Black Panther is literally a Black supremacist propaganda.If you are White and watch this,you are a race traitor.
This is going to become the most overrated movie in early 21th century and I will not pay to watch Black Superman saving Africa screw this crap this people have nothing to do with me or my people.
Black Panther is literally a Black supremacist propaganda.If you are White and watch this,you are a race traitor
I hate black people just as much as the next person but it's just a fucking movie you retard. Stop your bitching.
im from chile, this shit is fucking propaganda, they are trying to sell everywhere the fact that there are black actors and shit. fuck this movie.
So one out of a million movies is possibly (haven't seen it) over-the-top pro black and you get your panties in a bunch?
>Race traitor
wow, a little racist there arent you?
We are all humans there is no such thing as ''race traitor''.
If I criticise blacks for politicising a FUCKING MOVIE MADE FOR TEENS then you get the same criticism.
BTFO you retard. It's just a fucking fantasy movie.
But really...
[spoiler]but the villains still look the same[/spoiler]
What if you fuck a goat though
>White Conservative here
Did anyone else notice that T'Challa and Wakonda is basically Trump and what he's wanting for the United States?
Strong borders
No immigration
Fuck the rest of the world