Best suicide method?

Best suicide method?

WWYD threads

I really wish there was at least one quick method that was available to everyone and easier than rope. Jumping isn't available to everyone.

Death by logs

some guy made a machine in europe

I looked it up. Apparently it takes 5 minutes to die


fall on a nail on your head

Jumping off something really high. The pressure can make your head pop off.


OP pic related

Drop hang to be sure.

not .22 that'll rattle inside your skull ensuring success


Just get a gun or over dose on heroin

Being this dumb to believe such silly tales...


Heroin OD. If you feel bad enough you want to kill yourself then you may as well feel good before you die.

jumping off a building more than fifteen stories tall.

because you can't change your mind once you start.

>I really wish there was at least one quick method that was available to everyone and easier than rope. Jumping isn't available to everyone.

do you know what nitrogen is?

as long as it isn't five minutes of screaming agony, i'm okay with that.

what if you don't live in a country run by the NRA?

oh right, i'll just go down to wal-mart and buy some fucking heroin. it'll be somewhere between the milk and the shotgun shells.

>implying a 10 storey drop wouldn't kill you 10000% dead. I challenge this user to drop on their head on concrete from a mere 6 feet and see how fucked they are......

forget to breathe jerking off

It's really fucking easy to get smack, dude. /r/DarkNetMarkets, go to the superlist, and snoop around. Zion has tons of shit, black tar, no 3, and pure no 4. I promise you it's not as hard as you think. If you really wanted to kill yourself then you would do it, but you won't because you're just here for attention.

Most painless way available

3D printer

I bought 0.2 grams of #3 off the DNM once, smoking and snorting that shit was one of my best experiences ever.

I was going to buy some #4 and syringes a few nights ago and kill myself, but I backed out because I know I wouldn't do enough to die, and would just get hooked and ruin my life and hurt all my friends and family. I would kill myself if it weren't for the people who care about me, I just wish they didn't.

you won't get instantly hooked nor ruin your life because of some opiate...

The best method is breathing. It's a brutal method that slowly kills you. Typically takes 80 years, depending on environment and other variables.

I'm already addicted to opiates, I was addicted the first time I tried them; binged on a bottle of hydrocodone for a few weeks every other day, 20-30+mg until every last drop was gone, then stole oxycodone, hydrocodone and codeine from my dad 3 times in 2 weeks because the cravings are fucking awful. I'm fucked in the head and have been severely depressed for 10 years, I know damn well I would ruin my life with smack. Heroin will destroy your life and bring down everyone around you. If you don't know this then you are young, stupid, naïve, or any combination of the 3. It will kill you.

Funny how you're worried about destroying your life while posting in a suicide thread.

What does one's "life getting destroyed" even mean to you, and how do opiates accomplish this in your view?

Right, so you're obviously stupid and naïve. Heroin is one of the most dangerous and addicting substances on the planet. You will never, ever forget the first time you shoot up and feel the incredible rush of euphoria. It will never escape your mind even if you've been clean 20 years because it is that intense. 95% of heroin addicts will relapse after rehab. Most of them end up stealing and pawning shit for money to fuel their addiction, lose everything including lovers and your home, and become homeless until their addiction eventually kills them. This has been seen in countless musicians as well. One person to note is Layne Staley of Alice in Chains which I've been listening to a lot recently. He was so addicted that they had to abruptly stop touring in 1996, and they didn't do anything until he died in 2002. He was 86lbs at 6'0. Heroin will fucking destroy you, and 80% of the time it starts with prescriptions like hydrocodone and oxycodone. The fact that you don't know this shows that you are very ignorant, so from someone who has seen opiates destroy people, don't EVER fuck with them. You will regret it. The only reason I haven't killed myself is because I have a lot of family and friends who love me, and could bear to lose me. But god damn it, nothing would make me happier than to shoot up 300mg of smack and choke on my own vomit and fucking die.

Eh, opiates are alright but I prefer ecstasy/MDMA for euphoria.

Be in a relationship.

Sit below a thin stream of falling water. Stay still so water always fall on the same spot on your skull. Given enough time the water will start making a hole on skin, bones, and finally your brain.

If you don't do that you're gay.