YLYL because why the fuck not? Top Shelf Edition. Bring the fire Sup Forums

YLYL because why the fuck not? Top Shelf Edition. Bring the fire Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:












Kek. I'll see my way out.






I nearly fucking closed this, but I'm glad I waited it out. Totally worth it. I regret nothing.








Nothing in this thread is remotely funny. Just let it die

Half expecting this to be a banana post










































Is the banana thing a funny thing to queers or something like a queer cuz that shit is not funny and is spammed like it is so i just had to ask why spam shit that is totally gay is it because of what trump said



I bet that dad works so hard for his son.










whats the message







Kek, you got me.









Help me guys, idk what to do about this :/


