I'm not sure about the current meta. Seems like all of the decks are too reliant on luck(draws) and not skill anymore

I'm not sure about the current meta. Seems like all of the decks are too reliant on luck(draws) and not skill anymore.

What deck are you climbing with?

Other urls found in this thread:



>implying a fucking card game wasnt always reliant on luck

Lmfao, it’s been that way since the beginning. HS is a dead game and deserves to be buried and forgotten about

Not as dead as WOW

I play Murloc Pala right now^^

Was climbing with Jade Druid but the assholes nerfed it
Was climbing with Tempo Rogue but the assholes nerfed that too
I dont have enough money for this game anymore

the game was all about drawing:
corridor creeper and prince. This is why it was not fun. But now it's all about murloc paladin

The nerf to spreading plague was literally the least impactful nerf Blizzard have ever put into the game. Literally check.

Rip Tempo Rogue though.

If you're looking for a skilful deck try Big-spell Mage. It's all about conserving resources and out-valuing the other guy. If you have the cards, the N'Zoth variant is looking like it's the best way to do it right now, as it gives you a chance to put value Control Warlock and can possibly give you the edge with the Tempo Mage matchup, with the beetles and smaller tempo drops. The RNG is pretty minimal, and it absolutely crushes Dude Paladin and Murloc Paladin.

back in the day you would play a 2/3 crocodile at turn 2

now you play keleseth double shadowstep and win at turn 2

altough it has always been about drawing the right cards I agree with op

Personally I enjoy steal priest, it's a mix between fun and actually working. I'll post a decklink:

Tempo mage is doing well post nerfs

cube warlock

This statement has been true for years now.

Dead game...

One of the most played game on the planet.

mill warrior

I'm playing the secret mage with aluneth and I actually feel like there's alot of strategy and that my choices matter.

Sounds fun , list maybe?

Jade Druid

How about instead of using other people's cheesy netdeck which will be nerfed in a month or so and make your own personal cheese deck and don't fukcing post it on icyveins

>plays childs rng card game
>expects there to actually have skill involved


murloc quest is the best

>Not playing Gwent