New Versace ad

New Versace ad featuring supermodel Gigi Hadid. Notice anything Sup Forums?

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It's the future

This pleases the Jew.

White-passing dune coon and a nigger. Nothing to see here.

i fucking hate this world

I noticed 4 non-whites.

versace has gone to the gorillas for sometime now.

Is that a Honda Accord in the background ?

Guys, blacks aren't that bad

>white female with a negroe
doesn't this get boring after a while?

Yeah, I've noticed that the look on her face says that she does not want to be there with those niggers.

Arab-nigger couple, why should I give a damn?


>Notice anything Sup Forums?
Yeah, her jacket looks horrible. What the fuck is that thing?


You shouldn't, they belong together. In Africa.

do you really speak German, French and Italian?

Then kill yourself faggot

A literal chain to restrain the nigger baby in the stroller

>The baby is already in chains
Thank you for the laugh, Versace!

Disgusting. I can't even. I am literally shaking right
now. This is VERY offensive. The people
responsible for this ad WILL be fired. This is an
OUTRAGE. I have shown this to many of my
friends and family and they all have the same
reaction. Truly a new low. Shame!

write to your senator

Keen eye Ameribro

yeah, the shit fashon, they look like their going to a steampunk morgue convention

Yeah those clothes look horrible

Who cares. She's a sandnigger with dyed hair


>black man
>pushing a stroller


>all non-whites in a picture
Why do you care?

Came to post this

/fa/ pls go

Because the arab looks white to every single person who hasn't read up on her genealogy online.

>family man


Or read her fucking name?


Maybe it might be time to kill yourself

A nice black guy who betrayed his race and got with a disgusting whore of a western woman?

Who's really the enemy here?

having sex with shitskins turns your country into Brazil


>Her mother is a Dutch-born American, and her father is a Nazareth-born[7][8] American-Palestinian.[9][10]
>Following her parents' divorce, her mother married music producer David Foster.[4]
>Foster has been married four times and has five biological daughters and six grandchildren.


That video is pathetic. I'll be damned if I'm not armed 48/14.

The guy's jacket looks cool, but it definitely doesn't match with the rest of his outfit.

She's Palestinian you retards

>posts picture of a diluted as fuck shitskin


>not wanting delicious mixed chicks
u gay or smth?

Her kids won't have an IQ high enough for the technological world they are born into.


Versace is proper gay

looks like an average western european or american family

>anything Sup Forums?

At least one nigger is in chains.

she's arab, you idiot

The females will cuck you, the males will rob you. Brazil is shit m8, and if you only think with your dick you are proof of what I just said.

Twilight of the Gods

Jesus, /poll is stupid.


>Notice anything Sup Forums?
Fashion repeat itself every 30 years. No exceptions.

What the fuck is "Versace" and why do I see 3 niggers next to a coal burner.

But take some leftists with you while you do it


Italians aren't white, it's not coalburning

We will be like Tolkien's Elves.

The fair creators of the world, the noble dying race that left for Valinor, outbred, sad, noble, beautiful. The stuff of legend.

Low-IQ shitskins will gather in a campfire in some ruined mall in the future and hear the stories and legends of the strange tall humans with pink skin and hair as golden as the sun.

And leave is what we need to do.
This world is hopeless.

We need sleeper ships headed to Gliese 581c or another similar habitable exoplanet, full of white people, so that we can start over without all this dead weight.

That was the most attractive and natural picture from 1000.

Like damn, she cannot hide the dead ness of her soul and the loathsomeness of her situation being a puppet of (((ally)))

She's not white, she's Palestinian. What are you so mad about?


Like the epitome of my exsistance agree

>H-hey user, would you like to go to a BLM protest with me?

actually interesting. A little bit.

Nope. And I won't even consider dicking that nog because unlike a huemonkey I don't let the little head do the thinking.


Nice try Versace.
>pic related,unedited version.

Don't be stupid, look at how really looks a black woman.

>implying Argentina will be allowed to come

Were they afraid he was going to get back up after the first one? Was he a vampire?

my milkshake brings all the boys to my yard...

Basically this,

>92% of biracial children with African American fathers are born out of wedlock and 82% end up on government assistance.

Is she the girl who touched her hair like a thousand times in that Calvin Harris vid?

fucking A my man

You're right, it's humans that are the problem.

t. Ching Chong Shang

svaka ti cast

>Russian 0%
>Still part of the graph
top tier statistics

Ain't it disgusting all the race mixing you discover looking into the backgrounds of these non-white models

Like this gigi hadid's mother married a fucking "mohammed"
And shes dating some half breed who's mother fucked a paki

>What is rounding

Every single time it's a blonde. Just in case someone has any doubts if she's latina if they put a brunette.

I know, but you can't do that with statistics like that. It should read >1% then. Otherwise, if a minority is about 0.498, you'd have to round down to 0. Even though the 100% could be 8 billion, which would make the 0.498% a meaningful number.

I would bleach her in a heartbeat

I like your spirit. But keep in mind

When will you syrupfags go storm the gay bar or whatever your equivalent of The White House is and go capture Trudeau?

I can only imagine what the world would look like in the future without whites leading


We created the world. We have the burden of caring for savages. Think of how few problems the world would have if 90% of niggers and 90% of Muslims suddenly vanished.
Asians on the other hand may rule beside us. They've done a great part too. Their advantage is they keep to themselves.

Another day, another white girl gets BLACKED.

The father is in the picture

The world without white ppl will colapse.
Even chinks can't save their asses

>the look in her eyes

fuck niggers
