This guy was openly against interracial marriage and said he would never have children with a partner of some other race and still he is praised by everyone in the world ?
Why wont people call him racist ?
This guy was openly against interracial marriage and said he would never have children with a partner of some other race and still he is praised by everyone in the world ?
Why wont people call him racist ?
Other urls found in this thread:
one muslim down
He was a boxer before any other kind of person
You can't be white, openly racist and be boxer, football player, singer, TV host...
Your career would go down in a sec and nobody would even mention you when you die, or at least not in a good way
Because the average person doesn't know about that.
Look at his YouTube videos, the comment section if full of people calling him a racist.
Use it for your own good and tell people how Ali was against interracial marriage, send them into cognitive dissonance.
oh you fucking know why OP
good on him tho for respecting his own makeup. anybody who doesnt believe that they belong to the superior form of being is a fucking degenerate
>This guy was openly against interracial marriage and said he would never have children with a partner of some other race and still he is praised by everyone in the world ?Why wont people call him racist ?
Cause he's black it's okay.
Only white's can be racist in the US.
Obama has already confirmed this.
But im pretty sure the president of the USA and his staff know, yet still he payed him respect and called him a hero.
People of colour can't be racist. SJW 101. Didn't you know?
I'm proud to be black and love black culture, said the black man
I'm proud to be asian and love asian culture, said the asian man
I'm proud to be white and love white culture, said the racist
You can be openly against a race of people and not be racist. It's how you handle that dislike that matters.
Like I could dislike Asian people all day long but still treat them as human beings and help one if I saw one on trouble. I just wouldn't go out of my way to be in their company or something like that.
We need more black men/muslims like him.
And less anglo (jew?) like the faggot interviewing him.
anglojew : society made us different
Ali : no, God made us different
The ennemy of my ennemy is my friend.
Too bad more people don't take his example
Because there was way more to him as a man than that one interview
Yeah, I'm not sad about this at all.
When Mike Tyson dies though I'll fucking cry
He's an alpha male. He also wasn't racist.
>pic related Malcolm X on Jews
Muhammad BTFO BBC Jew cuck
>He's an alpha male. He also wasn't racist.
I agree with that, he wasn't racist be he was AGAINST INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE.
If i white person says he is against interracial marriage he is literally considered worst then the devil.
>Ali registered for the draft on his eighteenth birthday and was listed as 1-A in 1962.[113] In 1964, he was reclassified as 1-Y (fit for service only in times of national emergency) after two mental tests found his IQ was 78[114] (16th percentile), well below the armed force's 30th-percentile threshold.[113] (He was quoted as saying, "I said I was the greatest, not the smartest!")
So did farakahn and malcom x. They all lost the civil rights race to muh hills of Mississippi. liberals subvert black nationalism like white nationalism
He didn't sound dumb at all in interviews. Maybe the tests were wrongly designed (not for intelligence but normie knowledge).
I'm proud to be black and love black culture, said the nigger for some reason
I'm proud to be asian and love asian culture, said the gook japanese rape baby
I'm proud to be white and love white culture, said the stormnigger
Hmm really makes you think
> Why won't people call him racist?
He's dead. He's not anything anymore.
You realize this is a man that got hit in head repeatedly on a regular basis as profession? Why should anyone care what he thinks?
It's pretty much guaranteed that he himself is mixed race anyway.
It was a different time. Back in the 60's-70's. Good days when everyone wasn't a little pissant coward like they are now. I thank god everyday my grandkids aren't complete faggots. One of them is actually an amateur boxer. Toughest little shit I know, can't stop loving him. My sons wife is incredible, almost like she grew up the same way I did. Complete 50's housewife as you'd expect.
Excuse my rambling, just feels good to splurge about something positive once in awhile.
How old are you ?
Did you see the speech?
He was like
>White people don't want to have blacks around to marry and have black kids
And people were like
Then he was like
>We blacks want to stay black, we don't want white people around to marry and have negroid kids
And people were like
He expressed he had no hate for white folks but he just wanted to stay black and not dilute his genes.
And hey, I dig that. But people are retarded.
75 in a month. Death doesn't bother me to much yet.
proofs ?
Man, you are OLD!
What were the 60s like?
>I'm proud to be white and love white culture, said the cum eating cuckold
Is that Merkel?
I'm pretty sure back when he said that a majority of white people were against it too
Nothing to take a picture with my Macedonian friend. You can ask whatever you want though I guess.
No one cares about niggers not even nigger lovers, they are only masochistic they still think niggers are inferior.
right now a majority of white people prefer staying white as they have been forever.
Do you fear death ?
Is it worth to live past 30 years ?
meh, he was actually pretty red-pilled on this. As the old-timers say "Doves should stay with doves, and black birds should stay with black birds." You don't have to be a racist to have this principle.
As for being a Muslim, well if most of the dirty rotten Muslims would behave socially like Ali in his later years, it would be a much better world.
They do, until you go and bomb them.
"I want my kids to look like me" isn't racist.
Where do you fucking live so I can move there?
He even said no white person would want to mix and no black person would want to mix
his grandkid is white. ultimate irony. guess the sjw and race traitor thing isnt just a white women trait. black women are just as bad.
Full of hippie shit that bugged the crap out of me. Me being a part of the NYPD I was dealing with that shit pretty much 24/7. Also had a horrible run in with a small group of black panthers. Shit one of those fucking niggers dead, but my partner, who I only had known for about 2 months was shot in the chest and died awhile later.'68 was when I met my wife Mary.
Maybe he was smart enough to bullshit the test to not die in Vietnam like his poor brothers.
Ali is famous for saying 'no Vietnamese ever called me a nigger'
He was staunchly antiwar
ITT: Things that never happened
>not a joke
>not a joke
t. kike and kike slave
how can his grandkid be white?
Seriously, I know people with the smallest trace of black blood and they look like fucking Jay Z.
Very, my 40's was fun, my 50's were relaxing and then a large inheritance from a dead uncle kicked in so my 60's were fantastic. Settled down in California when I turned 73 and been living quietly ever since.
because his daughter married a white guy.
I DID! nigger fell like a sack of bricks!
I don't understand.
If your uncle died when you were 60, then how old was he ? 100 ?
Anyway tell us some stories when you worked in NYPD
It happens. It usually takes at least 2 generations though. I had a friend in Uni and I knew his dad was half-black, but this was whiter than me. His grandfather showed up at graduation, and he was like fresh off the plantation black. I was actually kind of floored as how much can change over just a few generations.
The left saw him as a pet monkey that they could use to claim they're on the "right side of history".
The personal, selfish interests of Muhammad Ali simply coincided with what they'd wanted to promote at the time - anti-authoritarianism, opinions against the draft. It helped that he was very vocal.
The left like to build morally infallible characters in place of their lack of principles, so they shit on the pope and pretend Ali/LBJ/obongo did no wrong, when in reality Ali was someone who punched people for a living in a bloodsport, LBJ escalated the vietnam war and obongo bombs people in yemen for fun.
Nobody is perfect, but don't let the left catch you saying that (queue the "oh we never said that they were perfect" "oh but they're still a great inspirational figure". Shut up, you're just promoting your moral agenda using populist/charismatic figures.)
Ali was a complete dickhead to joe fraizer
Never liked him after learning about that
Glad he got rekt in the first fight
He was 84 I'm pretty sure.
Another NYPD story was when me and a newbie had to go check on a disturbance on Horatio street. Turns out it was just a crack fiend busting windows and slamming garbage cans looking for, what he called, "a way out". He was high of his rocker to me and my partner caved his head in with batons (because he was a nigger) and booked him. Not very exciting.
>my son's wife
seriously though, god bless
I know, I chuckled myself when I read it back.
Everybody knows the Jews poisoned him to silence him; he would have been a Malcom X type figure. A follower of Elijah Muhammad with the fame and charisma; they had to silence him
Like they did with everyone else that can get the support of the people>
Trump would be dead if he wasn't part of the establishment;
>me and my partner caved his head in with batons (because he was a nigger)
>Not very exciting.
During his time, many people were openly racist
It's obviously because white people are pictured as evil everywhere.
I personnaly don't really care and I, like Ali, am openly against interracial relationship as it is destroying the identity/culture of each race mixing together.
And when I'm called a racist I just say I am not as I don't hate other races.
I am always stunned to see how much people don't care at all about their identity and history and want to destroy it all.
Damn I was wondering why in the hell anybody would want to live in California, but if you have a good amount of money and since you're a retired LEO you get all those nice exemptions including national conceal carry, I guess CA wouldn't be that bad.
I would still rather live anywhere else besides New York.
When you are a cop in New York, at least back then, stuff like that was almost common place.