if even normal women in Germany say this makes a lot of sense.
1.5 million to 2 million German men each day visit prostitutes. Then there are the sex tourists.
How can we get rid of this degeneracy?
if even normal women in Germany say this makes a lot of sense.
1.5 million to 2 million German men each day visit prostitutes. Then there are the sex tourists.
How can we get rid of this degeneracy?
Other urls found in this thread:
You mean tanned germans?
>Let me think
Any result?
What do you think about fining clients high sums AND put them on an online prostitution offender list for everyone to look at them (public shaming). This should reduce demand a lot.
I wish they would visit prostitutes instead of fucking our wifes
>You mean tanned germans?
Yes, a high percentage of clients are probably migrants. But there are also Germans paying for sex.
The legislator needs to finally end this and put harsh fines on the clients and public shaming.
Hold on, I'll need a moment to think about it
Why hasn't Merkel's racist government started a sex stamp program which hands out vouchers to all immigrants in case of sexual emergency?
Paul Krugman voice: You bring in Muslims!
i wish hookers were legal here.
i am an ugly, lonely dude and clean hookers would solve a lot of my problems I think
You are right, OP. Refugees shouldn't have to pay with their taxfunded welfare to be allowed to fuck German women. It should be free for them.
>i am an ugly, lonely dude and clean hookers would solve a lot of my problems I think
Would you give up your principles for a degenerate world and for your indulgence in a degenerate world?
You do know that as an American you live in a world of the free and of the brave. You have the chance to bulk up, start a business and get a good, clean, redpilled wife, right?
German women are not prostituting themselves. 98% of prostitutes in Germany are foreigners.
Well don't import millions of muds who partake in it, for one.
Two, make things like family values and celibacy cool while making the vices look dumb and uninformed.
Women follow the lead of men, but first you need MEN in your country again.
>You do know that as an American you live in a world of the free and of the brave. You have the chance to bulk up, start a business and get a good, clean, redpilled wife, right?
no, i don't
I bet you are a woman.
>no, i don't
Yes. Now stop shitposting and make your white race proud of you. Germany is lost already, you can still pull through and lead a Christian, based and successful life.
Prostitution has destroyed Germany. Don't let it destroy America.
>I bet you are a woman.
No, I am not. I am a man. And I have been with 3 hookers in my life. And thinking about it, I can now see how degenerate this was.
Our society needs to get rid of prostitution and publically shame those who are caught soliciting sex.
It is the only way to get us back on track. The only way.
let nature take its course once you get those AIDS carrying refugees into town.
I had two German and one Swiss escort when I visited Frankfurt. The rest were Eastern European or from other foreign countries.
>Now stop shitposting and make your white race proud of you
why do you think i shitpost in the first place
if i wasn't a bottom of the barrel shitter i wouldn't even be here
I feel your pain bro. But take it from me, fucking a stranger would only leave you feeling emptier than before.
>if i wasn't a bottom of the barrel shitter i wouldn't even be here
You are male and white in the best country of the world. Globally, you are top 5% just due to your birth. If you want to be among the top 5% in America, the only thing you need is the will to bulk up and take some risk professionally. Start to develop housing or personalize sport shoes or build a golf course etc.
Back in the day they had whore houses and no body cared. Street whores walked the street and no body cared. Could take the train to A-dam and smoke all the dope you wanted and screw all the whores you wanted and no body cared. Why do they care now?
war on prostitutes will end up the same as war on drugs
Our problem is women's lib.
Women have all the rights and no duties while men have to take the blame for everything that goes wrong.
This is what kills families.
Change that and men will fuck their wifes more often than prostitutes.
HIV is not deadly. It is a virus which may lead to an immune deficiency disease... but you can manage the virus, so that AIDS never develops.
>3 hookers in my life.
Gas yourself.
prostitution plays an important role in keeping the price of pussy in check
I could have sworn they did this already.
Prostitution is legal in Germany? Why do you do that?
it would be nice to feel empty, instead of these roiling emotions
Go running. Bulk up. Takes 6 months. Try out Freeletics.
Take finasteride. I do. I am not balding any more.
Start taking some risk and build a business. You will be alpha. Being "beta" is a degenerate way of saying "I am lazy."
Wait so you're telling me you want the Germans to stop doing the only thing they do right aside from making fancy automobiles?
>war on prostitutes will end up the same as war on drugs
The war on drugs can be easily won, by not prosecuting the dealers, but the buyers. Fine buyers large sums and public shame them by publishing their pictures and names for everyone to check if someone is a druggee.
>American women
Our women are spoiled princesses.
very true.
You are clearly an idiot with no grasp on history nor understanding of economics.
hookers in my life.
>Gas yourself.
No, I have been to church and confessed my sins. And I am not going back to this lifestyle. It was a mistake.
Similarly, I will not have relationships with sex right on the first or second date any more. I will only enter into a long term commitment relationship in which I am sure this might be it for life.
Degeneracy has to be eradicated at its core. And only we can do so by leading a life that is pure and an example for our white fellow men and women.
>The war on drugs can be easily won
that's why it's been 50 years and tens of billions of dollars and we still have tons of drug problems
>How can we get rid of this degeneracy?
You can't, criminalization of the practice is simply inefficient, there are prostitutes in every country, including the ones it is criminalized and actively stomped on, it just adapts to the new conditions and go on happening despite the best efforts of law enforcement agencies.
Criminalization never solves anything, just look at the alcohol proibition in the USA and the war on drugs, it wastes fucking billions of dollars and just strengthen the organized crime by giving them a major source of income.
>No, I have been to church and confessed my sins.
Now I know you're an idiot.
By the way, there are a lot of German hookers.
>that's why it's been 50 years and tens of billions of dollars and we still have tons of drug problems
No, it has been 50 years because your leaders are not willing to change the laws. You do NOT go after the dealers and distributers and manufaturers, you go after the clients. And you do it the right way. You fine the clients and shame them publically by putting their picture and name and address on the internet. This completely destroys demand.
Same with prostitution. Public shaming would drive down prostitution demand by 80% here in Germany.
>confessed my sins
ask any orthodox christian and he'll tell the cold truth that it isn't as easy as that. Chances are you are going to hell anyway.
PS: By orthodox I mean one who follows the Scripture strictly, not one of eastern orthodox background.
Liberals killed that dream long ago.
Implement sharia law
Problem solved.
It is banned here and we have no sharia.
>Now I know you're an idiot.
Going to church now makes a person an idiot? What are you talking about? I was born Catholic and raised Catholic. I am not some SJW idiot who now abandons Catholicism just because of "muh prostituion good, have to be degenerate".
>By the way, there are a lot of German hookers.
No, there are not.
by embracing islam
>islam outright bans prostitution because its strictly against sharia and their islamic code
>alt right is crying and forcing the gov to do the same because they think its degenerate and does not fit with the "western" civilization
why does pol hate muslims again?
Prostitution is legal here but not pimping or brothels, so most prostitutes are russian whores who have aids and do drugs, which also means they're cheap as fuck, but it would still be better to have SOME quality control over that shit
>Implement sharia law
Then every woman who is without male company is considered a whore.
She just won't be payed.
How the saudies do it? get gangs of guys with bats to beat up prostitute establishments.
I am Catholic. The priest I talked to, listened to my explanations and what happened and asked many questions. It was nearly a 30 minute talk.
I did social work for 2 months as part of my atonement. Christ is the redeemer, those who have sinned, and many have, but atone, do not go to hell, but their kingdom will be paradise.
belarus is a commie state therefore all haram shit is banned except for pork and alcohol.
Uphold sharia law. Think about, leave out the extreme parts and make it your national law. You obviously agree with it to some extent.
Only Islam, through the Sharia law can fix European degeneracy and Europeans.
Prove me wrong.
ISIS has introduced slavery and "60 minute marriages".
I hate radical Islam, also because of their way to use forced prostitution and slavery as a power tool.
1) Not Gommies.
2) It is more just in line with Orthodoxy. I do not know why there is a meme that only Islam is Conservative.
Why do you want to make it illegal?
Shave your head and join the military
Just take a look.
Confessing to a dead kike on a stick makes you an idiot.
thats because its not profitable to go after the dealers its all about money. all those druggy kids getting bailed by their mommy and daddies every year probably makes our country BILLIONS.
>Guns in the US, how can we make it illegal?
This desu, I don't believe it's degenerate or anything
absolutely disgusting. germany is the market fro trafficked women in europe. fucking terrible. outlaw prostitution and execute the bastards behind it.
there are literally zero prostitutes who do this shit because they want to.
Ernie lol
a conservative christian state would hire priests to do that kind of shit so the horny faggots wont sin.
meh, prostitution should be legal anyways. more control on STDs + better service
Take a look yourself. German of Turkish descent, German of Polish descent, German of Russian descent etc. isn't German.
And now stop shilling for prostitution. Lies mal nach wie das unsere Gesellschaft verändert. Wie das Frauen verändert, Männer. Es gibt einen direkten Zusammenhang mit dem liberalen Umgang mit den "Flüchtlingen" und degenerativen Zerfallserscheinungen wie freie Prostitution.
You got bigger problems right now, Germanbro
All poor girls who don't have anything else in life....
So this is why Germany is so cucked. They don't care if their wives get fucked because they've got prostitutes.
>get a good, clean, redpilled wife, right?
I'd rather go to a prostitute that converting to islam.
check the fucking sites. all the prostiutes are foreigners. probably illegals too.
>b-but they chose to
hell naw
You are really an idiot.
>This desu, I don't believe it's degenerate or anything
Our society is falling apart because of the degeneracy which is binge drinking, prostitution, drugs, sexual promiscuity, gibmees welfare, lay dress code etc.
You really want this to go on? There is a reason Hugo Boss was hired by the Nazis... because he had style. Today, every person is so degenerate, they run around in hoodies and fuck Romanian whores. This should not continue.
yeah because every attempt so far worked so well, as clearly indicated by the enormous amount of hookers paying taxes, right?
if you outlaw prostitution, the Mafia just rubs their hands together and increases the influx of "cleaning ladies" they picked up in various eastern countries. to cope with maybe two or three illegal brothels nationwide razed by the police they will simply open ten new ones, or just bribe the government like they already do in Bremen. It only will lead to more cheap prostitutes working in unsafe conditions while getting scammed by their pimps. Good fucking job mate
Because it is legal it gives a safer working environment.
Because it is legal it can be taxed.
Because it is legal it can be regulated.
Because it is legal it is harder to exploit.
Because these women don't want to have no money.
Because they'd rather spread their legs a few times a day than doing another menial job for 8+ hours a day just to earn much less.
4 clients à €50? Beats the hell out of a €8.50/h minimum wage job.
There are no strong reasons againt prostitution.
It all boils down to:
>muh morals
>muh degeneracy
>muh soggy knee
>You got bigger problems right now, Germanbro
No, this is part of the core problem of our society. If we had Catholic anti-abortion laws, Catholic anti-prostition laws, Catholic anti-drug laws, we would also stand at our borders defending our Catholic lands.
It is the shit liberal protestants who are the reason for this whole mess.
>Literally the world's oldest occupation
>Ruining society
Okay cool
>if you outlaw prostitution, the Mafia just rubs their hands together and increases the influx of "cleaning ladies"
No. It is all about cutting back demand. There is a large part of society, which will not buy sex any more, if there is a potential for public shaming. Professionals, politicians, husbands, people in committed relationships, just normal guys who are in university, people who just go to prostitutes because they are told by the media Jew to do so etc.
Oy veyyyyyy! Prostitution is the world's oldest profession! What are you? An SJW?
You know how to trigger burgers...
Teach me masta.
You alredy did. A lot of "tourists" go to Germany to fuck german "women" and it's perfectly legal.
>Visiting prostitutes isn't frowned upon by society
We're a liberal shithole, but it hasn't gotten that far yet
Guess what, if it were ILLEGAL for clients, demand would go down and women would be protected a lot more than now.
You forget the mental health damage which these women end up with.
Prostitution is degenerate, people who say it isn't so, are the real problem we have these days - not the liberals, not the greens, not the commies, it is degenerate people who want prostutiton to continue to be legal and drugs to be available to everyone, who are the problem which stands in the way of a new, German society.
Why is your pope kissing the feet of invader scum?
To defend your Catholic lands?
>>Literally the world's oldest occupation
The oldest occupation by far is LITERALLY hunting.
There are hundreds of occupation from farming to sewing to food making, to waiting to priests, to artists etc. who are older than organized prostituion.
Your wives need that enrichment though. Dont worry, ill be quick and hard
So force hookers underground to be abused by pimps and human traffickers?
How about you just don't visit hookers anymore and stop trying to control everyone else?
The Vatican and the Pope are Imperial agents...you should know that, Klausie...
If there's a large demand for something it can not be gotten rid of, only pushed underground.
It's better to have it legal and regulated than to have a disease, murder and rape filled underground market.
I'm sure he meant WOMEN'S eldest occupation.
Even so, prostitution has been a part of society forever, it will just go underground if you make it illegal
>Oy veyyyyyy! Prostitution is the world's oldest profession! What are you? A Muslim?
fixed that for you
>Oy veyyyyyy! Prostitution is the world's oldest profession! What are you? An SJW?
Fuck off with your degeneracy, Jew.
It is you liberal asstards who want to make our society completely degenerate with your binge drinking media films and "drugs are super" and "prostution is awesome" filth shit. I hate you liberals.
Please call me Fritz.
>hurr prostitution is the biggest problem
Hans halt die Klappe.
Degeneracy comes from kikes, and liberals. Get rid of kikes and liberals??? problem solved.
Or just do what Hitler did and ban everything degenerate and the degenerates will simply self deport (Jews).
>Would you give up your principles for a degenerate world and for your indulgence in a degenerate world?
>You do know that as an American you live in a world of the free and of the brave. You have the chance to bulk up, start a business and get a good, clean, redpilled wife
>migrants flood to Germany
> get 10k welfare check
> straight to the brothel to fuck your daughters