Millennial in his 20s here thinking about moving to the great USA and applying for the CIA internship/scholarship thing...

millennial in his 20s here thinking about moving to the great USA and applying for the CIA internship/scholarship thing with a purpose to build a career out of that. Any thoughts on that? Would it be a smart job career for someone like myself?

pic is two snakes hugging

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CIA here, yeah we don't hire double agents.

Nice try Mark.

stfu asshole, I'm serious

You can't work for the American government department unless you're an American citizen.

I applied for jobs in US National Park Service and they said nope.

well you could get the citizenship first. Naturalization test and everything?

why the fuck would you want to live in america

You can't even be a fucking Cop let alone in the CIA is your a dirty foreigner. Dumbass

bcz money and shit

read the posts, you could get the citizenship goddamit. if some dirty arab can get it, why wouldn't a white aryan do the same?

Why would you want to work for a coercive agency that gets paid through theft to murder innocents and initiate wars? Did you miss the whole John McCain, Hillary and Obama destabilizing Libya, Yemen and Syria by arming "peaceful childbeheading rebels"?

well i wouldn't wanna do that kind of stuff. if i was in a cubicle for the rest of my life, just filling out papers and getting a decent paycheck (which is btw more than above average when compared to my country) I'd be the happiest man

So you don't care that you're helping an organisation that beheads kids and kills millions, as long as you get paid slightly more? I think you seriously need to rethink your priorities.

Just so you know what you're signing on for:

And information on what to do with your life can be found on, just use the search function to search for subjects.

The fundamental question you need to ask yourself is: "How much is my integrity worth to me" because when you work for government, you are paid through taxation and taxation is the forceful transfer of money through the threat of violence, which is theft.

you sound like a dirty lefty hippie to me m8

aw man, I saw liveleak and thought there'd be a video
what am I gonna do with this boner now?

Fuck, did they remove it? I'll go look for another link. It's all over the internet. Syrian rebels behead boy, but this was the uncensored one.

I don't care about the opinions of people who think stealing is good, that's something only an absolute retard can justify.

Cool, Ill see in 10 to 12 years after you become a citz.

way ahead of you pal

well taxing was here basically from the start of the civilization and it actually helps cycling the money in a country. but whatever all whites are privileged assholes, right bitch?

actually it's 5. just enough time to finish school

Genghis Khan raped so many people like a THIRD OF THE CURRENT WORLD POPULATION carries his DNA. Does that make rape good? Is that your way of determining good or bad, people in the past used to do it? That's an extreme conservative statement, no change allowed for the better.

your iq is so low i won't even waste my strength to fight you

Why join the dark side when you live in the free world?

Beheded, shot at school in Miami, whats the difference?

beheadings look cooler
plus you get to hold the head up and pretend you're the predator

That's what I thought, you can't even come up with a reason why stealing is good after saying so, so you resort to petty insults and denial.

i think you're the one in denial buddy. oh sorry i meant trans gender potato. go to a rally somewhere

So you're a communist who hates the people who are your allies? How does that work then?

>forceful transfer of money through the threat of violence, which is theft.
How did you earn that money? Working at a company? Your own maybe?
And that company utilize roads? Internet? Electricity? Water? Plumbing? A plot of fucking land?
And who provided all that?
That's right. The govenment. And as a "thank you for those vital services" you pay the government back, you shit eating hippie.

If you're anything like the milennials already here, fuck off. If you're not a piece of shit snowflake, welcome.

You can't join the CIA willy nilly, they contact those who meet certain criteria

Also, where the fuck do you think money gain it's value?
If you're such an anti government edgelord go raise some fucking sheep and trade them for goods and services, not money.
Oh is that hard? Is that complicated?
Well say another "thank you government" for that money that they are apparently stealing from you.
The fuck out of my Sup Forums you absolute child.

Wrong, other companies made all those things. Government doesn't even build anything themselves, they hire companies to do it for them. Essentially they pick the winners instead of the actual customers, the citizenry that gets to pay for it.

Now tell me how theft is a good thing or define theft as you see it, maybe I'm just misunderstanding what you think theft means. I think it's the forceful transfer of property. Forceful as in either using or threatening physical violence, as in this person would not choose this action without the force.

Of course the most important property you have is your body. Your body contains your mind, and your mind makes decisions that result in actions. Therefore you are the owner of your actions and the owner of the consequences of those actions. Do you agree with this?

i like to think i'm not an oversensitive sjw pussy

i'm just considering it but idk, if they'd accept me as an intern, i'd definitely have to work for at least a year and a half after college

follow your dreams

But you see, you are confusing money and currency. Bitcoin is a currency without government, it's doing very well actually. The US dollar is a currency too, but it can just be printed.

Where the value of money is, is what you can buy FOR that money. In other words, money is a claim on value. Cows can be money, gold can be money, anything universally accepted as a trading good within a certain scope is money. A currency however, is just a specific form of money.

Say you have 1 kg of gold and a currency called (you) of which you create 10000 units to represent the 1kg of gold. People can trade with each other with the representation of your gold, and if they want to, they can exchange 1 unit for 1/10000th of that gold with you so they can exchange it with other currency extenders. That's what's called the gold standard. What do you think happens if you suddenly decide to create another 10000 units? Does your amount of gold go up? No, it just means there's now 1 kg of gold for 20000 units of your currency and every existing unit of currency has had half its value forcefully transferred to the units you just created.

Not wrong dipshit. The government contracted it out.
Mind you "the government" is just a bunch of people, who contracted it out to other people so that the general population (your sorry self included) would benefit.

And the reason you're "forced" is because the general public is too fucking shortsighted and greedy to pay otherwise.
How would you like if the roads all crumpled to rocks and dust?
Not much I'd guess, but you still think taxes is stealing and so you wouldn't pay them if you had the option.
You're the reason taxes exist. Because you're too stupid, selfish and arrogant to know that taxes are what separates us from mud huts in Africa.

Not to mention no one is threatening you with violence. No one is forcing you to work either.
If you don't pay taxes, you go to jail. No violence required.

>The government contracted it out.

To whom would they contract it out? Contracting it out means outside of the government, so what you're effectively saying is that the government takes money from customers and shoves it at businesses that these customers do not necessarily want to do business with.

Why not let customers choose who they do business with? Why the need for the theft?

You're just defining currency dipshit.
Go raise yaks in the Himalayan mountains if you don't want to pay tax.

Put your figurative money where your ignorant mouth is.
See you in a month when you get sick of trading yaks for porridge and firewood and you come crawling back begging for government services.

you will never work for the cia this is not a joke

Also, forceful imprisonment by men with guns is not violence to you? You don't mind having your life destroyed by being branded a criminal and being denied employment as a result just because you did not want to hand over money? You just said people didn't want to pay unless they were forced to.

>the reason you're "forced" is because the general public is too fucking shortsighted and greedy to pay otherwise.
People are stupid and greedy, so we need another group of stupid and greedy people with a monopoly on theft and violence to ensure stupid and greedy people don't behave in stupid and greedy ways. How does this make sense to you? Do you think people stop being people once they start working for the government? Do you think serial rapist Bill Clinton and "super-predators" Hillary who sold 20% of the US uranium to Russia were good picks for the presidency?

>How would you like if the roads all crumpled to rocks and dust?
But they were crumbling in America under Obama, who had the highest tax rate in America's history. I would say the world, but the soviet union had a 100% tax rate, as does north korea and Venezuela is currently in process of finding out what a 100% tax rate does.

>Why not let customers choose who they do business with? Why the need for the theft?

You know, that's a great idea.

But it's gonna be a terrible mess if every single person has to contract out who makes every 10 feet of asphalt on their road.
So how about we instead elect a couple of people who can speak on our behalf, and then they can contract it out FOR us?

And the same goes for every other necessity, like plumbing and the electric grid and so on.

And then we just pay those representatives a portion of out income and they also maintain the roads and such.


I grew up poor but now I have plenty of money, because I taught myself skills and worked hard. Why should people who made poor decisions get to take my money? I don't understand how I don't get to keep the good results of my actions but must accept the bad results of the actions of other people.

Imagine you getting a ticket every time someone else speeds, that's just unfair.

>Also, forceful imprisonment by men with guns is not violence to you?
Do you know what violence is? Have you ever encountered violence in that sheltered existence of yours?
No, my sweet summer child, that is not violence. You chose not to support your community, and you chose to stay in that community and leech off its resources. You chose the consequence.

>People are stupid and greedy, so we need another group of stupid and greedy people
A person is smart. People are stupid.
A representative is smart. Constituents are stupid.

Comprende? A person can make smart decisions. A country can't.

If you disagree then immediately burn your laptop and cellphone and join your retarded hippie friends at burning man.

>I don't understand how I don't get to keep the good results
Do you live on the streets? Are you using a library computer like the actual "poor people who are stealing my money"?
Do you have more money left over after taxes than a waiter who also pays fucking taxes?
Then you are keeping "the good results" you fucking retard.

If you work hard, you get more.

Yeah, but you see, the problem is taxes aren't optional. What I'm saying is I like the idea of delegating tasks to others by giving them money, but I'd like to chose who I give that money to and if they do a terrible job, I want to be able to not give them money instead of having to convince the rest of the nation not to take my money. Do you get where I'm coming from? It's about freedom of choice. People will pay for things they want. Samsung didn't get huge by forcing people to buy their phones, they just make really good phones. If someone else makes better phones or they start slacking, I'll switch to another brand. Can't do that if you're forced to consume one brand.

If I want to buy a house, I'm forced to get a loan because I'm forced to pay for the rent of people who don't want to work. How is that fair? Why should big banks benefit from me being robbed?