The Jewish feminists are now openly teaching white women to hate men and kick them in the groin.
Krav Maga: Jewish Feminism?
It's simple, you kick them in the groin back. It doesn't hurt as much but it's still painful for them.
But what's in it for the jews? They only serve their self-interest.
Maybe they actually want to kick women like Petry and Le Pen in the groin
King of the Hill proved you can't do that
Boob punching hurts
Most women aren't athletic, I find it hard that they'll be able to kick so well without trying it dozens if not hundreds of times
Krav Maga is a joke too, I only find non-resisting demonstrations of the moves, there is never any action.
Why do normie women think taking a Krav Maga lesson is going magically grant them the ability to beat up any man? Most women can't even punch when they try, they just do like a limp wristed arm swing.
>not wearing an athletic supporter at all times while in public
You asked for it.
Groin kicks take a lot of practice to avoid the 80% chance of a KO punch in the face.
Women should use weapons to defend themselves: Pepper spray (or a gun in the US).
Enjoy sweaty balls, dead sperm, and higher ball cancer risk from the heat
I was practicing Krav Maga and it isn't all about groin shots. It's a dirty shots style so there are also loads of shots on the throat, eyeballs pressing, flat hits on the nose, etc.
Rapists probably only use one on "action" nights.
So how do you practice them with adrenaline running without severely injuring or killing someone
I mean in a real life scenario shit goes down fast
Watch pro fight, nut shots with cups still hurt
>shots on the throat
These are acutally interesting. Palm to the adam's apple?
Good, maybe this will prevent some women from being raped by feral niggers, based jews just helping out user.
You are wearing cups on goins during training. It's not 100% protection but fucking helps. As for throat ayes and nose you just have to be careful. You are practicing technique over and over again. For example even small force "hammer" hits on enemy neck can fuck up his veins and cause his death so you really need to control yourself.
Beside that 1st rule is not getting into a fight. But when it's inevitable your goal is wrecking as much shit as possible in as short as possible time.
>Steal fighting styles for various cultures
>add in redundant routines that would otherwise get you killed in real life
>muh IDF
>Sell overpriced lessons to goyim across the globe
EZ money
>Palm to the adam's apple
Nope. After intial combo and lowering enemy position lower, exposing his neck, you his it with bottom of the closed fist with a powerfull swing form top. Hence the name "hammer". Of course we never did it in full force but our instructor warned us it's extremely dangerous, can fuck us veins and even stop blood circulation to the head a.k.a. goodnight sweet prince.
Kid, I was taught in 1989 at Fort Benning, following the wisdom of Fairbairn and Applegate, that every guy had two weak points. Balls and eyeballs. The Israelis trained from Fairbairn's WWII curriculum too. Nothing shocking here.
The only way to get a full contact nut shot on someone is to essentially land a "sucker punch/kick". Simple if you're dealing with a violent woman, just be ready to protect your balls.
Because that's how they advertise it.
They "teach" you how to disarm knives AND GUNS and they tell you to do repetitive exercises that have no place in a real fight.
It's not like boxing where you learn simple moves and then they come natural like keeping your guard up and how to strike effectively.
Krav Maga teaches you sequences that respond to default attacks that will rarely happen in real life.
I know a lot of the BTS of martial arts and contact sports and everybody says the same shit about Krav Maga (people buy the belts and the teaching licenses and then they get money off it because KM has a great marketing system).
What happens if you wear groin protection then?
>Not wearing a spiked athletic supporter
>And coated with curare
It's like you don't even live in 2016.
It's like Aikido.
It's fun to do?
Does it sound cool when you say it to pick up girls?
Does it actually save you from a real weapon or mugging?
Most probably not.