Let's get an unpopular opinion thread going.
Sup Forums edition.
Let's get an unpopular opinion thread going.
Sup Forums edition.
First things first. Explain this picture to me. Did spider man catch another criminal or something? Why is there white stuff all over the floor and the persons legs.
I thought Sherlock was a great show.
There's literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
Trump will lose.
Canada should not be annexed. It needs to be burned.
Climate Change is real and a extremely pressing issue.
I thought the original Ghostbusters was mediocre at best.
I enjoy watching interracial porn.
Stefan Molyneux is right about pretty much everything.
Uh, we dont have to do anything but sit back and watch at this point.
breeding should be a privilege not a right
what woman has been raped and is limp because of it, she is likely being held above the ground as copious amounts of man-cream droops down her orifices using her limbs to the floor.
Jew hatred is a total fucking deception and distraction.
Not an argument
A lot of Jews are good people, after all, and can even serve as great allies despite the fact that many bad Jews are currently in positions of power.
I descent from Jews. Feels good.
You got it.
I think Obama was a good president in terms of keeping up appearences and at least acting presidential. Also his unmitigated use of drone strikes against brown people makes me laugh.
Being a real furry would be fun.
She wanted it, and her sister allso wanted it.
It already is
Israel is based.
Also I love jews and I think refugees are awesome (pls dont arrest me, im too young for the electric chair)
vasectomys should be free
Hitler was a dirty Socialist lefty.
He said UNPOPULAR opinions silly
God wills it.
Sup Forums should stop sucking the dick of countries like Poland or Russia
Now there's your unpopular opinion.
This. I support his nationalist ideas but he also wanted a welfare state for muh workers.
These two opinions are also correct.
Unpopular opinions, brah. Reread OP's thread.
Most Burgers would rather annex it, though.
But the lands fucking cursed.
I don't really like white people very much.
There is nothing wrong with Gays, Lesbians or Bisexuals
Faggot =/= Homosexual
Trannies on the other hand..
this. Sup Forums uses jews for bankers, whom they dislike. it's like the stereotype reversed.
or, you know, the usual: mixing israel and jewism too hard.
If the West hasn't been saved in ten years we need to start a breakaway civilization.
Eastern asians are the most degenerate.
They make niggers and spics look white.
Only unpopular in burgerstan and some muslim countries.
trump is controle oposition
I think enviroment in what people are raised in plays a bigger role in their development than their genes.
Fuck you, shitbird. All that tribal tattoo ink get in your blood stream and forget the manners your momma taught you after she concieved you in the back seat of a Volvo in a Chuck E Cheese parking lot one night. In my day we didn't beat off to gay furry unicorn porn of a fucking girl's feet like 90% of the faggots on this Chinese image board to 5 times a day in their basement between piles of Mac and cheese tubs. All that goddamn Axe you puppies slosh on makes a woman think you're going to an Iranian wedding with skinny jean tuxes and a fedora to impress the tied goat you'll visit with enough alcohol "liquid courage".
In my day we didn't send a fucking picture of our dick to a girl with a phone. We fucking showed it to her in person in a closet at a house party like a real man with manners! You pecker pummelers need to get some respect.
Totalitarianism is a good thing
mentally ill weebs like this need to be gassed
Being Moslem
Enjoy mudskin dick in white women
Nothing special here
It's cause black dudes get to fuck the hottest girls.
There's no such thing as "looking white" if you don't actually look European. European cultures and ethnicities are extremely diverse and not interchangeable.
Racial standards mean nothing and will be subverted in minutes unless we have moral standards.
A return to tradtionalist society centered in christianity is the only solution to our current problems.
Yes, that means that your 2dwaifu fags trannies and all other degenerate bullshit has to go.
there's nothing inherently wrong with being LGBT, they're just attached to shitty leftist values.
Putin is a loser
Israel is a good country and an example of nationalism done right
Dispora Jews are not the problem, leftism is. Jews are attracted to it because of their high IQ and understandable fear of being murdered again by a far right govt
RinxSem and Ran->Sem
There is no white genocide, there is only mass demographic white suicide
it wasn't literal.
I think women are childish and have retarded priorities
You cannot call yourself redpilled while believing in supernatural entities.
or watch anime
>live in state that is 98% white.
>Mexicans will wait years to stab you in the back
>Blacks either wont stab you in the back because the niggers just smoke crack in the bathroom or stab you right away. Only trust worthy fellow I know is black though.
>Whites will turn on you in less than a week.
Fuck white trash, I would send them to a compactor.
This is true.
That's why you should not hesistate to fuck brown girls if they look good and are conservative women. A lot of nations were built on race mixing anyways...
I'll give you gays and dykes but bisexuals (aka women) are bullshit - girls who describe themself as bi is code for "non monogamous"
The Alt Right is the right wing version of the Social Justice left
Also, Christian zealots on here are practically ISIS tier in their beliefs. Luckily they're also complete pussies, so they'll never actually act according to them, unlike ISIS, although I would love to see a Christian State run by Christcucks Sup Forumscrusaders. It would be quite an entertaining failure
Pro-choice all day
I tried to enjoy this movie too but I couldn't, I dont know why
For me, Men In Black is the superior paranormal goofy movie
This may be unpopular in sweden
Rest of the World acknowledged it decades ago
I was blessed with 88 twice this thread.
Italy always knows how to make-a the pasta.
It was alright.
Million times better than Elementary or whatever the fuck the other one is called.
Left and right don't need to be at loggerheads.
The problem with the left isn't their policies, the problem is that they all congregate on cancerous sites (tumblr, twitter, etc.) which warp them into cancer. If there was a /leftpol/ or something similar I feel like I'd get along with those people, talking about the finer points of economic policy and social issues.
Hitler was a Jew. His motive was to make the hatred of them be associated with Nazis, allowing them to run banks and governments worldwide and making any opposition towards them make one seem evil. It is no coincidence that his body was never found after his mission was complete.
>That's why you should not hesistate to fuck brown girls if they look good and are conservative women.
Sadly I cant agree with this. Creating a generation of people with huge identity issues isnt going to help us.
If it only were for the few IQ points I wouldnt care, but there's so much more than that.
Kind after kind is gods law, and avoiding race-mixing is part of keeping the covenant. As expressed clearly several places in the old testament.
For ecample deuteronomy 23:2
A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.
Ten here is figurative speech, not about dilution of mixed blood but means never.
A mix between a bastard and a purebred is still a bastard.
Nigresses are the best at fucking. Too bad they're so ugly.
I can't stand anime.
Hitler's socialism actually worked though, because everyone was nationalistic. The rich wanted to give to the lower classes to help them and in turn their country's greater good. The poor would work very hard and continue to be the strong bottom of the pyramid. I don't know how long it would have worked since sooner or later nationalism starts to cool down and individualism becomes more prominent
>actually worked
Not really enough evidence to be conclusive considering how long it lasted.
As a mixed person you get over it by about 15 unless you're stupid
There is nothing wrong with LGBT. US grouping racial and other issues is retarded, now if you support gay marriage you should also welcome niggers and spics, that's not how it's supposed to work.
Scandinavian socialism works best (10-15 years ago everyone wanted to live in sweden) for developed countries, but it needs a strict immigration policy.
if this is an unpopular opinion, doesn't that mean there's is more support for trump, and thus he won't lose?
Unpopular opinion for Burgerstan: number of H1Bs should be increased 10-fold once the wall is built. Poor stupid people should be kept out, but there is no reason to keep out educated westernized professionals.
no shit now im sure to seen that shit
britain is my favorite country despite me never being there. the architecture, the folklore, their urban legends, the names of their cities and people, their history, their style, etc etc i could go on. i would like to visit for an all english experience. i heard kent is a part of england with the most whites? id love to go there sometime next summer if only i had a pen pal there. i would gladly fight for anglos in the next civil war and remove kebab. dont get me wrong i like brisket, my gun and america and would fight off mexicans too. but i am just obsessed with england
Hispanic women are best at fucking actually, but you wouldn't know since like Bongs Nedercucks love to have sex with niggers because they are weak
Bernie is the best choice for president. He is least harmful because Congress won't take him seriously and he will die before his term is over.
shill trips
wrong, neither wanted it. but thats what makes it so enthralling. The pain and trauma are their own form of drug as hopelessness sets in.
only if you are catholic you beaner. Latino pussy is almost always christian pussy.
Gigantic faggot alert. I 100% mad
>waa waa why do people talk about anime on my anime image board
If it wasn't for degenerate weebs you wouldn't have an anonymous outlet to discuss your hot political opinions. Better learn to love it or go to Reddit, boy.
Here's my unpopular opinion for input:
hypocritcal webfugees are the scum of the internet
There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish
- Basic income is inevitable and a good thing
- Jews get irrational hatred here
- Leftist economic policies are the way forward. Hitler was a National SOCIALIST, this confuses Sup Forums.
Trump is a dumb buffoon but I'm voting for him anyways because the other options are so bad.
This is indisputable. He took money and property from Jews and distributed it, Marxist style, to Germans. He was a filthy commie.
white people do do crazy stuff
Having the right to sell your own property is normal, also if 1000's of people work at your company, but it is still your property. And you can do whatever the fuck you want with that.
Being gay is ok, liberal isn't a bad thing to be. Black people see not how they're depidicted here as a whole. Donald Trump isn't that great despite what people like Alex Jones think. Also nationalism the extreme kind is dumb and religion is a poison on this world.
>the way forward
Toward what destination? And who says that is forward, rather than back?
jews are good and should be our allies
I think abolishing the fed, reinstating new money, then instating strict protectionism is the best way to save our economy
How is that unpopular?