in Austria will be challenging the presidential elections after all.
Is this it? Is this the first time the Extreme Right will actually be able to challenge election fraud by the left and may even win this?
in Austria will be challenging the presidential elections after all.
Is this it? Is this the first time the Extreme Right will actually be able to challenge election fraud by the left and may even win this?
How can they be so butthurt over their loss? Just accept that you lost, man.
There were actual reports of electoral fraud though.
Gib details about what is happening and how likely is for a reelection to occur. Fucking leftist. They are all killers.
>Germans rolling over.
Unlikely. Leftists will do everything to drown the Extreme Right in court.
HC Strache is gonna save Sup Forums, Austria and will burn all heretics as well. he is truly based.
Don't make a big deal out of it Piefke. It was shown there were illegal countings and it is clear that an investigation need to follow.
Lets hope the pedophile mold man can stay in office after all, would hate it to see the scape goat not being president
Go home Achmed
except FPÖ ist not extreme right, not even far right, it is centre right.
>Don't make a big deal out of it Piefke.
I am Austrian.
>It was shown there were illegal countings
Yes, so?
>and it is clear that an investigation need to follow.
Which already has followed.
>Lets hope the pedophile mold man can stay in office after all, would hate it to see the scape goat not being president
Who is pedophile modlman?
>except FPÖ ist not extreme right, not even far right, it is centre right.
For Austria, the FPÖ is extreme right.
Greens are extreme left. ÖVP is right, SPÖ is left.
>Just accept that you lost, man.
t. green voter
There haven't been any other cases reported in the media since those 4 or 5 districts having opened their postal votes too soon. FPÖ is saying they've found some other cases as well. Still doubt anything will come from it.
On a slightly related note there will be elections for the Austrian Court of Audit (Rechnungshof) with candidates from each party. But the SPÖ and ÖVP have appointed different candidates for it. So if the ÖVP gets together with the FPÖ and the SPÖ doesn't vote for the ÖVP candidate that would mean new elections for the parliament.If that really happens I just hope the ÖVP actually gets Kurz for the next election. He seems like the only sane politician we have left and their party could become a viable option again. Under their current leadership I feel like they would even cooperate with the communist party if that would mean they could get into the government. Let's not kid ourselves here, our president and chancellor are as green as it gets without being green officially.
Love these memes fucking leftist come up with to fit there own racist narrative
>For Austria, the FPÖ is extreme right.
anything remotely right wing is LITERALLY HITLER to greencucks.
>Iam austrian
No, flag says something different and as long as you don't post a time stamped pic of your passport you are an achmed.
>Pedophile Moldman
pic related
Sorry Sup Forums no happening here. The election was fair and square.
>Extreme Right
No, not yet. I don't won't to burn the only young VPler who is able to fight the mold in the party promoted by the VP youth.
>its was a totally legit election goys
>no fraud involved
>unless Hofer had won of course
fuck off shill
Hofer will Make Austria Great Again
either this or commit suicide together with his waifu in a bunker in Vienna will EU tanks are rolling through the streets
I don't like this meme either
Bumping threads
>Not one fucking link.
Thanks for reminding me why I left for infinity chins, you utter fucking spackers.
nothing will happen
You don't speak German. No need to provide a link.
I am back now too.. and the shills here are fucking outnumbering real posters...
At least there is occasional egregore channeling accidently by hivemind of shitposters.
Webpages are automatically translated now fellow White man.
>likely to
Yeah no, he ain't gonna do shit. We've had decades of politicians "about to do smth", "on their way to organize", "i'm heavily motivated to do" blah blah blah
They're always getting ready to organize an organization that will let them discuss about how they can organize an organizable organism so that they can discuss about what to do with the next steps of the organized ideas
Please, I hope this happens. How ridiculously large was the postal vote margin again?
What's so EXTREME about them?
They are white and don't like to be replaced by uneducated 3rd World People.
Basically Nazis i'd say
>What's so EXTREME about them?
They want to deport Muslims and reduce gibmees. They also want to ban the hijab in schools.
>probability of them contesting vote
>over 50%
kek but he should have said 52%.
I don't get it, I was reading so much shit about Europe after the Austrian election and pretty much anyone who wasn't open borders/infinite NEETbux is considered far what in the actual fuck would be EXTREME LEFT?
Fuckin Marxists...........
DANKE, BITTEE!!!!!!!!111
achso, is ja gar nicht Heinz Fischer...
you are either one of the "good goys" on the left or the "evil raycist nazi scum" on the right
there is no more far, no more center, the scale has been adopted to meet the expectations
even ANTIFA is political correct nowadays will every sane person would consider them being as far left as it gets
>.like what in the actual fuck would be EXTREME LEFT?
communism is moderate left now.
extreme left doesn't exist for them because they don't wanna be called extreme.
It's getting fucking stupid, I wonder if it will ever boil over into a war.