Proof that arming teachers and staff with pistols will not stop shooters with assault rifles...

Proof that arming teachers and staff with pistols will not stop shooters with assault rifles. All you moronic asshats that really think more guns will reduce the number of shootings are RETARDED. Ban assault rifles. They're engineered for war, not civilians. Grow the fuck up and stop being such a man child with your cucked-up gun collection.

Other urls found in this thread:


Assualt rifles are banned, you are retarded

>arming teachers and staff
>single inept police officer
Apples to batteries.

Go turn your car in since some people drink and drive and kill innocents. You can't be trusted with that kind of power

>guise why should he wait for backup or any info before entering the building
>why didnt he Rambo it

Trips of truth

Guns are not the problem in shootings, it's the people involved. If there weren't a second person, there would be nobody to shoot, so it would make the situation moot. Even if the shooter were to shoot himself, there may not even be a gun involved. The vast majority of shootings do not even involve guns. The most famous of recent shootings in Las Vegas, most of the guns found in the hotel room weren't even used in the shooting.

Again: Most guns found in the shooter's hotel room in Vegas were not even used in the incident. It was like they were innocent bystanders. Does that mean they should be banned just because they were there? If you think so you are just crazy. Even the bump stocks that were made so famous in that case, those are usually sold by reputable merchants who own small businesses. But here's the best part: Bump stocks are sold almost exclusively without guns. Without guns! It is just as crazy to assume a bump stock could be used in a shooting without a gun.

People should just wake up and see the facts: Most shootings do not even involve guns.

Paid shill detected.

This guy with the hard truths.


Do you even have any idea what you are talking about? or do you just spout buzzwords like "Assault Rifle"? because fully automatic weapons aren't even allowed. Semi-automatic ones are though, like the AR 15 you idiots like to shit on so hard. Now guess what semi-automatic means? You pull the trigger and a single bullet comes out for every time you pull the trigger. That is all.

You idiots try to go out of your way to take away guns while knowing literally nothing about guns and gun law.

Are you retarded?
I'm not even going to read this CIA crap about how a pistol cannot put down a HUMAN holding a rifle. Of course a pistol can.

>The vast majority of shootings do not even involve guns
>majority of shootings do not even involve guns
>shootings do not even involve guns

You fucking gobshite

Read it again more slowly. It makes perfect sense. If more people were taken out of the equation they would have guns that were not used in shootings.

It makes perfect sense, believe me.

shut up faggot and take your gun into the woods and live alone then

Machine guns are banned, you linked a CNN article, you are the problem. Stupid fucking cuck

People who live alone are not the most types to go on shootings without gun the right to own a gun. Everyone knows that you can't have a shooting without two different people, and if you're a faggot you need at least one man to fuck you up the asshole, so you should go live alone because your wife is getting fucked by a faggot in the wilderness.

go to hell liberal faggot

FACT: Laws don't stop people from committing crime.

FACT: Even if you ban guns and cause a massive increase in price and a massive drop in availability, people with enough money and resources will find a way to get one.

FACT: If an 18 year old, or mentally unstable person wants a gun, they will buy a gun even if they are all banned.

FACT: Banning guns will cause ZERO change to school shootings.

FACT: Arming students would have ended these tragedies after ONE DEATH

FACT: If police knew that all students were armed they could more easily do their job when shots start firing.



Guys we need to ban cars, fuelled by EXPLOSIVE hydrocarbons, and can go speeds OVER 60 miles an hour.

police are stupid cowards. teachers would be far more inclined to protect their students. especially if they're in the building in the line of fire instead of outside.

you can also thank our wonderful supreme court for establishing that police officers don't actually have any duty whatsoever to protect you. they're perfectly free to stand there and watch you die.

>FACT: Laws don't stop people from committing crime.
but it makes it harder
>FACT: Even if you ban guns and cause a massive increase in price and a massive drop in availability, people with enough money and resources will find a way to get one.
but it makes it harder
>FACT: If an 18 year old, or mentally unstable person wants a gun, they will buy a gun even if they are all banned.
but it makes it harder
>FACT: Banning guns will cause ZERO change to school shootings.
but it makes it harder to access guns
>FACT: Arming students would have ended these tragedies after ONE DEATH
tell me what are the stats on the number of gun owners in the US and the number of public shootings? Its like more gun does not reduce gun violence
>FACT: If police knew that all students were armed they could more easily do their job when shots start firing.
so more people shooting in the confusion of who the shooter is would have made it easier for other shooters or police to idenify the original shooter

retard detected

>guise why should he wait for backup or any info before entering the building
>why didnt he Rambo it

They should just ban murder

Giving the amount of unarmed civilians that the American police shoot, giving people less trained then them guns and expecting them to react the same in a situation is gonna lead to some interesting results.

putting his own life on the line to protect innocent children from harm is the very fucking job he was hired to do.
waiting until there's so many backup officers that theres zero risk while people are getting killed makes you a fucking coward if you're a cop


Kids are emotional and act irratoinally ALL THE TIME. You can't have an environment like that and not expect a shooting. Give kids guns and they will think twice about shooting up a school again. It would be suicidal to attempt another school shoting.

And FOR A FACT if police enter a school where a kid was shot JUST ONE DEATH and the rest of the kids had guns then the cops would KNOW it is safe and that

The real question is metal health. If we can stop this thoughts before they happen then we don't need any change.

The teachers are near the kids and are likely to be targeted, a concealed firearm is for your own personal protection, if/when the shooter threatens the teacher with a firearm he will be forced to shoot back.

Having the guard with the students is the best way, and the teacher fits the bill.

the ban on drugs is supposed to make it harder to get drugs. but kids can get drugs more easily than alcohol.

>But, but the police will protect you... G-give up your guns!

>Kids are emotional and act irratoinally ALL THE TIME.
>Give kids guns


They’ll never ban guns. They need them to compensate for their tiny penises. Stupid fucking yanks.

so without any info, he should have gone charging in all Rambo like? user, we dont even know if the radio told him not to go in or what he knew when he showed up or at least waiting for another unit to show up before entering makes sense or he thought he was cutting off an exit trying to make sure the shooter didnt escape.

But it makes it harder? That’s all you can muster up for defense of your pov? Who is the real retard here. People that want something will get it no matter how HARD it is. All those gun laws in france how did that work out?

You have enlightened me. Because of left-wing spam threads that have been so diligently posted since November of 2016 I have completely changed my political ideology.
~No one ever

Shill fuck Cunt. Die

most people dont want a ban on gun just stricter gun laws retard

Yeah, rubbing shit in peoples faces has no impact.

Exactly the point i was going to make. If you ban guns it will just make it that much easier to get them. Especially for a teen who knows how to get connections. Banning guns would also make them cheaper because no one would want one. Any kid with a few bucks would be able to get one cheap and easy.

Yep, stay in your own backyard.

So whats your answer user? Arm teachers, give then "really good training...only the best" or "armed guards at every school" as donny has been saying? who is going to pay for all this? remember before you answer the gov already slashed taxes and funding to schools and healthcare

The way I see it it will be impossible to confiscate all guns from this country. If a crazy person is determined they will be able to get a gun. So one school officer stayed outside. If there were more school officers armed as well as some of the teachers and staff there, is bound to be one person carrying a gun brave enough to stop the shooting. Neither banning all guns or arming everyone is a perfect solution, but only training and arming your average citizen will actually stop shootings before they get really bad.

Jew thread? Jew thread.

yes he should have gone in. someone was shooting kids. you can approach cautiously, i.e. check corners instead of running, but doing nothing is cowardice.

and he was the resource officer, so he knew the campus layout. it was an open campus with numerous ways in and out, it would take dozens to even have a shot at preventing the shooter from leaving (which leaves him free to kill more kids, making your comment doubly stupid)

bootlicking assholes like you are a disgrace. police are supposed to protect and serve, this bullshit cowardice saying it's fine for them to never take any risk whatsoever is pathetic

they want to ban assault weapons (i.e. normal guns that look scary)

You americans lack equilibrium.
There is no balance, every single time I see this thread I start to react just the same way I do with andy sixx stuff.

Nothing is evil 100%, nothing is 100% good. Not all republicans are idiots, not all democrats are cunts, there are roughly 300mln americans in the whole world and I refuse to believe they lack the capability to find a balanced point of wiew on an argument.

As a foreigner I think I see things clearly or at least I made myself an opinion completely free of burdens coming from the presidential elections and all that shit that came after.

The US are a democratic republic which fought his way to independance from the english colonial empire. When they wrote the constitution they made 2nd amendment to prevent the chance of a tyrant taking power by force: americans carry weapons proudly because those are not simply compensating tiny penis but represent instead a perk that makes the difference for their interpretation of freedom. Not the freedom of shooting without any purpose, but to be able to defend themselves regardless of what the police, a military forced which responds to the government like in every other western country in the world, can or cannot do.

Some people hates that. Some people loves that. Few truly understand that guns at this point cannot be removed, nor they can be free to purchase without any editing on the current laws about this issue: to make a fit example, it's like a knife stuck into a leg. The wound can be cured, but removing the knife would sever the main arteries in the leg and cause massive bleeding and probably death or at least the loss of the whole leg.

There is no good solution up to now, but going on mocking each other opinions for no other reason than a pathetic political opinion is way more stupid. There's no winning for both side. I never read and heard so much bullshit about a topic in my life, everyone is so biased by his own bullshit. Just stop

>Kids are emotional and act irratoinally ALL THE TIME.
>Give kids guns

>And FOR A FACT if police enter a school where a kid was shot JUST ONE DEATH and the rest of the kids had guns then the cops would KNOW it is safe and that
so more people shooting in the confusion of who the shooter is would have made it easier for other shooters or police to idenify the original shooter

>The real question is metal health
its like we tried to have laws to prevent this, but some party keeps slashing funding for healthcare

Stop killing babies, and we'll talk about guns

well user, join the police and that way you can be hero charging in every time

what i dont get is that america is a melting pot of people

why cant it be a melting pot of laws as well
like the united kingdom's policy on guns

i rather prefer 6 dead on a bridge than 49 dead in vegas

NRA has their fingers deep into the assholes of government officials

So I take it you want to ban guns? Typical authoritarian LIB

You don't solve mental health with more healthcare. You do it by banning LIB garbage like porn, evolution, and LBGTB bathrooms.

>You americans lack equilibrium.
It's not Americans, the vast majority of these posts are astroturfers (people being paid to push a given viewpoint) or bots.

And their primary goal is to divide Americans. Make the people who are kinda-against-guns think the other side is a bunch of raving lunatics who want to kill their children, and make the people who are kinda-for-guns think the other side is a bunch of raving lunatics who want to lock them up in a FEMA camp for having a .22 pistol.

99% of all these posts are made by astroturfers and bots trying to divide Americans.

I will say that again: 99% of all these posts are made by astroturfers and bots trying to divide Americans.

the fact that you watch cnn makes your point mute

one case

You realize you're probably replying to a 15 y old little cretin that, not only too fat to even dream being like a superhero, but more importantly completely unaware of the fact that no matter what movies force his brain to believe NOBODY chooses to be a cop if theres anything else they can do?

It's the worst profession from so many points of wiew, but he doesnt even know what working is like

prepare yours

>gym teacher literally uses his body as a shield for children as they run away
>hailed by all the media as a hero
>no one wants to talk about the fact that if he had a gun he could have had a chance to end the threat

Assault rifles were banned in 1918. Do you people know what classifies as a assault rifle?

>So I take it you want to ban guns?
nope, nice assumption though

>You do it by banning LIB garbage like porn, evolution, and LBGTB bathrooms.
>banning LIB garbage evolution
>banning evolution
found the retard

Your belief in "equilibrium" is what causes an "equilibrium."
you're cucked by karma
Sobek built the pyramids

fuck i forgot about that
it's kinda surprising how corrupt the american government is

Trump has succumb to stricter gun laws, Sup Forums has lost their leader to the dark side

kek, i like you user

Assault rifles are already banned dumbass. But go ahead and specifically ban assault rifles. Won't make this AR15 and variants any less legal. But you don't actually want to solve the problem. You are secretly happy every time somebody shoots up a school. Shit, you probably came when you heard about Sandy Hook. Why? Because you love having an issue to bitch about. You want an excuse to put an end to a hobby and culture you neither understand nor approve of. You think that because you don't like guns they should be illegal. But as long as guns remain legal you find every mass shooting cause for celebration. But you don't want to actually stop them, so you'll never make an effort.

this is not what we mean dumbass, nice bait

You are a paid shill and should end your life immediately.

>wow look at all these posters making the same threads every day wow they're all calling for a ban on assault rifles just like the media is wow what a coincidence


>constitutional amendment saying right to bear arms shall not be infringed
>lmao those corrupt assholes not banning guns
It's literally against the law for congress to ban guns.
They're doing their job as intended.

A little bit too tinfoily. You are underestimating the number of dumb kids who just shitpost and forget what they typed 1 minute after because the wait for the queue in league of legends is starting.

Too many kids sitting in front of their pc, too few >25 intrested in debating on arguments they simply made their minds on already.

Why so paranoid, dude. Another american aspect: you're not important as a single individual. Your opinion will start being valuable if people follows on social and shit, here you're just shouting anonimously that everyone is bot and "they" are trying to divide your already divided country.

Op, there aren't many guns that are designed for civilians. The ones that are, we 2nd amendment supporters are not worried about, because they're more for police to use for crowd control when jobless liberals start to protest.
The guns we care about are designed to kill criminals

they (Repubs) are also avoiding stricter background checks, mental checks and increasing age to legally own a rifle or shotgun to 21 like that of handguns. All of which do not infringe on the constitution

Trump is pushing for gun control and wants to increase age to buy guns. How mentally stable are Sup Forums's users? Not well enough to own a gun, I imagine. How old are they? I'd say a lot of them are 16-20. BTFO. TRUMP SUCCUMBED TO LEFTIES

How can arming teachers/school officials, NOT slow down school shootings. What a stupid asshole.

>Even if the shooter were to shoot himself, there may not even be a gun involved.

This is an example of an astroturfer (probably not a bot since it was a situational reply).

Yes, anons, they are here. A lot of wealthy people and politically connected groups are trying to divide this country and make you hate your neighbors. And they have a *lot* of money to do it.

Paying people to post on Sup Forums, Reddit, Tumblr, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter costs them peanuts. When you stand to gain massive amounts of political power and money, a few hundred thousand or a few million dollars spent on "stealth marketing" (astroturfing) companies is well worth it, and that's exactly what they're doing.

Despite the fact that the NRA is actually one of the smaller donors. By your logic the whole democrat part sucks all the dicks of the board at Fahr LLC. Since they are both Americas largest donor and the largest donor to democrats. Have you ever considered that maybe the reason the NRA is so influential is that most americans agree with them?


Yes he is, and I am fine with that. 21 to own a high powered rifle is reasonable to me. And bump stocks are worthless bullshit anyway.

>background checks
I'm fine with
>mental checks
Depends, they have to nail down what disqualifies you having a gun.
It can't be something so flimsy like the no fly list.
Like, you can't be called mentally unstable for something arbitrary like having an opinion.
No, 18 is an adult.
18 can vote
18 can buy most vices
18 can have sex
Make it 18 if you must and then allowed children to have guns in a house only unless they take a class and mental exam.

have you ever considered the logic of more guns in schools to prevent gun shootings at schools?

You can have gun control without ending a hobby or culture. We have strict gun control in Canada.

To get a license you need to pass extensive background checks and take a mandatory safety course. This is for shotguns and hunting rifles. We had a registry program for these but it there was a lot of pointless resistance and the Cons scrapped it.

Handguns and semi-automatics are another tier of license and harder to get. They must be registered.

Prohibited class weapons include assault rifles and such that only police can get as a general rule.

You can't carry a weapon in public. It has to be locked and in a locked case. A carry license exists for handguns, mainly for dangerous jobs like armored car guards. In very rare cases, you can get one for personal protection, but generally this requires an existing police file and an actual imminent threat.

Restricted class requires wire plus trigger locks on top of being stored in a secure room or vault.

in practice this all means that people can and do still own guns. Gun fetishists can still get their murder toys. We have a thriving gun culture here.

However, the mentally ill, those with criminal records, a history of violence, and such are filtered out. They can't get a license and therefore can't get guns.

According to some studies 61% of mass shooters in America had a history of mental illness or showed clear signs.
Furthermore 82% of guns used in mass shootings were purchased legally.

That filters out a significant chunk of them here. There is a reason we have had maybe 10 mass shootings in 35 years, while America had that last year alone.

I grew up with guns, learned to shoot at a young age, and occasionally visit a range now. I don't own a gun or have a license because there is no reason in the city, but my family in the sticks still do. You can have your cake and eat it to, you just need to effectively regulate who can get guns and what guns are available.

I don't even know wtf bump stocks are, tbh. Seems a lot of people are absolutely pissed, though, especially his followers, and those that voted for him. I'm glad. I was waiting for this to happen.

>And bump stocks are worthless bullshit anyway.
While I agree, this is a poor attitude to have.
You literally cannot concede anything with gun rights.

Gun control people will never be satisfied and any win will just want them to take away more right.
If there was ever an instance where slippery slope wasn't a fallacy, it's with gun control.

>the only person who can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun
>oops I meant 50 good guys with guns
>and can we really be sure there weren't supposed to be gunshots in the school? Maybe it's part of a school project or something. Better just let it play out.
Now do you realize how stupid you are?

Libtard faggots smoke fat cocks.

They have Ron Paul supporters listed as potential terrorists. Police are supposed to approach with caution if you have a bumper sticker

>You can't carry a weapon in public.
That's half the point
Defending yourself from greasy thugs on the street.

Quality false equivalency. Congrats on turning 15.

The keystone to our Canadian gun control is the federal mandate. In America you have a patchwork of half assed state gun laws and one useless spotty federal background check, which can be avoided by buying from a gun show.

Here it is the same from coast to coast. You can't just drive over to the next province to avoid inconvenient laws in your home province.

The only thing provinces handle are applications for carry permits. The law is set federally, they just handle approval locally.

This. They're not going to stop with background checks and an increased age limit. No way. Now that they've "won", they'll continue for more.

I agree with your "they need to nail down the mental health thing"

As for the 18 thing, then why are handguns only for 21 year olds and same for alcohol and legal weed? I dono, just makes sense IMO for all guns to be only able to be purchased by 21 year olds

the only way to stop school shootings is to arm the students. if they were all carrying ar15s this wouldn't have happened.

Gosh, I wish somebody would pay me to post on /b while I'm in bed trying to chill after a couple of lines, hope that will happen.

Do you read me big companies? Hire me pls

>one man too pussy to defend children