she look so old but only be 30?
>Does she smoke


Nah, if anything, the agenda is to pit the west against islam.
>install their own government
Not happening
>implying big business can be tamed by a bunch of middle eastern inbreds

>I ended up marrying a very good man, a virgin..

Poor loser, wonder how often he lies awake at night pondering the variety of dicks his wife has been on in stark contrast to the pussy he's never had.

>My sexual exploits didn’t stop there. When I got back from the US, there were a lot of men in quick succession.

>Back in Derby, and during some teaching over the summer in Italy, I threw myself into promiscuity — partly out of shame and partly because it felt good, reassuring to remember I could be in control.

>My next stop was back in Italy and more men.

I'm pretty sure we've been pitted against Islam since the Crusades.

The current system we have breeds passivity in the general population but you perceive Muslims to be strong enough to overthrow it all?

>Even this fucking goblin can fuck as many men as she so pleases
Male privilege my fucking bollocks.

It's not impossible.

is the nile really pronounced the same as denial ?

That is correct, Abdul, but Muslims are downright retarded.

woman """"logic"""" for you

>Sex, Second Chances, and Figuring Out Who the Hell I Am by Laura Jane Williams
>Figuring Out Who the Hell I Am
>Figuring Out I Am

I fucking hate that sentence so goddamn much, along with
>I wanna find myself

>Another was a 19-year-old father of one who I had sex with every night for a month. I treated him like dirt — and when I ended it he chased me down his road in his pyjamas to tell me he loved me.
Why would you do this to a guy?

based trips
>shes some fuck ugly skank and the article reads like a tumblr fanfic

>19-year-old father of one
He was probably degenerate as well.

If you say it fast with an American accent, yes.