Not a single memorial thread about Trianon? It looks like this board isn't so different than our liberal media.
Not a single memorial thread about Trianon? It looks like this board isn't so different than our liberal media
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Top kek Maria
Why do Americans refuse to learn basic geography?
Press F to pay respects.
>Push for war against small irrelevant slav state to expand empire
>Drag entire world into the war
>lose empire
fucking amazing
>yfw even Austria, a loser of the war got some clay from Trianon
>to Ireland
>98 years
>still butthurt
You can always try to get your clay back, because that worked so well last time.
>Have massive empire which caused the war
>Whine as if they're dividing up the Hungarian homeland
It's not a refusal, it's their Americation
Shouldn't have surrendered so readily.
The difference is that a large part of WWI's goal after Wilson's entrence was the furtherance of self-deterministic democracy. While I hate Wilson and see him as responsible for almost every issue America faces today, Trianon was justifyed, and although I hate it as a reactionary, it was thouroughly just, as Hungary was broken into autonomous sections based on ethnic lines, as nations should be, who desired independence from the Empire, and had for quite some time.
>Austniggers fuck things up
>Magyars pay the worst price
You wouldn't even need to change Germany to show how bad we had it. You also forgot Austria(including Sudetenland and Südtirol.)
Well...every country that was created had hungaryan minority,and other minorities too.
Only hungary became ethnically homogeneous after the treaty.
not OC, so it has some grammar errors, i know.
it's just an illustration how fucking lack of justice were in that treaty, ripping appart a nation who was just dragged in to the wars , and that the real guilty countries got away with only a slap on their hand.
>Hungary BTFO
Lel, you Romanis are so proud of being able to defeat an already collapsed country. Typical gypsies.
Keyword- minority. So long as they weren't a majority then the seperation was just.
If you lost a war to bunch of gypsies what does that make you :^)
>ethnic lines
Okey dokey than...
maximum cuckening, it should happen to turkey instead
I still can't understand Vajdaság, no rime or reason. what the fuck man, just look at the fucking map!!!!
It's been nearly a hundred years, you stupid paprika-snorting cunt. Get over it.
Maybe you should've engaged in a more comprehensive Magyarization effort so that you wouldn't have been filled with minorities back when Wilson thought Self Determination was the way.
Problem is that Hungarian Kingdom was mostly populated by people who weren't Magyar.
France, Italy, Germany, USA are ethnically homogenous.
Can you use the English flag for England instead of the Scottish flag?
They just drew a bunch of random lines and called it a day, the winning allies had some messed up plans for Europe after the war (like a 'slavic coridor' connecting Yugoslavia with Czechoslovakia running right through Hungary)
fuck you. 100 years is nothing. go die in a terrorist attack
Hungary is a thousand years old.
a hundred years means nothing.
It's france's fault, nice to see them getting cucked
If it survived the Turks it will survive this too
So what?
1. they didn't have the strength to keep it
2. people there didn't want to remain
Talking about "unfairness" is literally retarded.
One could argue about northern Vojvodina and parts of Transylvania, but there's literally no realistic claim to Hungary ruling entire Croatia or Slovakia, which are populated by Croats and Slovaks.
minorities loved to live under hungarian rule. we treated them well.
nationality of those areas doesn't matter, it was still our land. land we fought for and protected from invading subhumans. we protected all of our minorities, built them castles, infrastructure and provided for them so they coul breed and become so numerous
but that's a lie
if they loved to live under Hungarian rule they'd keep living under Hungarian rule
>our land
but that's also a lie
it was a land of Hungarian crown, not land of Magyars by any law or logic
Croatia for example retained distinct institutions, autonomy and identity throught that period
and Magyars were literally never majority in those regions (except maybe Transylvania)
It happened almost 100 years ago. It's water under the bridge
>Not valid comparisions m8
it was divided up ethnic line at least they attempted that largely, Austria (Germany in reality) should have gotten more clay
>got clay
(pic related)
Except a lot of Hungary back then wasn't Hungarian
Lol. You were chauinistic shit, second only to austrians, with exeption that maybe austrians did't bend over to turks. But likes of you never change.
Because they didn't give a shit. They gave zero fucks when they drew up these borders. Honestly, much of that clay is "just" but there are huge discrepancies that will never be fixed.
>Blaming Ameridumbs
I am almost 100% certain that a magyar is behind this image.
exactly, minorities resented Hungarian rule, and besides some Slovaks every minority in Hungarian part in 1848 turned against Magyars and chose Habsburgs
Austrian rule was far better, in both Slovenia and Bohemia
you can't just split up a country and gift it to surrounding countries. FUCK YOU ALL you little shits
but it wasn't gifted, people in those regions separated on their own
>hungarian rule
you mean the rule of the German Crown nigger.
>you can't just split up a country and gift it to surrounding countries
lol, it's what has always happened to losers since the dawn of history
nope, emperor of Austria was also king of Hungary
those lands were under Hungarian crown
pic related
Emperor is #1 and that was the Austrian (German) crown. Hungary was not indipendant that was just lipservice. It was defacto ruled by germans.
>minorities loved to live under hungarian rule. we treated them well.
>you actually bealive this
gee,if we loved you so much then why did we start fighting back when you ordered transilvanians to shoot at their fellow romanians?
You should just give back clay before ww3 happens, it will not end well for you.
If Axis were the bad guys, how come Viennas were so much better than Trianon?
Magyarország lesz erős megint testvérek
your dear general kossuth ordered every romanian to take up arms against the austrians even tho he despised romanians
when they refused he ordered them to be genocided
But wasn't Transylvania part of a Romania originally, before the war? I don't get it Huns, they just got part of their land back after the war. Whats the problem? Are you jews also?
Up until a few decades ago British people also referred to it as England.
United Cuckdom then.
i remember growing up and England was completely synonimous with what we now call Britannien infact most Germans still mean the U.K when they say England
The 'England' example in that image is retarded on several levels
Are you retarded?
That US on the pic actually looks sensible.
Oh I'm looking
that's what happens if you don't stab your allies in the back at the right time.
doesn't look too bad. I'd be a bong or a nip.
Bordergore aside, it really does.
>best states still kept within the union
>Anglos get the liberal yuppies
>Weebs get their own paradise
>mexicans get a designated burrito zone
>spain gets all of the niggers
I ain't even mad.
That was a shit move..granting Hungary Transilvanya for free.That's why i hate fucking Hitler.
>as if it was yours and not the Austrians.
>as if you weren't the subjects of Austrians too.
So let me get this straight.
user H is pledged to user A
user T is pledged to user A
Magyar conclusion is that user T is pledged to user H
all those drawings are totally inacurate and are inspired a totally invented reading of history
putin messed up with your brain very hard
>all those drawings are totally inacurate and are inspired a totally invented reading of history
That's the point. Just like Trianon was
I agree that France completely fucked up here. People with no clue traced some random borders, and since you guys were loosers, no one asked for your opinion. They should have studied more carefully the ethnic situation.
>implying it wasn't just the eternal austrian fucking up Hungary to divide and conquer
Just like the original one, bro.
happy trianon day thing, or whatever you call it
best Hungary borders
>to Serbia
Dude, a huge part of Croatia was under your control too, that map should say "to Yugoslavia"
And don't forget Serbian Vojvodina was a short-lived self-proclaimed Serb autonomous province within the Austrian Empire during the Revolutions of 1848, which existed until 1849 when it was transformed into the new (official) Austrian province named Voivodeship of Serbia and Banat of Temeschwar.
But anyways, I think you guys are cool. Definetly the best ethnic minority we have lol, I live in Vojvodina
Sorry for the late reply, but
>hungarian ms paint drawing
Nice source m8
Also includes Northern Ireland in Ireland.
>so many borders with Germany
boy we would need a lot of fences now.
but other than that, yeah that would be nice
We don't have a concept of time since we only learn brief summarized points in history. We only reflect on our own existence based off of what what we know. 100 years isn't a lot of time at all based off of how long some treaties lasted or how long agresstion has lasted to unfair ruling of a treaty.
If OP wanted to be honest, he'd just show the british empire post-collapse.
Yeah lets go with that.
>Irish land is stolen by...Ireland
Unbelievable injustice, truly my eyes have been opened now
I know, right? What a dick move.
>all those modern borders
>and Germany
Happy Trianon Day Bozgorescu. Want more?
That's what happens when you lose.
Its just sad Hungbro. We know that feel. They should do that to Turks.
Dictating a solution that tries to solve things on ethnical basis is a completely wrong approach here. We have different traditions in this region.
Anyone who didnt understand that or didnt care, from the Habsburgs to the present EU-USA, could only generate more tension.
>we have different traditions
you keep ignoring that PEOPLE THERE WANTED TO SEPARATE
even if Entente said nothing, they would still separate
in fact only way to prevent this from not happening would be Entente forcing people to stay in Hungary
and that literally makes zero fucking sense
If only the good guys won...
Romanians would've gotten plenty of hohol clay and everyone would be happy.
Why did Hitler-sama have to lose?
Difference is most of the land hungary lost was land that had a non-hungarian majority, the only land lost that had a hungarian majority was that northern part of romania and parts of vojvodina iirc.
So you cant compare it with any of those examples.
>existing as a nation state before WWI
American education.
Literally who?
I don't care about the french basques but Perpiñan español.
Also California is spanish soil too.
Dear László. That is a bullshit comparison right there. While the other countries are mostly nationally homogenous (and any foreigners are dispersed, not concentrated over large areas), Hungary before WWI was quite a clusterfuck of nations, it wasn't one Hungarian nation, no matter how many National Acts I wipe my ass with.
Trianon best user
They should do that with Germany. This would avoid another big war. But western allies were already to cucked back then.
This. Hungarians were never a majority in northern Croatia except for small pockets of land along the border, especially to the northeast and east near Serbia.
That corridor was supposed to be the part of hungary that went to Austria in the end, shame they didn't go with it, would be cool to have all of Slavia connected by land