This is a man

This is a man

>How does that make you feel, user?

Well... If I don't see his dick, I'm okay to fuck him in the ass

Would fuck his sissy ass

Nothing really. That isn't attractive.

>traps are gay.

would fuck then get fucked/10

No clue webm stopped working for me about 3 days ago- jokes on you user

He can shit in my mouth


I can tell.

That is a "male", not a "man". Huge difference.


Who said anything about traps? This is clearly a dude showing off his butt

This clip screams underage.


He's like 6ft tall u fucking mongoloid

tall guys shouldn't trap tbh


I know it is bait and this thread is posted every fucking day, but anyway, how is this even a thing?

Part of why I am only interested in women/girls, is that they have vaginas. If I had "fallen" for someone who looks like a girl, I would instantly lose interested when the "girl" turns out to have a dick. I have seen naked guys before (photographer), but never did I think "man I really wanna touch/suck that dick".
So yeah, no vagina, no arousal.

What faggots like you don't get is, that you may think you look like a chick, you may think your skin looks smooth enough to appear like the skin of a genuine female... problem is, you can't fake your stench. You will always smell like a guy and there is no way to fake it. That alone would probably be enough to expose what you are, just a faggot pretending to be what you are not.

So is my 14 year old brother, manlet.


Reverse psychology bait.

he looks like a dolphin

He's not even a trap u fucktard

kinda horny

you gotta admit thats a pretty fat ass

I feel like I'm catching cold. What do I think? Girl hips

No "reverse psychology" intended... It is just what I think.


you look like an idiot

jealous I cant have a shape like that.
