Nigger who took up boxing cause he probably had no marketable skill in life

Nigger who took up boxing cause he probably had no marketable skill in life.

Seen as this intellectual speaker when he just sounds like a nigger talking smack in the bar.

Becomes a muslim even though he has no real knowledge of Islam's past and it's history of slave ownership which far surpassed that of whites.

Refused to help his country fight a communist regime that would go on to oppress its people in poverty to this day. white men went niggers went who cares special snowflake.

Just a stuck up asshole in general who made people reporters feel like shit for no reason

started the niggerish trend of trash talking in the white man's game of boxing

you cant deny this
absolutely degenerate/10

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he's a product, a commodity marketed by the kikes.
most the world buys it.

Indonesia is muslim right? what do you guys think of him?

How do you explain all his charity work though? He can't have been that bad.


People have good and bad aspects to them.

But of course, everyone will simplify the matter because there's no room for nuance in this age.

Youre in the minority on this one, pal. Ppl love muhammad ali

if you make a lot of money from punching people

you should give some of it away

>you can't name a bigger alpha than prime ali

If Tyson wasn't so feral, he would be the closest

Tells you all you need to know about black people that one of their great minds was a guy who got hit in the head for a living.

Watch this, my blue pilled friend.

Bet you love MMA, dickhead

I've seen it before.

Then why are you badmouthing him? He was based.

>oy vey ali was bad because he was against race mixing and jewish war mongering goy

He's one of the biggest pieces of shit in sports history.

>took up boxing cause he probably had no marketable skill in life

He actually took up boxing because he wanted to whoop ass on the person that stole his bicycle.

>somebody famous dies
>rush to Sup Forums to scrounge up some dumb reasons to hate said famous person
>pretend you never liked them to get Sup Forums karma

I'm just mad I can't watch the news all weekend because it's going to be a bunch of old brain damaged boxers rambling on phonecalls talking to the news networks.

he's pretty likable unless you actively try to hate him for his race/poor past. He was also goddamn amazing at what he did.

You look like a racist old white dude ranting about the youth on this one.

Every rich person in America gives to charity, it's tax deductible

Not that different from the faggots on twitter and kikebook who pretend to be fans of famous people as soon as they die.
Pathetic either way, really. This is all virtue signalling.

I've only posted about him because I wanted to trigger some virtue signallers by showing them he was anti-race mixing.

Joe Frazier is Sup Forums's favorite boxer

I did the exact same thing

its just the truth

Why can't you just pay respects to a man who was good at something, at one time the best of all the people in the world? Literally what have you done where you can claim that?

>If Tyson wasn't so feral
tyson's really funny

Irishcuck with no friends who sarts spupid threads on Sup Forums cause he's clueless

this is a lot of people on this board

only like him cause he was anti race mixing
otherwise they would be saying what I am

whites deserve to get exterminated, celebrating yet another degenerate thug and weasel

which one are you mate?

Press f to pay respects

Draft dodging coward! Should have died in jail.

>just a stuck up asshole in general who made people reporters feel like shit for no reason
this desu. he doesnt seem like he was too good of a dude.


Don't you have a potato famine or something to be attending to?


don't ever forget these fucking cucks who let him of the hook

His mother's maiden name was O'Grady

He's one of your own, Paddy, show him some respect

because we held slaves m8

I cant get all you good goys defending him

him and Malcolm x were literal black lives matter tier for their day

>t. Shane "Glass Wrists" O'Malley

Fuck that stupid, old, white-hating, racist nigger. Glad he's dead. All these retards crawling out of the woodwork on Facebook about him just like every time someone legendary dies. Prince was a legitimate shame, enjoyed his music and eccentric personality. Fuck Muhammad Ali.

>dem bantz

Good goy


This, and he made a lot of white people a lot of money.

>be healthy sportsfreak
>die at 74

"sport ist mord", as the german saying goes

why you niggas hating on Ali he literally shares the same views as you guys except he is black

>anti race mixing
>only women that could be his wife is someone of same race
>wants children to look like him
>knows that people are not equal and have completely different culture. The bong was saying muh everyone's the same were all humans and Ali said thats stupid

I'm with you, everyone here is sperging because he was anti-race mixing, big fuckin deal

>A fucking Muslim
>Black nationalist shit

Fuck that stupid ass jitterbug nigger

I appreciated his stance on race mixing.

Karma ain't on Sup Forums newfag

>healthy sports freak
>literally gets punched in the head all fucking day

Of course he's gonna have serious issues later in life. Some people expect these things when they get into the sport, others are too dumb already to think about those consequences


But...his good part was the Irish genes trying to make a way out

100% true. The fucking morons in that audience laughing is sickening.

literally worthless

>using it's to show ownership
it's its

learn english you potato fucking redhead