Hey so recently i got into a discussion, it was about what was worse for a child to be murdered or molested...

hey so recently i got into a discussion, it was about what was worse for a child to be murdered or molested. and the majority was that molestation was worse, the examples for murder were decapitation and being burned alive which happens in 3rd world countries.
am i the only one who thinks a dick in the ass beats a head on a pike.

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both are equally wrong

The majority of people are retarded

Both fucked up, but how could murder possibly not be worse? I know I'd rather be molested than killed. (Though if I got aids from it that's a different story)

Please no 'hurr durr that's the only way you'd ever get some'

I'd rather get fondled than die, fuck I'd rather be raped than die

You kinda retarded ain't ya?

Given people seem to be more disgusted by people looking at CP in this country (let alone raping a child) than they are by a murderer, I'm not surprised.

At least then you satisfying some urge, even tho it's the ugly faggot on top of you.


I thought I was preemptively addressing the retards, but think of me what you want.

that's the only way you'd ever get some

What if the child consents tho?

perhaps death isn't so bad; plenty of people have been willing to die. if someone is willing to be raped, it's not rape, for example.

then it's not rape or molestation, but just sex

According to the law you can only consent if the other party is +- 1 or 2 years should either party be below 18, or some shit like that. Because it makes sense that someone 15 can 'consent' to sex with someone 17 but not 18. What beurocrat had this bright idea. Are they or are they not capable of consent?

Murder will always be worse but it seems everyone is becoming desensitized to child murder nowadays. Child sex is meh, whatever.

I rather my child die a man than live as catholic

with murder you don't have to live with what happend to you, with rape however you have to live with it, perhaps you need to think about how badly rape messes up a person psychologically, murder is an evil event which takes seconds to minutes at most, rape however is evil that happens everyday as the victim has to live with it.

If you look at crimes that way then shouldn't murder be the lowest of crimes given the victim never has to experience the result of the crime? If you consider the effect murder has on others (such as family) then it's not so nice.

Also, technically, the victim doesn't have to live with being raped, they could commit suicide. If you believe what you said then suicide would be a better alternative to living with being raped.

asanagi, don't know what doujin though

certianly not, murder is still a horrific crime and should be punished acorrdingly, my point was that as rape stays with you its a more damaging crime. i suppose the suicide thing is true however id argue that if its suicide caused by the rape, then i would consider that a form of murder as well tbh because the rapist caused that death

Never mind, found it
page 24

What in the fuck? You clearly werent talking to people that were molested. I was for a few years and fuck yeah im glad i wasnt murdered. What kind of fucking retard would think molestation is worse?