Why does Atheism breed autism?

Why does Atheism breed autism?

Why is Atheism promoted so much by Jews?

Why are there links between Aspergers and Autism?

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lack of morality

Google Pike's letters.


>why is atheism promoted so much by Jews

Oh Sup Forums....

I'm agnostic and apatheist. I win ?

Why do people have to endlessly strawman and bitch at eachother over who believes or disbelieves in their fucking favorite brand of god

>Why does Atheism breed autism?
Relax. Neither vaccines nor non-belief produces autism.

>Why is Atheism promoted so much by Jews?
Jews are religious. Atheism invalidates their religion entirely so it hurts them far more than it helps them.

A Jew is a Jew genetically more than any kind of religion they might hold

Aspergers are generally more intelligent. Intelligence breeds atheism.

you know nothing, you cuck.
autism is still a mental disability in other areas and that explains why so many real life autists are atheist because they literally can't grasp the concept of God. neither can they grasp metaphoric language and that's why so many of them try to take all of the bible content literally like the faggots they are.


Because atheism destroys the soul and makes you a depressed sheep that's easier to control

The eternal Jew seeks to destroy Christianity an important pillar against degeneracy.

Go look. All your Atheist meme schientists are actually jews.

Atheists are insufferable autists without humor.


Proven perfectly in this short video of Colbert and Maher

Christianity is literally a Jewish religion you spastic retard

You have been brainwashed your whole life by slaves to Jewish ideas. It is no European religion. You are a traitor to the white way of life.


The Elite jews, the ones who are fucking everything up, don't practice Judaism. The Rupert Murdoch's, Hollywood producers, and media owners and such don't give a shit about Judaism.

Actual practicing orthodox Jews, while obnoxious and rude to non jews are usually pretty harmless. Well, unless your palestinian in which case they will buy up your neighbor's apartment and turn it into a fortress in order to reclaim it for Israel. But they too are funded by the secular elite jews.


If Jesus was a Jew does that mean he lied to us?

tell me more


>my only experience with atheists comes from reddit: the thread
Yawn...when is the gook gonna give religious shitposting a containment board so we don't have to see these same tired old bait threads, day in and day out?

where do you think Christianity comes from

Kinda the same reason Sup Forums users are autistic.

They believe they are superior because they are 'woke' to the nasty schemes of the world.

'wokness' = more enlightened in there mind, but really they are just retarded.

When has the knowledge gained on Sup Forums ever helped you succeed in life. When has the knowledge gained in church helped you succeed.

>Aspergers are generally more intelligent. Intelligence breeds atheism.
>generally more intelligent. Intelligence breeds atheism.
>Intelligence breeds atheism.
>Aspergers, atheism

Top kek

Its not being christian that matters. Gods greatest gift to us was intelligence and free will. It's just acknowledging that there is a creator out there greater than us and using our intelligence to make the greatest world we can.

People that like to fantasies about the end of the world do it because their current life is such shit and it's nice to think about being on a level playing field again and equal to the chads that beat you down in highschool.

Sup Forums is just people with shit lives dreaming for it to end.

Christianity was created by Jews to domesticate and control Europeans.

They didn't like the European pagan ways so they had to change it to make get them in line

The irony of Christian anti-Semites is astounding. They need to wake up and see the truth.

Where does atheism come from?

Christianity comes from Israel. Atheism comes from rational scientific thinking.

>why do i believe the shit I just made up
becuase retard

Atheists are loud not because they particularly hate Christian beliefs but because they resent their parents and they introduced them to it.

It's why you see many atheists bend over for Mohammad's cock as he stones gay men to death but go frothing at the mouth crazy when a Christian doesn't want to do something. It's not because they dislike the beliefs, it's because they hate their parents or family member who is a hardcore Christian.


Don't kid yourself. Secular jews are by far the biggest propagators of atheism

Atheism seems to come more from clinging to the ideas meme pop-scientists to be honest, family. It's another trend that people fall into. At least for the majority of people.

Why do you condemn Jews, yet at the same time, believe in a Jewish religion? Make up your mind.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. I believe in god aka a creator or whatever the fuck you want to call it. I do not call myself a christian. Go back and read my previous post

Belief in God or some kind of deity is because Humans were rightfully confused as to why they were here and what they were doing before science answered all the questions.

reddit-tier post

Do you actually have an argument or are you just going to post memes like a little bitch

*tips fedora*

>t. fedora tipper

Atheism doesn't breed autism.

Autism breeds atheism.

what god do you believe in

>Why is Atheism promoted so much by Jews?
>Leafy intelectuals

Science has answered how the universe came into existence? Well that's news to me and everyone else on the planet

>rational scientific thinking.

>atheist intellectuals

I don't believe in a particular religion. I just believe in a creator. Like I said before his greatest gift was our intelligence and free will. We are not bound by our instincts like every other animal on the planet. Man will always corrupt religion because man isn't perfect and snakes will always find there way in

Isn't he a MechEng or something? He's as much an autority on anthropology as you are.

No, arrogance breeds atheism.

Atheists are even worse than fucken muzzies

We get it, you hate your parents

I'm not entirely on-board with religion but I think they are perfectly valid speculations about what happened before the big bang. I'm just a "believe it when I see it" sort of person. There's a part of me that thinks it's quite possible but I reserve doubt purely because I've never seen a suspension of the laws of reality (aka a miracle) take place, which would be the clearest evidence of divine involvement in our reality.

You have probably already heard this paticular train of thought, but core Christian beliefs were essential for the construction of western culture. Is there a way for us to build upon our culture without Christianity; that honestly does not seem to be working out too well for society. Because, well, let's look at the world that science, without morals, has/will create.

Read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Atheism is a subhuman ideology which turns people into subhuman cucks or as the Jews saw "cattle"

For the Jews to rule over the goyim he must make the goyim docile by converting them to a cuck ideology like Fedoraism.

See Protocol #4


3. But even freedom might be harmless and have its place in the State economy without injury to the well-being of the peoples if it rested upon the foundation of faith in God, upon the brotherhood of humanity, unconnected with the conception of equality, which is negatived by the very laws of creation, for they have established subordination. With such a faith as this a people might be governed by a wardship of parishes, and would walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of its spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon earth. This is the reason why IT IS INDISPENSABLE FOR US TO UNDERMINE ALL FAITH, TO TEAR OUT OF THE MIND OF THE "GOYIM" THE VERY PRINCIPLE OF GOD-HEAD AND THE SPIRIT, AND TO PUT IN ITS PLACE ARITHMETICAL CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL NEEDS.

jewwatch.com/jew-references-protocols-full-text-3-protocols-4-5-6-7-8-9.html#PROTOCOL No. 4

mfw mommy asks me to join hands in prayer before meal


They are not autistic, they do not have autism

They ARE loser, and they dont fit in anywhere else but in the athiest community of internet

There are fat loser who believe in god too, but apart from the athiests, the athiests grew bigger from internet and its easier to recognize them by their fashionstyle.
Same as you can tell that somone is punk by their fashionstyle
or that you can tell that a women is feminist by her dark lipstick, glasses, hipster clothes or freakish hair color

You seem to be an adherent of deism. It's actually quite popular in my country.

Man, I'm sorry to ruin your Saturday but that book is a forgery and you also might be retarded

Greece and Rome were the foundations of Western civilization, not Christianity.

I wanted to say "atheist here, suck my dick", but then I remembered atheism is currently hijacked by neo-Marxist subhumans.

Seriously guys, not every atheist is a fucking libshit faggot.

Christianity has been cucked just as much as atheism.

>atheist jew meme

how the fuck is that even a thing? i mean are there christian atheists? muslim atheists?

Well, Orthodoxy is more-or-less completely uncucked, but I'm against religion in every single one of its forms. (although it goes without saying Christians, Taoist, Buddhists etc. are infinitely more preferable than Muslims)

I wouldn't call myself a deist, acknowledging a possibility isn't outright acceptance of that possibility as truth. I'm not interested in the idea of a god unless the deity in question makes itself known to me through a suspension of reality, anything less isn't good enough for my liking.

I just know it's not worth shitting on theists. They've reached their conclusion, I've reached mine. There's little more to discuss really, both outlooks are valid because we both try to peer beyond what is actually scientifically knowable.

You are fucking SERBIAN. How dare you be an atheist cuck? Especially after 90s bombings, thanks to picrelated. Go and repent to your local priest NOW before it is too late.

>Hurrr adeist are stuped heads!
>w-what? G-GOD IS R-REAL!
>Fedora.jpg, HA THAT'LL SHOW EM!

Most atheists don't give a shit about people who are into fantasy.

They are angry because many religions take moral stances against homosexuals and homo's dindu nuffin to no one never.

So kill the religious oppressors. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


>You are fucking SERBIAN. How dare you be an atheist cuck?

If god does exist, he hates Serbs with a burning passion. So fuck that nigger.

If Sup Forums was christian they'd forgive the jews.
Ya'know following Jesus's teachings and the like.

guarantee 0 replies

>homo's dindu nuffin
>pedophiles dindu nuffin
>adulterers dindu nuffin
You are so fuckin' brainwashed, I feel sorry for you.

Christianity comes from Rome.
If you were an intellectually honest atheist you would recognize that Judaism is not eternal and has origins as well, origins which are neither Jewish nor even Semitic.

You're not a intellectually honest atheist though, you're just another atheistic kike.

>homo's dindu nuffin

they didnt

>pedophiles dindu nuffin

atheism promotes pedophiles now?

>adulterers dindu nuffin

its a dick move, but again, since when does atheism promote that?

What is Zionism

Because Atheism has no unifying principle. Religion and a strong state are contrary to the worldwide trend of division and self destruction. Any idea that promotes any form of unity is counter to the main objective.


>thinking 1st century desert dwellers knew or cared about Europe

There are 3 types of atheists

1) sane people who think about the subject a lot and reached their own conclusion
2) bandwagon hopping hipster faggots with massive superiority complex, thinking they are smarter than anyone who believe in god is easy self esteem boost.
3) Bitter losers who got their feelings hurt by some religious people, share the same characteristic as two but so much more bitter.

Atheism is a form of autism and all atheists are autists.


He likes to test his people. It would be too easy to love God if you were always fine. That's why you must stay loyal regardless of circumstances.
It is like when you are rich, you have thousands of friends. But once you bankrupt, you have only your mum left. Only then you realise, what shit all these friends really are.

Atheism is a result of Enlightment, it has nothing to do with jew.
What jews are promoting is the destruction of moral values, and prepare to be ass blasted: morals values disconnected from religion were present before christianity.

Atheism is just as retarded as any theism.
Agnosticism is the only way to be free.

>god is infinite, unconditional love
>god will shit all over your people for centuries to test your love and devotion to him

Which is it?

Aspergers is a made up condition to denigrate hyper intelligent people who are so disgusted by society that the don't even want to make eye contact with normies.

lmao says the kike who probably believes in retarded cuck shit like shekinah

I don't understand why atheists get angry when someone says God is real. Someone's belief that there is a god is just as valid as someone's belief that there isn't a god. Religion is based on faith. If atheists were true-believers in their faith, they wouldn't react in a way that suggests they have other issues with religion or structure or discipline and are just merely hiding all that behind the banner of atheism.

I firmly believe in God. I feel God's presence everywhere I go. I see God's work in action everyday. I, like 95% of the rest of the people on this planet, have an unquestionable sense that there is some ancient and great intelligence that is at work. I can not get angry at someone who lacks the ability to sense that presence any more than I can get angry at a color blind person's inability to see the color blue.

Why is Atheism promoted so much by Jews?

To create a moral-less society full of sinners and therefore easier to control/destroy. It might be true that Atheists can have morals, however, generation after generation of atheism could lead to a gradual decline of what we call morality, to the point it has lost all it's meaning. Remember, there was a great flood for a reason.

best post in thread

>I feel God's presence everywhere I go

seek help

>Christianity comes from Rome.

holy shit you are retarded

But even if it really did come from Rome, you realize that it's still an inherently Jewish religion with docile Jewish teachings and that Christians literally worship a Jew, right?

Even if it started in Rome (which it obviously didn't) it still has its roots in Israel.

>he isn't rediscovering the Gods of the ancient Greeks and Germanic people
>he actually believes in the Jew God

Why do Christcucks feel the need to justify their idiotic personal beliefs to people who couldn't care less what they believe?

I feel you bro ;Hope I get some of those God feels at some point, they sound neat.

That's true. I'm happy to be in the 1) category.

>I see the color blue

seek help

(see how silly that sounds?)
