I probably started fapping at around 11-12 and now I am 22. For almost 2 years I thought I was gay because shemale & gay porns thrilled me the most, which of course was nonsense since my whole life I never felt aroused by a man, neither did I have a crush on one at any point in my life.
Without waffling, in a nut shell, porn robbed me off my social skills, it made me self-conscious, it took away my self confidence that I'd always had, it made me question everything, it gave me slight HOCD (questioning my fucking sexuality). I now look back, after being away from porn for so long, and everything is so clear, my mind is so sharp, and I'm now 100% comfortable with my sexuality (straight), like I was before I got hooked on porn. When you're feeding your brain with fucked up, twisted shit, how can you not expect thoughts to go in your head?
Then earlier this year I had erectile dysfunction. The girl was amazingly attractive and she was full on up for it. However it just didn't work! And then a few months ago it happened again, except this girl was even more attractive.
This is what is happening to a lot of you faggots. You watched too much porn you have OCD you don't look people in the eye anymore. Sad!
Your dick only works on porn and you need more pron more degenerate porn to keep you going so your problems keep multiplying your brain keeps shrinking and then your moral compass just stops working and you decide to start sucking cock and wearing a dress. Sad!
If you are fapping to traps on this board then you are probably already at the stage of the article in the OP.
True. Porn addiction turns you to more extreme fetishes. I know from experience. Just do NoFap
btw what the fuck does this have to do with politics?
Brody Taylor
Unfortunately your sheltered lifestyle and porn habits are changing your sexuality. You may think you where straight once but you are a faggot now. It's pretty sad desu. Reversing this will be extremely difficult. Some of you are already wearing a dress.
Chase Howard
I'm bisexual. These days, the men and women I sleep with are doing things that are more in line with pornographic acts than having sex. Things ten years ago were different. Recently, a woman I slept with asked if I wanted to perform anal sex on her. I've never enjoyed it (with men or women) so I declined and she almost seemed relieved, like it was some sort of normal thing that is expected of women. Also it takes forever for a lot of men to climax nowadays. My last boyfriend suffered from delayed ejaculation and he was a very heavy porn user. Another guy described his escalation into illegal content: I started looking at porn, on a regular basis, about five years ago. First there were the beautiful women, then the HC porn, then the weird insertions, then the transvestites, then critters, then the hermaphrodites, then the teen porn, then the younger models and now prison (soon to go). As the years passed I became less and less interested in masturbating and more and more interested in "novelty" searching. Towards the end, I couldn't sit at a computer without searching. I've never even remotely considered touching anyone or invading anyone's privacy (all my kids and others can attest to that). Looking back, I just don't see how I could have been so ignorant as to not recognize that I had a problem.
A better understanding of brain plasticity, addiction and how to reverse such trends is vital—lest we imprison such porn users as pedophiles instead of treating them for inadvertent sexual conditioning and/or addiction. Widespread awareness of the risk of morphing sexual tastes would also encourage more people to learn about their options and seek help earlier. Note the experience of these three guys:
Masturbation is scientifically proven to decrease cancer in the balls etc. Swear off porn if you want, but keep jacking off if you don't want your nuts to rot off.
Nicholas Barnes
Ryan Ross
NoFap work to cure all of this in your opinion OP? more or less i've had a similar experience...
Sebastian Hernandez
tl;dr OP is a Faggot the reboot
Logan Hughes
Nofap doesn't work. Men have urges and your doom is a right there on your computer. You can keep up the nofap for a year but after that it becomes pathological as well. Very hard if you're not a monk in a secluded monastery. You need to have sex and you need to get a wife.
Nathan Rogers
It doesn't do much for me anymore. I can get off with my imagination.
Ethan Wright
i still only watch male female interactions after 15 years of porn
you're just a freak sorry
Aaron Edwards
Buy a Meiki. You might be addicted to fapping but at least you're fapping with something that feels like a vagina so when you finally get laid, you're not going to be struggling to keep it up, you shut-in faggots.
Jason Hernandez
>100% sure of my sexuality
Are you sure OP?
Asher Bennett
I don't think you've ever been truly 'addicted' to porn then mate.
Brandon Flores
>buy a fake pussy like me you shut ins!!
Elijah Cox
I fap out of boredom mostly these days. Like I'm not even horny and don't even really enjoy it, but it passes the time.
Nolan Jackson
The fact that you are trying to defend porn here already shows that you are a faggot with a problem. ----------------------------- I grew up identifying as straight. I never felt an "attraction" toward men until I started to become sincerely addicted to pornography in my late teens to early twenties. At first I dismissed it as curiosity and I wasn't really bothered by it. But then it caused a lot of confusion for myself as I would be mentally and emotionally attracted toward women while my attraction toward men was more of a "primal" urge.
I've been single for 7 years now. Throughout that time I've been trying to convince myself to give it a shot with men in real life but I've never been able to. Since I've started nofap I've noticed that mental/emotional attraction toward women start to return while the primal urge for men is starting to go away. My tastes in pornography has also returned to what it was when I was in my early teens (vanilla sex, lesbian, etc). I still have a long way to go but I can tell I've made some progress. permalink porn warps your mind. I know because I'm there. I feel isolated and alone.
I want to believe that there is help. That somehow my mind can return to the state it once was in before I basically binged on porn. I want "experts" to stop telling me that it's healthy. I want people to feel what I feel so they can understand what it's like.
I feel like my sexuality has been hijacked and you know what? It's all my fault. I want help. I just want someone to confirm that it is possible to reclaim yourself and let go of this ugly shit. I would give anything to go back 3 years ago, smash the fuck out of my laptop, and tell myself that porn will change you. You guys should have seen me. I defended porn to death! I believed every positive thing an expert said and when people said that they had porn addictions I truly didn't believe it.
I might try nofap for a bit. I need to lay off cartoon anime fart porn.
Caleb Foster
What I share with you is knowledge that took a long time to find amongst books written by the magicians of the old age. It is a gift to those of you who are interested in occultism and bettering yourself. Those who are bored with the meaningless life of the masses and start to question if we are living in an illusion. I cannot convince the hardcore skeptics if they are not willing to believe and spend some of their time reading the books I would recommend. So, that is not my goal. I only wish to help enlighten those who I was like before. Let's begin!
The ignorant who shout that Freemasons are just "old guys getting together for beers and chess" are idiots. It is true that most scottish rite lodges have lost ancient knowledge and have deteriorated to being a social club, but the secret societies that didn't deteriorate are something different. Did you know that in Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia there were great doctors and scientists? Have you ever opened a book written by one of their leaders? Have you ever looked at the recommended reading materials at the last pages? There are hundreds of pages dedicated to biology, evolution, cells and anatomy. And all of this was mixed with astrology and other occult sciences. Psychology plays a big part in the studies too, even nutrition. Those people were not "Luddites" or "tinfoil hats". They were respected doctors and scientists that knew more than you. I am not endorsing you joining such societies though. You don't need to join one to have the knowledge you require. Most of the knowledge is found between their books all ready, published.
Jordan Wood
Oo look at this statistic here, how interesting.
Robert Smith
There is no scientific basis to back up your claims. That website was created by reddit faggots from r/nofap. I dare you to look at your own references for once before you spot this nonsense on Sup Forums.
Now please leave and sage
Jace Smith
Now you will ask "Why shouldn't I masturbate?" and you will expect me to say some magical mumbo jumbo that is not sound. But no. Both the physical and the unseen effects have been covered in various occult books. You will first find explanation in the books of this old English Rosicrucian order. You can find them online. Secondly, you will find explanation in the works of Max Heindel, who also under the guidance of invisible brothers opened a Rosicrucian order in America. Samael Aun Weor is the one who fanatically writes against masturbation. He is your third clue. He was once a Rosicrucian student, than went rogue and created his own Gnostic religion, and wrote many books. The fourth clue is Mantak Chia, an eastern master of Chi Kung who has a book on sexual alchemy. There are other clues in the writings of Rudolf Steiner, Franz Bardon, Gurdjieff and others. All these gentlemen wrote on the subjects of psychology, addiction and the spiritual path. It is really the goal of every spiritual aspirant, member of a secret society or not. To observe himself and practice various exercises. To unlock his hidden powers and to use them to serve humanity. To get closer to God and to fasten his own evolution. To become the best he can be. But there are also evil people and societies. Such black magicians and people with their own agenda have not once infiltrated societies and corrupted them. What can I say? There are powers working against humanity, who want people to be apathetic, lazy, addicted, sleepy, fearful, hateful, uncontrollable, lustful, perverse, degenerate. People like me want you to realize that you actually have the power to control and change yourself for the better. But they don't want you to know that. They want you to think that you are an animal with urges and feelings that shouldn't be suppressed or changed. So that they can manipulate and keep you in prison.
Ethan Harris
hmmmm really makes you think.
Henry Wright
And you know a little something about the so called "law of attraction"? If you are convinced that you don't have any control over yourself, you become more and more like that.
Now I will finally explain the horrible effects of masturbation. When you are about to cum, your body extracts a lot of precious proteins, minerals and other goodies from your organs, including the brain. All this is send into the sperm for the most holy purpose of creating a new human being. When you masturbate every day you are constantly leeching important nutrients from your body, zinc for example. You are also depleting your testosterone and other hormones. As the days go by, your brain becomes cloudy and more stupid, your organs become weaker and weaker. Sicknesses await to sprout in your body and alert you of your wrong living. Your eyesight worsens. The hormonal disbalance makes you easily upset and reactive, like a woman. But this is just what one can reveal to his gullible friends. Because they are not ready to accept the whole truth.
The occult truth is that while the sperm is physically full of nutrients, it contains the "creative sex force" or your life force. It is a strong force that makes you vital, shimmering, aware, concentrated. It can be used to rebuild your body, when you stop wasting it. Or more easily, it can be used to materialize all your dreams in the physical world. It is the inventor who neglects his wife and works on his project all day, manifesting a great invention. It is like "willpower fuel" that can make a boy become the chef or the astronaut he always wanted to become. It makes you more creative and bright. It makes you "alpha". You get what you want. It is what made little art school rejected Hitler into a man who killed millions of people and almost conquered the world.
Jacob Allen
And this is basically what the creative sex force can be seen like. It is at the base of your spine. It can pass through your spine and through 2 coiled channels around it. People can make the sex force rise and give them enlightenment. It can be used to merge the heart and mind together and purify man from any sickness. That includes all your fears, traumas and mental issues. But you don't need that yet. You just need to stop wasting your force, and to put it to a better use. As long as we achieve that, the world will be different tomorrow.
When you waste your creative sex force masturbating, you will feel relaxed and nice temporarily. After that, expect 2-3 days of being more angry, unstable, depressed, under the influence of bad thoughts and generally more reactive. You will feel apathetic and lazy. As your life force replenishes you will feel more alive and active again. But there are far worse problems than that. Sooner or later the everyday masturbator will be punished for the misuse of his creative organ with a sickness. Either impotency or bladder cancer. Each time you masturbate, you are lowering your sex force below the spine even, corrupting your mind and becoming more vile. The more risen your force is, the more you are close to your best version and to god. The more downwards your energy goes, the more you strengthen the devil inside you. Funny that it's called "the creative organ". it can be used to create life, or to create other things as well.
Samuel Wright
I'm 29 and I never thought about young girls in a sexual way, ever in my entire adult life. I've always been attracted to tits, ass and a womanly figure, and I didn't understand how a pedophile could possibly be attracted to children. A few months ago I started exploring Youtube videos of under-18, but still pubescent girls sexy dancing, strip teasing etc., never pornographic, but fap material nonetheless. This is totally disgusting behavior, but not unnatural in my opinion because girls are physically fully mature around 15-16, and though we might not admit it, men are sexually attracted to girls this age. As you might imagine, There's an entire Youtube subculture dedecated to sexy videos of young girls. Eventually, I was led from 15 year olds to 12, 10, 8 year old girls dancing in bikinis and shit like that. I was horrified at my behavior. I had never remotely thought of doing this kind of thing before in my 15+ years of fapping. Am I really THAT guy? The dispicable creep who faps to little girls, and eventually does god knows what else? I knew there was something very wrong happening in my brain. This just wasn't me. It was around this time I discovered nofap. I realized what was happening was the dopamine-driven compulsion for novelty. My brain was burnt-out on fapping to adult women, the thrill and novelty of young girls was just what my dopamine addicted brain was after. I can't believe it had to get to that point, but that's what it took to snap me into reality and realize the damage porn and masturbation was doing to my mind. I have abstained from PMO for 2 weeks now, and I never plan on going back. If you're on the fence about nofap, take it from me, you are destroying yourself. You must stop before it's too late. Porn almost turned me into a pedophile
>26 >porn addict since 10 >lose virginity with hot 45yo MILF a few months ago >dick went limp in 30 seconds after putting it in, never to rise again that day
Cooper Green
There is something else you should know about. Your desire body. It is a cloud of color vapors you don't presently see. It is made from your desires and emotions. Low spirits and demons will be attracted to you for they feed from your sperm vapors like food. With your depressed mind and weak condition, these entities will slowly gain the power to influence you. Suggestions may come in your mind, feelings, images, even voices. But that is usually rare. What you are usually doing when masturbating to porn is creating your own thought forms. But they are not yet self aware creatures. They are just addiction bubbles floating in your desire aura. The more you feed the addiction by ejecting your sperm, the more powerful and harder it becomes to destroy. It is similar to those addicted to marijuana, drugs and alcohol. But they feed their addictions by giving in to pleasure. You usually have a safe mechanism that makes you bored out of everything. But this is also your downfall, for when your dopamine can't raise from sexual stimulants that have become boring to you, you seek more vile and vile perversions. Your inner adversary, feeds on the excitement, as you waste your life force, focusing it on the fantasy. This glytch is called "the kundabuffer organ". When you have pleasure, it makes you want more and more. This is the glitch that addicts you into your doom. Some people are immune to certain addictions thought, because they have overcome them in past lives. This is why we have young men nowadays masturbating to horrible and perverse porn. Some even wanting to cross dress and be humiliated. This is a more frequent case in people who can't get satisfied sexually with a partner. If you don't learn to control yourself it will destroy your relationship and ruin the lives of your family.
D-did I just get redpilled on not allowing gays to have children..
Camden Cooper
Computers turn you into a cuck faggot. It's not just porn it'd the whole activity of browsing the Internet and watching things instead of using your body.
Kayden Perry
it sure smells like reddit in here
Christopher Bennett
Writing in the Globe and Mail last November, columnist Leah Mclaren argued that porn-induced erectile dysfunction is a big problem facing what she called "Gen-XXX." Anecdotes led the way in her controversial piece, but she also claimed the support of science.
"Porn-induced erectile dysfunction is now well documented by the mainstream medical community. Dr. Oz devoted a show to the topic last year..." she wrote.
Ah. Yes. Doctor Oz. In light of his past quackery and a recent study showing that four out of every ten claims he makes aren't based on based on evidence, I am leery to trust "America's Doctor." What about the rest of the medical community?
As it turns out, there are precisely zero published studies on porn-induced erectile dysfunction. Surprised by the dearth of information, I emailed sexologist Dr. Jill McDevitt, who has a Ph.D in human sexuality. She replied saying that she'd never heard of the condition, and upon investigation, could find no research addressing it.
What she did find, just like me, were a host of entertainment and anti-pornography sites all too willing to fill the information void with scientific-sounding explanations. Leading the way is Gary Wilson's Your Brain on Porn.
Sup Forums is inherently evil and needs to be stopped. It was a psyop from the beginning
John Kelly
Stopped watching it last week. Fapping is a bit harder now
Carter Peterson
Show the manface and he will be sure.
Joseph Flores
Nathan Miller
more sauce for my horse please
Bentley Anderson
The whole Internet must be banned and restricted and anonymity eliminated for the greater good.
Sorry but the negatives outweigh the positives of the technology. It's not worth the freedom of information
Josiah Taylor
Kinda described me to a T except I'm 26 and I only had sex twice. each time though I couldn't stay hard.
I don't find dudes attractive IRL at all but I find myself looking at gay and trap porn almost exclusively, But trap porn has been my go to since I was 16.
I'm 26, very anti social and fully unaware of what its like to have a meaningful relationship with another woman, let alone a human being i feel. Although I feel as if i have made some progress in this department since I started my new job. I'm really hoping i can break out of my shell.
as of late, I haven't been really into any porn and i have been using my imagination and In all of my fantasies It is with real women that i know from IRL.
I don't think I can no fap for an extended period of time, but I will cut down on my masturbation and porn usage.
Austin Gonzalez
"nofap" = dramatically increased risk for cancer. Fools who think themselves morally superior for such asceticism will find their balls rotting off, along with metastatic cancer ridden bodies.
Camden White
Nofap isn't enough. Even simple non porn images manipulate you.
We need an anti tech movement.
Austin Scott
>tfw I have an ass like that
I'd rather have an 8 inch cock but God had other plans desu senpai,
Chase Moore
anyone jerking off to anything else but woman is a fucking crippled faggot.
Caleb Wilson
Dominic Lopez
Didn't read lol
Cooper Martin
>tfw i almost ended up with a bf because of my stupid phase
i dont regret blocking him. i prefer my gf
Camden Sullivan
>Has a fake rubber vagina >Calls others a shut-in faggot
Liam Gomez
>going that far
Mason Williams
You would jerk off to this in a nanosecond, I'd wager. hahahahaha....
Ryder Johnson
nah it was truly disgusting. porn took me from shemales to wanting a male to fuck me. purely fetishist.
all those feelings went away after i stopped watching porn.
Jayden Peterson
I'm going to try and do the same. Although I never went gay, I'm just into some fucked up shit.
Jack King
Same thing happened to me. Jerked off to female solos and lesbian porn and i ended up on gay and shemale and wanting to fuck a guys ass. This isnt me.
Jaxon Hill
im just glad i broke it.
Jeremiah Scott
>an autistic gay guy blames porn for his autism and gayness >you also watch porn >you will become an autistic gay too
Stop projecting faggit, I've been addicted to porn for years yet I have a wife, 2 kids and a good job
Ryder Edwards
Did NoFap for a month straight. Felt amazin desu really helped my social anxiety. Currently in for 2 weeks, don't really have urges except when I'm sitting at my computer alone.
Isaiah Wood
How do you do it without quitting Sup Forums or even the whole Internet?
Oliver Rodriguez
Im exactly where OP is... i guess its time to stop. Is it possible to recover from ED?
Jordan Morgan
>this isn't me >canada
Chase Diaz
Stop porn, then reduce fapping rate. It happened to me too, i was ashamed.
After a few weeks, i could fuck normally.
It's more important to stop porn, as your dick becomes accustomed by extreme arousal, and won't react to normal excitation.
Samuel Ross
Computers are demonic. I even worry electrical power grid is inherently degenerate and energy sapping. I feel guilty for being an electrical engineer.
Jayden Ramirez
lol So what if I am? Does that comfort you knowing that there are other degenerate scum out there?
> I've been addicted to porn for years
Well you have a serious problem there faggot.
If you're not already a degnerate then you probably have erectile dysfunction and your children may be in danger.
I got this thread idea from Radio Free Skyrim I never even knew what yourbrainonporn.com was before today.
Porn tastes evolve, with fetishes, usually becoming stranger and stranger. I started off with pretty vanilla taste, with a few oddball fetishes off to the side, like thicc, breast expansion, stomach and legs. A couple years later, and I'm pretty sure I've become a furfag, simply because I just kept changing my tastes.
Elijah Martinez
Im not worried. I realised i fap to almost anything depending on the day. Sometimes i get a major hardon for traps and shit and other times nothing.
Dominic Gonzalez
>addiction will turn you into a shitty human
wew lad what a fucking surprise
Wyatt Anderson
I think you are missing that it's the whole Internet that does this to you. Porn being a particularly bad but forums are equally damaging. They are porn for conversation.
I think the only cure is complete rejection of modern technology.
Christopher Carter
Been doing no fap for sometime now. But now I have broken it to like fap once every week or two. And either to no porn or imagination or only a single porn actress. Flipping between fapping to different girls everytime is no good for your mental state. So if you must fap do it to only one actress or actor. It makes things healthier. But cutting down to only once a week to bi weekly is also the way to go.
Cutting porn 100% is probably the best way to go. Jerking it is fine aslong as you don't do it more then weekly/every three days. Jerking it only becomes a problem when you do it to porn every time. Jerking it without porn is the way to go.
Brayden Johnson
Wrong. The only solution is going Internet free for a long period of time. Note I said Internet not just porn.
Anthony Murphy
This, I agree Porn addiction can be bad for social skills, I know this from experience, but I jerk off multiple times a day every day, this has been going on for well over 4 years, and I've never felt anything but disgust, and maybe a little contempt whenever I stumble across pictures of traps/guys/nigger on human sex etc.
Liam Thomas
Softcore is the way to go, folks.
Grayson Butler
>There is no scientific basis to back up your claims My personal experience does agree with those claims though
David Gray
The porn I look at now is less extreme than what I looked at 10 years ago. The vast majority of all men look at porn and most don't have their lives ruined by it.
Your boss probably looks at porn. Your dad probably looks at porn. Your male friends probably all look at porn. Most members of Congress look at porn. CEOs and billionaires look at porn. If you make porn into something that controls your life, that's your problem, not a problem with porn itself, the brain, society, etc.
Liam Rogers
> Your dad probably looks at porn.
No I'm a slav and ever since I was a kid my dad warned me that porn and masturbation will make you into a faggot degenerate. I never believed him but it turns out to be true.
> Your male friends probably all look at porn.
Some not all
> Most members of Congress look at porn.
lol no
> CEOs and billionaires look at porn
Not the ones who are stable.
If you look at pron every day you have a problem that you need to address not make excuses.
Brandon Parker
No, loving cocks will turn you into a faggot. Don't let that eliminate the relief you feel from having come up with a scapegoat though.
Asher Gutierrez
Well porn is Jewish. They've basically destroyed western males through making porn readily available to everyone, because what male can resist naked women right? But that's another issue all together.
Aaron Bell
ITT OP is indeed a faggot.
Ethan Reed
The most successful people on earth don't even use the Internet.
I believe that the whole Internet degenerates you as much as porn.
Blake Torres
>favorite porn is brother/sister incest >don't even have a sister
OP's """"""""""""argument""""""""""" just got BTFO
Gabriel Stewart
They globalized the world via the world wide Web. The Internet itself is their greatest weapon. If you believe that the Internet is ''freedom'' you are brainwashed. It would be better for everyone of the Internet was completely censored or better just destroyed.
Caleb Watson
I take this back though. Most ''sucessful'' rich people sold their souls and are extremely unhappy
Connor Reed
>Porn will turn you into a faggot.
OP was already a faggot.
Caleb Jenkins
Ted is that you? Did they give you a wifi in your cell finally?
lol yes I guess the core of the problem is technology but that cannot be fixed therefore society cannot be completely fixed. There would have been degenerates even without the internet now there are just more of them and more weak stupid people in general.
Lincoln Foster
Sup Forums is part of the agenda. Memeseven the innocent funny ones like ''OP is a faggot'' are deliberate forms of Conditioning. Comedy is the Jews favorite form of propaganda and Moot is a Jew.
Sup Forums has destroyed your mind. Memes are degenerate. The very language of Internet subculture like this is subtly promoting faggot and degeneracy.
Really you need to leave here to fix yourself.
Parker Cruz
>then the transvestites, then critters, then the hermaphrodites, then the teen porn Holy fuck, what is wrong with teen porn you sick fuck? I mean 15-19 y.o girls are most attractive, wanting and having sex with one is 100% natural unlike the rest of disturbing shit on your list!
Ayden Stewart
This is so true bro, ignore these people. Nofap is the way to go and it will change your life. I've been doing nofap and noporn for over 2 years. BEST thing I ever did.
Ryder Cooper
That list is a copy from their website with random faggots posting why they became faggots.
Ian Morris
I agree. I would argue that the threat of people "waking up" by using the internet isn't a big concern of theirs. There is certainly potential for information to get out that they don't want. But the fact is, it's only a small minority of people who use anything other than facebook, youtube, twitter, all of that normie bullshit. The platform of the internet could be potentially fundamentally dangerous to their cause but they've somehow got 99% of the masses to only look at social media, where everything is censored, and their narratives are perpetuated by echo chambers.
Jaxon Phillips
Have you been able to do it without no Sup Forums and no Internet?
I think that's the only way. Because even if you don't fap you will be using the sexually charged language and profanity here is still corrupting. Even the word ''fap'' is a short circuit to make masturbation sound more appealing, like the words weed or coke. Controlling your language even online is the ultimate redpill. You need to realize that 4cahn is literally making you think in memes and curses.
Kayden Diaz
Find me a shred of evidence to show that "successful men don't use porn" which is what it looks like you're saying. Statistically, almost all men look at porn, and there's no reason to believe more wealthy/successful men don't without evidence. The Internet is Jewish too. Sup Forums is Jewish. Guess it's time for you to get off the internet to escape muh joos, eh? >the most successful people on earth don't use the internet Tell that to Bill Gates. Alternatively, tell that to the tens of thousands of tech workers in the SF Bay Area who are worth millions and work on the Internet all day long. Even finance and banking, the traditional "elite" occupation, pretty much demands you to work on computers 24/7 these days, as financial modeling is all done on the computer. Lawyers are also online all the time. The only high-paying occupation I can think of that doesn't involve being on the computer all the time is medicine.
Cameron Wood
Well if he didn't find teens attractive, the guy was likely a faggot from the start. Also, wtf is critters?
Leo Baker
The tech industry is evil. They're making the world worse not better. I'm a programmer and more and more I realize that nothing good comes out of it.
I'm artificially treated as a productive member of society because I'm a drone for the system that enslaves us. And really a useless lazy piece of shit and my work wouldn't even be considered real work 100 years ago.
Ryder Campbell
> Statistically, almost all men look at porn
Yes, I saw porn when I was like 12 for the first time. We are discussing Addiction to Porn,. I.e jerking off to it compulsively every single day.
Asher Cook
Isaiah Walker
I've been jerking off to lolis since I was 12, no way has porn "rotted" my brain.
Samuel Lopez
What the fuck were you expecting? Sup Forums is only redpilled on what suits them.
They talk about male kids being the most molested but fail to mention it's by females not gay men.
They talk about gay hookup degeneracy while the straight scene is just as bad when you are a good looking guy.
Talk about rational reasoning but ignore that gay males have the two sides being driven by testosterone.
Talk about HIV but forget to talk about how much more likely it is to transmit from anal sex rather than vaginal.
Talk about niggers but forget to mention those are the biggest crowd of msm HIV cases.
Ignore completely the stupid amount of bisexual degenerates.
Criticize leftist "listen and believe" while praising catholicism which literally treats followers like sheep.
The true redpill is knowing that hope is an illusion and that no one on this world is worth fighting for. Sup Forums commits the same mistakes of the average blind person.