>Women searching for "big black cock" in pic related, White men don't have sex appeal and are cuckolds of industry
The Blacked porn series has just become the highest rated channel on Pornhub.
Face it Sup Forums, you lost. The world is embracing interracial romance and there is nothing you sad faggots can do about it.
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The white losers to feel better try to live in denialism of being the most loser pathetic race of men and is just look at white men and the women of their own race and compare with women of all other races and men of all other races in musics, media, pornography, movies and the difference of the scenes, how the black men have the real man image, the white women have the image of beg for black men being their official men and the white is the sidekick non-man
White men don't represent males, don't have sex appeal, are the official loser cuckold race of porn industry for years, are the official losers,lame, pathetic, mocked of the media, news, movies in all racial scenes for years, black men is the dominant male, the white loser is just a friend of a black in other movie, is just so pussy and try to be submissive and friendly because he know that black men rules, white men are also worse than all other men too,they are worse than asian men and all others, are white men who have the women of own race with the explicit racial image of beg for the penis of the men of other race, wanting the men of other race because the own white women is more sexually attracted to them,because they represent and are superior males over white men, white men is the loser to get some white women who had dreams of being fucked with other race and talked everything against white,the whole porn industry of white mlaes is soft, loser, the white male don't even have importance in porn, you can just see this that the white male pornstars don't have names, the white males pornstars are in porn brands of bisexual cuckold white men and black men