Creepiest/weirdest/most degrading thing you've done to a girl?

creepiest/weirdest/most degrading thing you've done to a girl?

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We got drunk and I showed her Sup Forums

nice thread, you horrible little faggot.

Loved her for three years and gave her everything I had. Got cucked. Seriously thinking of becoming an hero.

how old are you?

when I was 17, I had a bit of an obsession with my then-GF's mother. Did some pervy things and probably gave myself a fetish.

25. Hope it never happens to anyone

>Did some pervy things
Are we talking about jackinoff with her panties?

youre young user, keep your head up

Thanks user.
I actually appreciate that.

One time I told this chick I was putting on a condom, but was actually just opening a snickers in the dark.

That is comedy cold


Started with that. I use to cum in her face wash when I would shower at their place. Eventually I bought a little camera to hide and took a bunch of videos of her.

Honestly, she wasn't even that attractive. She was a huge bitch though and I think that turned me on. I still fap to her every once in awhile, and I'm sure neither her or my ex had any idea what I was doing.

Did she ever have any idea with the face wash?


Ignored her.

How were them panties? pocket any of them?

I can't imagine. I asked my girlfriend, so I know it was actually her moms. She always left it in there. I think she would have moved it if she suspected anything.

Yeah, I don't have any them any longer, but I got a vid of her wearing a nice pair of red ones. Her ass looked great in them, so I snagged them out of her laundry a few days later.

GJ user

>have 3 way with friend and his gf
>she falls for me
>comes over to let me face fuck her for like a week straight without telling him
>tells me she has a rape fantasy and wants to be scared
>go to friends apartment, he's playing xbox, shes in bedroom
>grab largest kitchen knife and head to bedroom
>tell her to take off clothes and she laughs
>grab her hair and put knife to throat, tell her to take off her pants
>no more laughing, just complies
>fuck her loudly with knife to her throat while bf is in next room
>asks me if this is wrong
>i slap her. hard. tear rolls down cheek
>no struggle when i flip her over go for anal
>quiet sobbing into pillow while i cum in her ass
>buy weed from friend and leave
>ignore her texts for a few days, blabbering about missing me, doesn't mention rape at all
>dumps bf, continues begging texts to meet with her
>tell her i never want to see her again
>WHY user WHY???
>"You're just a piece of meat and your tits are gross"
>4 years later she sends me a fb request, look at her profile and it's all anti rape bullshit
>think she got a boob job too

>have fb chat with best buddy about our jaelous girlfriends
>my girlfriends reads it and makes a scene
>in return one night read her chats
>shes actually flirting with some random dudes sugesting to meet up etc.
>confront her want her to move out as soon as possible
>she cries, begs for days to not break up with her basically the whole program
>says she will do anything to be trusted again
>made her sign a contract with me that allows me to fuck her in every hole at any time at any place and record it for personal use
>also she has to shut up about my ex and pay the money she owns me (around 1k€)
>if she violates the contract or doesnt want it anymore she has 2 weeks to move out without complaining
>the minute she signed the contract i pulled her yoga pants down and fucked her without any warmup

while this whole use her as a fucktoy thing is supposed to be a punishment i think shes kinda enjoying it. but i havent destroyed her asshole yet so

Refused to fuck her until she got on birth control. Was too scared to use condoms. Jerked off in front of her and she broke up with me. Cuck me fam

>putting gas in my truck at the local convenience store
>7/10 qt grill storms in, visibly distraught because she's can't find an address where she needs to be soon
>apparently she NEEDS to be at this place for a child custody hearing, or else she risks losing custody of her son
>tell her I know exactly where the address is
>she hops into my truck and I start driving
>while driving, I start talking to her about her son
>tell her I've got a new litter of puppies and she should take one home for her child. She's ecstatic and thinks it's a great idea
>I take a "detour" to by home so she can pick out a puppy
>lead her upstairs to the small bedroom with a long wire below the ceiling, telling her the puppies are just under the bed
>as she leans down to look, I slam the door shut and knock her down to the ground
>she doesn't even scream because she's in shock
>I grab a few extension cords and hold her down as I tie her hands and feet together behind her and into a hogtie
>she swings and kicks furiously, but she's too small to actually fight
>wrap another cord around her neck and back to the one binding her hands and feet together
>she's crying uncontrollably and pleading I let her go, but I don't say a word
>I use another extension cord to link her harness to the wire below the ceiling and raise her about 2ft off the ground, suspending her body in mid-air
>stuff her mouth with a dirty grey sock and wrap her mouth in duct tape
>she can't even scream effectively; she can only moan
>tell her, "I'm going to get us some food. Stay right where you are. Don't go anywhere and don't make a sound."
>I turn on the stereo lying on top of the dresser and crank up the volume to max
>slam the door and leave her there for a couple days
When I came back she had pissed herself twice and her whole body was swollen

Too scared to use condoms???

that's pretty fucked up man

I like it

I have severe autism and I was young. Looking back, I fucking regret it

Are you me??

How can he be you? Only you are you. But how do we know who we really are? Is life real? Is this just some kind of sick game? Snakes should not exist they are fucking weird

ok buddy, time for bed. you have school in the morning

Had a girlfriend back in high school total butterface but had big boobs and booty any sexually and mentally crazy as fuck. Anyway I stuck her in my place we fucked for awhile she got dressed and we fell asleep I woke up with morning wood so I took her jeans down and fucked her in her sleep she woke up and said harder she enjoyed that.

That's rape.

Let my ex stay in my spare room because we were on good terms and she was homeless for a bit. She had to listen to me fuck my current girlfriend in my bedroom as the rooms are close and have thin walls. This was also aftee she said she still has feelings for me.

But if snakes didn't exist we would have missed out on a great mobile game

Not really she woke up and liked besides she had done the same thing too me before.


>plea bargain
>1000 years in prison with no parole
what kind of retardation is this?

>Would always fuck this one ugly chick when I got drunk
>came in her every time
>she tells me she loves me
>tell her she's ugly and I hate her personality I just want to drunk fuck
>she tries to cut ties but I keep pretending i like her so we can fuck
>pretty sure she has depression now
>don't even care

he killed himself 1 month into his sentence, unfortunately

said "hi", apparently

I bite vagina

Happened to me too bro, spent 4 years on a girl and she just changed. Lost had to get rid of 90% of my stuff to move back in with my mom at the age of 22.

Found another girl, a better girl, the best girl I've ever met. She was completely different than what I was used to, so kind and generous. Hell, it she still surprises me sometimes the way she thinks. Here I am, married and happier than I've ever been.

So believe me, man, it gets better.

Implying girls can't tell if you're not wearing a condom, retard. After my gf started on the pill, the first time we had sex was like heaven for both of us. We got married too.

Classic user

And yes she is Projecting re that anti rape stuff.

A Feminist cunt I went out with loved the rape scenes in Game of Thrones, got hot for the actor, but is now a small city big time voice against rape. Hypocrite.

5 years ago, x gf, fucked her in the ass for an hour straight on mdma, made her gape, came in her ass while spitting on her
gasping for air while realising my heart is beating like 220bpm, drinking water with dick (slowly shrinking) still in ass
tell her i gotta go and she says "do it in my ass" and so i do
> she masturbates while i do it, after 1 min i'm like "whut?" and then i pull out and go shower quick
i come back, shes done and goes to shower, i light up a prerolled and start cleaning the bed
> 1 month later we broke up kek