Why do people assume that even voting 'out' will guarantee an exit? The referendum isn't legally binding, parliament will decide if we leave, not the public.
Britain voting to leave the EU
>parliament is going to over-rule a public referendum
Say goodbye to scotland if they do
Simply because it's being conducted as if it will.
we will never be allowed to leave the EU, but still vote out, it's your duty.
Here's what will happen:
>Britain overwhelmingly votes for Brexit
>EU leaders makes a few more symbolic 'concessions', insists that we vote again
>Cameron agrees, calls new referendum, proclaims that we have the deal of the century.
Rinse and repeat until the UK votes 'correctly'
*hönk hönk*
Guten morgen, Herr user.
Wunderbarer Tag im Euro-Großreich!
die Britreich Votum STAY ja??
Why are parliament going to vote against themselves???
We're not Dutch, French or Irish. If the will of the people isn't respected, there will be mass civil disobedience.
Do you really think that shit will be tolerated here?
When people have already threatened violence?
When our idiotic football fans go over to mainland and literally destroy it by smashing windows and shit?
I personally will go rioting if we stay in/rigged.
Promise, a vow before God and Sup Forums and Kek (PRAISE KEK).
You sure about that senpai?
The referendum will go in favour of "remain", everyone who's actually believing otherwise is a naive bastard or merely misinformed.
The race is over and has been for a good two months or so now. At least these threads will cease to exist.
Anyone got a picture of intellectuals or prominent people who vote brexit? Seen a few cucks on my facebook who are posting a split image of intellectual that vote stay, and therefore thats why they should vote that.
Wouldn't mind some ready made ammo is it exists.
>If the will of the people isn't respected, there will be mass civil disobedience.
There may be a little civil unrest, their will not mass civil disobedience. Get a fucking grip, lad.
>We're not French
Hilarious ignorance when you see how prepared the French are to mobilise in massive numbers to protest against shit that displeases them.
Yep, remain will win, Austria style. Ballot stuffing of postal votes is already under way.
Afterwards, expect a huge UKIP bounce at the expense of both Labour and the Tories, just like the SNP did after they lost their referendum.
>When our idiotic football fans go over to mainland and literally destroy it by smashing windows and shit?
Comparing what our football fans were upto decades ago when they're pissed up, to what our placid public will do regarding a referendum is fucking moronic.
Eh, not really. The ballot vote demographics in the UK differs from Austria's quite a bit, and the UKIP will merely gain from former Tory voters, Labour will (comparatively) be untouched.
I expect fun times with the Cons ripping themselves up and UKIP sweeping up what remains.
>mass civil disobedience.
Sounds real scary senpai.
Fucking kek.
You inbred mongrels are pathetic.
You will never leave the EU.
You will die on the altar of political correctness. It won't be murder though, it will be suicide. Suicide via the subhuman filth you have imported.
No one will mourn your loss and the world will be a better place without you.
Fuck Britain and anyone who has Anglo blood.
>we will never be allowed to leave the EU, but still vote out, it's your duty.
I came here from Canada to vote us out.
2 world wars fought to keep Britain Sovereign, I can't let my ancestors die in vain.
I have Anglo blood, you faggot.
t. gypsy
The vast majority of American whites are mutts.
It would be quite amazing for you to be pure Anglo, without any kraut, potato nigger or polack mixed in.
But if Trump doesn't get elected you deserve to die out too.
Your country has more gypsies than mine now, rat. Maybe you can vote some of them into public office.
You're literally 100% gyprat, you fucking peg-selling shitskin.
Bollocks. Labour losing voters to UKIP helped the Tories get a majority.
I suppose when you're country's a shithole full of starvation and pestilence, even the most patriotic of gypsies would need to leave for greener pastures.
Not in the same amount you will see after the referendum when the Tories will be sacked and 10% at least swing over to UKIP.
What manner of degeneracy is this?
In what constituency was that then?
Stay triggered.
And enjoy your cultural enrichment.
And may you live long enough to see your cities burn.
And may you realize you lit the torches.
When you elected a shitskin as the mayor of your capital, I quit smoking. I want to live long enough to see you burn.
Well, we'll never be as bad as Romania, so that's a positive.
Labour party would be destroyed by a remain vote. Its mainly the working class that are impacted by mass immigration into their communities. Labour used to gain all its power from those people. Since the 80's they have chased champagne liberals and its going to come at a heavy cost. UKIP is now the only party to honestly represent the working class
We might have a shitskin problem, but at least we're not all Romanian shitskins.
Shouldn't (((EU))) be in brackets?
>UKIP is now the only party to honestly represent the working class
Fuck's sake, m8. Do you really think this? You're right about Labour, but utterly wrong here.
>as bad as Romania
Because a country that is 97% white and 99% Christian is "bad"
Even our gypsies are whiter than you.
This. If EU membership is even half as corrupt and detrimental as UKIP says it is, then there's no way in Hell a referendum will make all the conniving bastards in government admit defeat.
There's too much to lose, and it's not as though anyone in government has any delusions about it being anything but self-serving.
They'll manipulate the election so it looks like the choice of the people. Worst comes to worst, they'll flip you the bird and say "too bad." They have all the guns, so they can. Simple as that.
I disagree.
But they're Romanian, so they're just (((white)))
UKIP want to control immigration. Immigration leads to higher costs for housing. Also destroys the countries once proud culture in the working class. How exactly does that not represent the working class and their views? REAL take home wages are at their lowest point since super inflation in the 70s. The working class in the UK know the EU is fucking them.
The Army has all the guns, not the government. If you give the British army the choice to turn on their government and the superiors or their own people the government would have no chance.
That's a hell of a question to ask of them.
You guys are so funny.
Tell me, does your sense of humor help when Muhamed and Pajeet are fucking your wives ?
Will it help you in the future Caliphate ?
The government will never allow Leave to win anyway.
If your country comes to the point of a military coup, you're way past the point of maybe having a problem.
It's a nice backstop, though.
If an Indian rapes your wife does anyone feel it?
>The government and the army are mutually exclusive entities
Wew lad
If the people in the military/police force are as benevolent as you like to think, your little Orwellian state would have stopped ten steps back.
Instead, they've confiscated your arms, set up mass surveillance systems, and enforced hate speech laws to protect the sand niggers they're shoving down your throats.
Do I think everyone in the military is malevolent? No, I'm certain they're convinced these are right and just actions, and it is for that same reason they will not be an ally if you stood up against them.
Why do you think they cut out the private bits beforehand?
Meant for
Dunno ask the Brits.
Also checked
Who is that guy and how did he even get these women to even consider such a proposition?
The UK is so deep in US ass, they might as well transport their whole fucking island across the Atlantic.
Scots and maybe the Irish may relocate to actual europe, but nobody will miss England. Fuck off already.
if you dont leave every one who wants to leave will become russian citizens. then you loyalist will be left with ahmed and he wont have any one else to rape
Sounds good to me Hanz.
How do you know what the British Armed forces would and wouldn't do? You're talking as if they're one fucking person.
>Implying Germany has ever had a moment where they weren't occupied by America since '45
>this shitskin gypsy banter
Christ, it's bad.
Here's what will happen:
>Britain overwhelmingly votes for Brexit
>the votes are counted the way they need to be
>the UK remains a member of the EU
When's the Eesxit?
>Britain overwhelmingly votes for Brexit
You're clueless.
It's very much split at this time. There's no side that will achieve an overwhelming majority
That's Gord from House of Gord - He's a British expat living the dream in America where he spends his time constructing elaborate BDSM equipment and generally having the time of his life
>? The referendum isn't legally binding, parliament will decide if we leave, not the public
Because if cameron tries to jew us out of it it will irevocably split the tory party and make them permanently unelectable, the rest of them aren;t going to allow that
our electronic vote counting has been perfected over several local and governmental elections
Valid point indeed. Only the UK chose to kiss ass, we were forced to.
Bad or not, it's the truth.
You are a joke.
We gave our electronic vote counting to Spain.
It's actually true m8
UKIP is the only legitimate choice for working class Brits. And eternal thanks to our Nige for bringing a beacon of hope to our broken two-party political system
And you are a filthy gypsy shitskin who craps in the street and sells dishcloths for a living.
Anyone know anything about being a polling clerk? I just got offered a job as one. 06:30am start, and working through to 22:00 close.
> Good cash
> Learn about democracy
> Training is only 2 hours
> Can't vote myself
> Early start
> Have to cycle 30 minutes because no public transport
> Unsure whether I get any breaks to eat/drink
What are you really going to do? hold your limp dicks toward the police?
probably not as bad as
1. vote online
2. a guy says "these are the results of the e-vote"
Turnout would need to be >50% and the margin of victory >10% for our government to actually go through with it. If Brexit wins but doesn't reach those requirements, they'll sacrifice David Cameron and expect that to placate us. Which is probably will.
Also, I am definitely not ruling out the possibility of the vote being straight up rigged, like the recent Austrian election (and I suspect the Scottish referendum, even though I'm glad they stayed).
It's not true though. It's a misguided narrative devised on here to try and present a right-wing civic nationalist outfit full of ex-Tories that they genuinely care about the working classes.
it's quite obvious what's going to happen.
>leave wins by slim margin, 55-45 at best
>huge turnout in brexiters, very low turnout in remainers (young people)
>young people not registering to vote because it requires their Nation Insurance Number and they don't know/remember it (to be fair, it is a big fucking hassle trying to track your NI number down, but they are still being lazy about it)
>huge uproar in the country and westminster as the lack of balance between the turnout between the two sides
>scotland overwhelmingly voted to remain, so this just adds to the shitshow clown fiesta of post-brexit britain
>it comes to light that the remainers desperately tried to fix results/electoral fraud but to no avail
>even more shit thrown on the shit pile
>as a result the brexit result is rejected and another referendum will be held two years later
>this keeps fucking happening until we give the right answer (remain)
I am very passionate about brexiting as well but let's not kid ourselves, it's probably never going to happen. The entire world wants us to stay a good little bitch and be part of the United States of Europe.
One wonders if block chain encryption could help. You'd think politicians would clamor for this.
Or just a plain old paper trail. Whatever works.
The British public are the most spineless sacks of shit in the world mate
Britain will end not with a bang but with a whimper
>Brexit vote on the 23rd
>Trump visiting the UK on the 22nd
They have definitely adapted their platform to be more working-class friendly in the last few years, once they realised where their bread was buttered
I just view them as a stepping stone though
>there will be mass civil disobedience.
the british public are fucking spineless and you know that. We would rather roll over and die than stand and fight.
>And you are a filthy gypsy shitskin who craps in the street
Whiter than you.
Gypsies crap in YOUR streets now. Thank you based EU !
>sells dishcloths for a living.
You could have gone with panhandling and prostitution... but you went for dishcloths ? k
The worst part is that the EU is going to hold the result over our heads forever. One the one hand we'll be punished for daring to defy them, while on the other hand they'll use the failed referendum as a mandate to do whatever the fuck they want and if we complain they'll say, "Well, this is what you voted for!"
We will have absolutely no leverage any more if Remain wins
It's what you shitskin gypos do.
it probably would, but those who won the last time (i.e make the laws) wouldn't want to change anything, would they?
when it comes to Eesti, then criticism of the possible vulnerabilities and the lack of transparency has successfully been labeled as something that only a certain pro-russian-leaning opposition party would do
Brothers and sisters who dream of a better world. One spared of the degeneracy splattered in our faces daily. Take to the streets.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy
that and it will just prove how futile the upcoming frexit will be if FN wins the election.
I genuinely think there will be another world war starting in Europe again, Russia + East Europe vs west Europe and America, Switzerland will remain neutral again.
Why would East Europe team up with Russia, they're treated as evil boogeymen
So you were complaining about banter here and this is the best you can come up with ?
I'm done with your pathetic-muslim-used-and-abused-gaping ass.
Off for a pint with my friends.
Have fun going extinct.
You mean two world wars to keep the GB on top, you declared on Germany in BOTH wars.
The first time was justified, the second was not.
We will destroy you muslim shitskin
At least it will give us a good reason to lynch all politicians
>gypsy going grabbing
There is no way Brexit will happen. Do you honestly think the ruling class will let plebs like you make important political decisions ? if you do then you are fucking stupid. The EU does not like democracy, the EP is a puppet that is an illusion of democratic legitimacy, all decisions are made by permanent representives. Also look at what what happened in Ireland during the Lisbon treaty, literally just keep asking until you get what you want, this will likely happen if by some miracle leave does win. Bear in mind a brexit will take years to happen, the amount of EU regulations and laws is severely autistic, if you stacked it all up it would be as high as Nelson's column. Since it would take so long all they would have to do is hold a second referendum. Also look at Meciar's government in Slovakia. Also look at new "hate speech laws" this could very easily turn from being anti migrant into being anti EU. All this is just ignoring the obivious say a Brexit would be allowed - the media is against it, the financial elites are against it, the left are against it, the universities and SJWs are against (NUS oppose brexit), non whites massively pro remain and the celtic peoples (Irish, Scottish, Welsh / although the Cornish are pro Brexit). Its not going to happen.
Get in there and make sure there is no funny business.
It's true that the young people will vote to stay against the old people voting to leave?or it's just propaganda?
We can only dream.
>Lisbon Treaty
anybody have the footage from inside of the "vote" there?
Seems to have gone down the memory hole, but it was fantastic stuff to show people in my experience.
You don't drink pints in Romania - you are too pussy.
Because the backbenchers would crash the government and the Tories would never be elected again.