ameriturds will defend this
Burgers should be gassed
Two wasn't enough.
Talk shit get hit.
Should have killed more tb-h
You're lucky you didn't catch one too, Guglielmo. Don't start none won't be none
We could have added a couple more zeros.
Europeans will ignore this
it was either this or let russia storm japan. had that war gone on much longer, we'd have had our fleet nuked too. japan pretty much was done with theirs by the time the war ended.
just one of those timing in history moments. A lot of shit could change for the world on japan's peace agreement being different in some aspects
shouldve surrendered after the first one.
also had to demonstrate to the soviets that we werent fucking around with being the worlds top dog.
its called establishing dominance. most of the planets species do this.
quit whining.
The bombing brought a quick end to the war and saved millions of lives, you see the Japanese actually fought with a warrior spirit unlike say the Italians who lost to a bunch of niggers
Look at the invasion of Okinawa and think about how bloody the invasion of Japan's other home islands would be
Should have leveled Kyoto and Tokyo and allowed GI's to gangrape the Emperor's family before lining all of them across the wall for the firing squad. Broadcast it on live television for every goddamn Nipponese cocksucker to watch too.
Fuck those slant eyed rice smelling ass faggot cunts.
Mussolini was also stupid as fuck.
10/10 want to see it happen again
I'd volunteer to drop the bomb
Nah Japan deserved that shit.
The japanese deserved every atom of that bomb
Must feel pretty stupid when you're a Dutch pow who got killed by a nuke
>nuke a country that was fucking eating people
gee I sure feel bad. Fuck Japan and fuck you too
No, you're right. We fucked up, and committed one of the worst atrocities known to man.
In our haste to end the war, we made a compromise, and did the unthinkable. Our scientific prowess had blinded us to the nature of reality. That's why we did such a terrible thing.
We left some Japs alive, and didn't nuke Moscow.
I'm so sorry.
trips then dubs. kek is with us
>killed 500,000 Ethiopians under command of Mussolini
>you'll defend this
>TFW America nuked Japan
Thank you based USA
>tfw your country destroyed another country so fucking hard that it turned their imperialistic warrior culture into pic related
under fucking rated post
>fuck you weebs
I get hard thinking about it
Not that pic though
Mandatory response.
Come at me niggers
>shitting on other people's contributions in world wars
That's a feat for Italians.
What is there to defend? Annihilating our enemies? That's a good thing you spaghetti eating African
>leaf talking about war
The second sino-japanese war:
Chinese civilian losses:
17,000,000–22,000,000 civilians dead
Stop apologising for those Japanese fucks.
Greece kicked them out after they tried to invade though, pushed them into Albania where they got their assess kicked again.
Don't give Italy too much credit. Conquering Ethiopia in the 1920's is like conquering an ant hill now.
Not too impressive.
shut the fuck up you dumbass meme spouter
neva 4get lmao
Lefties will defend this.
at least we won the first!
they contributed highly to WW2 dumb bastard.
>back to class
>unopposed capture
>300 people still died
How...fucking how? 300 people died of friendly fire or simply froze to death?
At least your ancestors chose wisely and surrendered first, Antonio
suck my wad yankee fuck.
some of us were actually throwing down overseas and not a one canadian was to be found. i fought alongside the french and fucking nigerians but never once saw a canadian.
meme that, faggot.
no... you didnt.
it was handed to the allies on a platter.
germoney never shouldve surrendered and didnt need to.
miscommunication between leafs and burgers lead to friendly fire, iirc
Casualties don't mean deaths. If your rifle breaks and you have to go back to the ships and miss the battle to get a new rifle that counts as a casualty.
Have to agree here.
England mandated their colonies/commonwealths to fight with Americans and their own military forces abroad. Canadians had an equal involvement in European warfare.
In the South Pacific, ehhhhh not so much.
Hahahaha yeah we did that
probably drowned.
it was a problem for us.
our gear didnt have a easy release. hurt us pretty good on d-day as well.
Yup I remembered correctly.
On August 15, 1943, the 7th Division (U.S.) and the 13th Infantry Brigade (Canada), landed on opposite shores of Kiska.
Both U.S. and Canadian forces mistook each other as the Japanese and, as a result of friendly fire, 28 Americans and 4 Canadians were killed, with wounded on either side.[1] A stray Japanese mine caused the USS Abner Read (DD-526) to lose a large chunk of its stern. The blast killed 71 and wounded 47. 191 troops went missing during the two-day stay on the island and presumably also died from friendly fire, booby traps, or environmental causes. Four other troops had also been killed by landmines or other traps.
Also some of those deaths were from a sea mine the Japs left behind iirc
Are you one of those people who think the word "ignorant" means racist?
slopes got rekt
OP is a faggot
Based Austria bro, thanks for researching for me.
they killed some of their own
Better than 1+ million killed on both sides and a northern communist japan.
Life is harsh, cupcake. Toughen up buttercup.
Tokyo firebombing killed more, as far as single events go
Wouldn't expect less from fucking polar gooks.
Reminder that German-Americans were mostly sent to serve in that huge meat grinder in the Pacific. The lives that the Americans saved could have been one of our distant cousins.
>28 Americans and 4 Canadians were killed,
How much is that in human life, though?
Fucking top kek wasn't there some massive empire that fought each other and like 10k soldiers died?
28 people
>believing we actually used a nuclear weapon on Japan
Noice :^)
>what is Afghanistan
We Canadians are good but we're not omnipresent you fatass
>Canadians are good
lmao source?
>believing nuclear bombs does not turn the ''''victims'''' into reptilian aliens
The japs were fucking savages, someone had to put them in their place and if you disagree, you're a filthy weeb
Worked out in the long run though, didn't it?
And if it hadn't happen then, and scared the living hell out of everyone... It's likely it would of happened between Russia and the US, on a much larger scale.
Quiet, Hans.
Our prime minister is so cucked that it's newsworthy, yet we still manage to only be a trivial fraction as cucked as you are.
Please, Canada is irrelevant. You're basically the New Zealand of the northern hemisphere :^)
>we still manage to only be a trivial fraction as cucked
If relevance in this world means having to take the responsibility for pampering shit skins, I'm quite content that you're willing to take that burden for me. Thanks :^)
>what is a global presence
stop crying when you dont have one
>mfw when the whole planet sucks US dick in secret
>he thinks cucking himself by babysitting the world for free is a good thing
>he thinks incurring a 20 trillion dollar debt from needless military dick swinging is a good thing
>Germany is the largest national economy in Europe, the fourth-largest by nominal GDP in the world, and fifth by GDP (PPP).
>Canada has the 11th (nominal) or 15th-largest (PPP) economy in the world
>maybe if i flex they won't notice I'm a nigger
This is what Italians actually believe
>The total debt owed by all Canadians at the end of March 2015 was a record $1.8-trillion with mortgage debt making up $1.29-trillion.
Holy shit, dildos and buttplugs must be really expensive :^)
>either this or let russia storm japan
>also had to demonstrate to the soviets that we werent fucking around with being the worlds top dog
>The bombing brought a quick end to the war and saved millions of lives,
>Better than 1+ million killed on both sides and a northern communist japan.
>burgerclaps in full cognitive dissonance repeating like parrots the same old kike propaganda lies
>Annihilating our enemies?
menacing to genocide instead of fighting through armies like proper people instead of negro-like chimping
got you covered senpai
Its a pretty funny story.
Austro-Hungary set up a camp during the war against the ottoman empire and sent out scouts to look for ottoman forces.
One of the scout units (hussars) meet gypsies which sold them high % alcoholic beverages, the exhausted infantry soldiers also wanted some but were prohibited from buying it by their commanders, so they shot in the air and called the commander "turci". Which is serbo-croatian for turks.
The shouts of "turks!" combined with the gun fire in the middle of the night created panic in the camp which expected a ottoman assault.
Some Hussars started to flee and where shot at by infantry which though they were ottoman cavalry.
Chaos broke out units started to flee thinking the camp was taken over in a nightly stealth raid by the ottomans and shooting between units started in the chaos and the poor visibility of the night.
Officers started shouting " Halt!" which meant "stop!" but due to the multilingual nature of the austro-hungarian army (hungarians,croats, serbs, germans, romanians, slovaks, czechs, ukrainians etc.) combined with shooting, it was largely misheard as "allah!"
Units tried to flee over a bridge but there were so many they blocked each other and people started falling off into the river. With that even more chaos broke out and reorganisation was impossible.
The next morning the situation calmed down, tons of ammunition, equipment, uniforms, food etc were destroyed and about 10.000 man of the 100.000 man force were dead and many more wounded. Therefor the army retreated.
Some days later the ottomans arrived and found a empty camp with 10.000 bodies in it.
>, someone had to put them in their place
the manly thing to do would have been to let the armies fight rather than mass killing civilians like faggots then
look, i hate canadians as much as the next guy, but i hate your shite people just as much.
who gives a shit if you have six dildos or seven dildos stuck up your ass. youre both cucked.
"Canada is the ugly, hairy wart on America's forehead."
>at least we can
>scratch that we did
people know America. 50 years in you were still fighting us for territory and pelts.
>im sure well remember you fondly, leaf.
>if the french dont finally annex you
shilling this hard to justify being unable to fight like human beings and instead choose the negro-style of mass bombings and genocide
sure buddy
>i hate canadians
We all do. It's what makes us human.
>when the whole planet sucks US dick in secret
plese never google China or Saudi Arabia, you might discover who your real daddies are
>I am going to talk shit so maybe they won't notice I am a kikes' slave shilling
This is what burgerclaps actually do
>le innocent civilians meme
Nope. They were part of a civilian national security force, trained and ready to kill.
Hey spaghettinigger, you forgot one
i assume you're pointing at OP because the only mexican response before mine is in that case, you truly are retarded, m8.
We should've nuked your shithole soon-to-be third world country
I am a kike, nigger. Stay mad
>a civilian national security force, trained and ready to kill.
sure, keep on the cognitive dissonance user.
you just menaced genocide killing civilians in order to make someone stop beating your chimping asses.
keep on with the kikes' propaganda, we goyms won't notice