What is the point of studying and working?

What is the point of studying and working?

I have noticed that everyone does at least one of these two things

And I do not understand why people work/ study so hard if only very few will be millionaires and successful

what is the point?

Why do people spend so much money in universities?
The only ones that make them rich are them

Why not start a business with that money?

Or why not travel the world instead of sitting in your office for the rest of your life

Admit it we are modern slaves no matter how hard you study or work there will always be someone above you

Oy vey, how dare you question your cooperate masters?

Ultimately, the meaning to life is what you make it. And you seem to be too focused on wealth when you should be focusing on your happiness.

So, I'd say look to what will make you happy and do that.

slaves (even modern day) don't have the time to blow on Sup Forums. They'd rather sleep they're being worked so hard.

There are three classes:

The Rich, they rule us.

The middle class, we do all the non-physical labor and pay all of the taxes

The poor, here mainly to do slave labor and scare the shit out of the middle class so we say loyal and subservient.

What exactly would make you happy if you don't want to work or study? (if you're op).

lets see you create a million dollar company with no knowledge on how to actually run a business while there are better people with the same business you have
lets see you travel with no money. sure be homeless but thats not what you want. you want to travel the world not be a loser
people study and work to have a better life. does everyone want to be millionaires and never worry about money? sure, who doesnt want to never worry about not being able to afford whatever you want but you are missing the point. you dont have to make 10 million a year to be happy. you could make 200k and be perfectly happy. you are a loser who can't fathom happiness outside of being some super human so you assume everyone is the same.
either kill yourself or accept how pathetic you are so you can begin to change

You're asking what is the point because you had to ask what the point is but the point doesn't exist it's just a series of events happening one after the other and you really have no control over what's coming because everything already happened and you're just waiting to catch up to it so all of your thoughts and emotions and actions are all part of a pre-determined set of circumstances that we're all playing out constantly throughout eternity. So, there is no point, but there is also no end. Learn to enjoy being your head because that's the only place you're truly free. Find a way to love the body you're stuck in. That's all you can do. Everything else is out of your hands.

I'm fine with work, I just wish I lived in a society where I could work for the betterment of society, rather then to enrich some people who have never done shit.

I'm not unhappy. I don't think money is a solution to my problems. I more so think about the social ills of society can could be so easily solved with the removal of the subversives that have taken control of the western world.

I hear that. If I could shoot myself and take all humans with me I would. It's not even the rich that make me mad, it's what we're doing to the planet and other animals. I'm not any better, I'm equally fucked up.

so money is evil because you dont have it or you have it and think its evil because people who dont have it are suffering
without money we would have another form of currency which you'd be spouting the same crap. we will always have currency of some kind. stop acting like a bitch and grow up

>without money we would have another form of currency

Not him, but you're right and that's what's shitty. Money is not barter, and not fair trade. It's not even money that is his issue I think. It's greed, he's just not saying it right. Greed and capitalism are synonyms.

businesses will milk a person until they are dead to indirectly suck more money into the business and unequally. It flows into the pockets of the top while the bottom as mentioned get killed/milked for their life and production without care or consideration.

I get that mindset, but i still hold out hope that solutions exist. I think there have been and are societies that are better.

oof, buthurt libertarian detected
when the fuck did i say anything about getting rid of money

solutions exist, unfortunately I think it takes fire/lava/comet hitting earth kind of shit to happen. Humans are here. We have evolved into the aids virus for the planet. even nuclear weapons won't wipe us all out. It will take a comet to do to us what it did to the dinosaurs to cleanse the planet so it can start from scratch again.

Eh, perhaps, but i'd rather try and fix things then go full anti-natalist.

Allright, well what are you doing to try to fix things?

Trying to convince everyone i know to adopt my various beliefs as well as getting an education in order to hopefully get into a low level position of power so i can do some real change.

I'm assuming you mean creating threads on Sup Forums (Sup Forums of all places).

Anything else ASIDE from this website that you're doing?

No, i mean irl
this is the first time in like a year i've used Sup Forums

i was struggling with the same idea of just being a nut in a cog in a machine that never stops turning. we use all our good healthy years working to retire and die and some people catch a break but then just think how amazing the planet is how far we've come in such or short time. things could be so much worse.

Rule #32 Enjoy the little things in life

Life's a piece of shit
When you look at it
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true
You'll see it's all a show
Keep 'em laughin as you go
Just remember that the last laugh is on you

It's important to remain positive like that, but that shouldn't trick us into thinking nothing needs to change.

If you live you whole life comparing yourself to others you will never be good enough for your mirror. Focus on who you are, not who you are relative to those around you, and if you don't like what you see think about why, and work to improve it.

I feel the same bro.kinda. I don't know what to do with my life I don't find anything interesting besides porn and some Vidya games but eventually I get bored or them. I can't see myself doing anything in the future I don't wanna work or go to college. Ik that I have to do something so I don't be a bum but I just wanna have fun and fuck around in life.
What do I do in my situation? I'm approaching adulthood soon and I'm fucking lost.

Join a cause, doesn't really matter what, could be political, social, health, anti-corruption, environmentalism, etc. I can promise it improves your life to feel like you are actually living for something.

Because the world depends on you to make it a better or worse place

My problem isn't that I want to feel important or feel like I'm Making a difference or belonging somewhere. It's about money. I need a job but I don't wanna work in an office or a McDonald's serving fat fucks. And I don't wanna go to a college or study I'd rather kill myself . I just want a .ez.lyf. and have fun like the rich without being rich.

You can save a lot of money by dumpster diving, and buying from import stores and flea markets. Learn how to fix shit rather then paying for it to be done. As for jobs, you have to do something. I'd suggest working for a non-profit or co-op, it's a less shitty job then working for McDonalds.

all my cousin's do co-op and construction. They drop out of school to start construction Early. I don't wanna be like them. Dumpster diving on the other hand sounds like a good idea.

Good luck finding a job doing something you enjoy. Dumpster diving isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be.

Ty. And yeah I found a whole YouTube channel all about some guy dumpster diving all the time. It's less trashy than expected

There are lot of good ones on that. I'd also recommend 'flea market socialist'. You don't have to be a socialist to like his stuff. Does a lot of home repair, buying cheap shit at stores and dumpster diving.

You're an inmature piece of shit, but everybody is at a certain point, the world and the system have rules, you can't change that but no one tells you to be part of that, use it to improve yourself, nobody likes to do specific things to achieve something but you are required to understand why you need discipline and see everything as a tool, if you don't like the system you can't change it by just complaining, learn about laws, politics, influence and diplomacy, that's how people rose to power or get leading an enterprise, but to know how to lead your own road, you need to learn how to follow a road and what's better than enjoying and suffering along the way, so you'll build a point of view, a perspective, you will finally know how people is affected by the system and your decisions because you were part of it, i assure you. You WILL NOT make a difference by just seeing everybody's problem, you have to walk among them so you can rise properly into something those people want and admire without being corrupted by the power, it's not easy but that's how everyone's life is

Only losers have that kind of "sitting in your office for the rest of your life" kind of life, real men get better everyday, studying is a great plus and shortcut if your actual goal (and it's not everyone's goal) is to be millionaire

>And I do not understand why people work/ study so hard if only very few will be millionaires and successful
Is millionaire your only measurement of success? How about making 50k salary in the south or midwest where you own a 5 bed 4 bath with lots of land for $200k. You can live a comfortable easy life.