How fucking retarded are the Americans that defend their second amendment

How fucking retarded are the Americans that defend their second amendment

how much of them are in chicago? HM you obama lover

get the comparison chart of murders without guns your faggot

Don’t have to defend it. It’s the law.

>violent gun deaths

80% happens between gangs, normal people have zero reason to care when they shoot each other up.

It's only a problem when you yourself are affected.

And yet we must build a wall to keep out 'miring hordes.

Really makes ya think.

Redneck logic xD

you mean the mexican cartel and MS13 and criminals not to mention all the douches going to mexico from other countries trying to hop the boreder

You mean the cartels that America armed/continues to arm?

americans arent arming them you douche its the CIA/FBI

0%. Are YOU retarded, OP?

That’s an odd way to pronounce “strict constructionist”, or has the semen risen from your rectum, coiled through your colon, departed from your duodenum, sallied forth from your stomach, escaped from your esophagus, and surged through your sinuses into the damp diseased detritus that passes for your brain?

fucking lol if you think those nations have accurate reporting of crimes

The absolute state of eurocuckistan. is right, also they include suicides in those statistics which is total bullshit

I mean, america has a gun problem but....


Ohhh you see how hard he pressed those periods? You can actually see how patriotic he felt typing this

stay mad kid

These graphs account for suicide.
That said, death by suicide increases in number with the increase in guns, it's well studied. Turns out if you try to kill yourself a different way and fail you stand better odds than someone that shoots themself.

So not only do do guns increase the amount of people dying by suicide (which, based on trump saying we need to address mental health, thereby a clear way to do it is eliminate the plethora of guns) but they also help show how America *is* in fact, a total shithole

Patriotism has nothing to do with it jizz jockey. Though born there I fucked off from there a long time ago. That notwithstanding, if you want to get rid of firearms you have to amend the contstitution. Until you can, go get a pineapple, core out the center, shove all your ‘guns are bad and stupid’ faggotry into the void, and violently twist the whole package past your sphicter to where it tickles your transverse colon.

Hahaha, no. Other countries have gun problems. Hell, some of them don't even allow their citizens to carry any guns at all. What the fuck they gonna do when the muzzies invade or they finally realize how much freedom the SJWs have taken? Oh, that's right, they'll take a step back and let them continue to destroy their societies.

Charge your phone manlet

Or, you know, you could not fucking touch my guns and actually address the issue you just mentioned. Or not, it's not my fucking business if someone wants to become an hero.

Did you know that there is a positive correlation of being racist and have lower intelligence

i mean thats not a gun problem thats muslims being a problem which is not ok to talk about for some reason


Nah you don't deserve your guns. No civilian deserves guns. The government should outlaw the sale of all gun parts and rifles outside of a select few for hunting and instil a gun buy back program. You shouldn't have them because there's a 99% chance you're 16 and aren't able to be mature enough for one.

> a clear way to address the country's mental health problems is to take away people's guns
please shoot yourself in the nutsack

That's neither relevant nor true.

sure kid

Get rid of niggers, then

Wow. You’re actually changed the way I think. Before I thought the only people who used the word “mature” were pre-pubescents and third grade teachers. But after reading your little rant I’ll have to add: “mincing closeted regency homosexuals”.

It's not a gun issue. It's a mental health/media issue. Nearly all these shooters are on some fucked up anti-depressants that turn you into an anti-social violent weirdo, and then the media glorifies their crimes by plastering their face everywhere and making them a household name. Nobodies knows this because big pharma are in bed with the corporate media (funding, ads etc). Do you people not find it even slightly suspicious that almost every one of these killers was taking these pills which have warnings about violent and anti-social behaviour? it just gets ignored, and now I've told you why.

Obviously it's true that gun related crime would go down if you "banned" guns, but that wouldn't fix the majority of it, due to gangs and criminals. Oh and violent crime goes way up when you take away firearms, like in the UK and Europe with all these truck and knife terrorist attacks. People can no longer defend themselves properly. Of course that also has to do with racial demographics but cucked leftists won't even go near that subject.

So ya anyone saying it's a gun issue is a good little agreeable moron that believes what the corporate media and establishment want him to believe.

You sound like a highschooler too though. Or are you just a retarded virgin manchild?

this is the most relevant post and its been largely ignored to argue with trolls

>Implying CIA/FBI aren't Americans