Please for the love of God help me cure my peanut allergy. I want to travel Asia

Please for the love of God help me cure my peanut allergy. I want to travel Asia.
I have almost died once already in Morocco.

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Have you considered not eating peanuts?


It's in a lot of their food.
Could always just buy food from shops I guess.



You'd fit in with those eyes.

I also have a nut allergy and have to be careful of international travel. Had an exposure in Hong Kong that put me down for almost a week. There is nothing you can do about it other than make sure you get your food prepared with no cross contamination. Learn the language or have a note written in the language expressing your medical needs. Always carry an epi-pen and have travelers insurance.

Why did you decide to be allergic to peanuts? lol


Holy shit user, stop using common sense and logic, they don't belong in today's world. The fucking Reeree's gotta have their glutten and peanut free Tide pods and Bleach.


Your eyes look like vaginas

I keep reading this and it doesn't always help. How did it get you? Have you tried preparing your own food? Are you allergic to all nuts?
Look what happened to this girl, AFTER she told them no nuts -


people with allergies come from weak sperm.

You should be fed peanuts until you die. You're like the cunts who whine about someone eating peanuts on a school bus and they have to have a fuckin' hazmat team come in to scrub down the bus like it was chernobyl.

Death to the allergyfags.




And I always wanted to climb Mt Everest but sadly I've got shitty lungs.

Sometimes you have to grow up and admit that there are things you just can't do.


Don't eat nuttin.