That 10 minute keyboard improv on moonchild

>that 10 minute keyboard improv on moonchild

What were they thinking?

It's really good and a pleb filter

>implying that the 10 minute keyboard improv is bad

thinking about filtering plebs

and they did

If anything it's a slap to the face they cut the track. Let's be real, they were influcenced by free improvisation/european free jazz on that record. At the end of 21st century schizoid man it's like a super lite version of that.

Way to fuck up you bastard Fripp. This is why I'm dragging my feet buying your discography since I torrented it years ago.

>this was recorded in 1969
>Greg Lake was only 22 years old
>Fripp was only 23
How did they do it?

they're better than you

They're better than everyone.


Spoiler Alert, idiot!


Wait, there's a longer version of that track out there?


Sheep for listening to non-mainstream music inspired by European free jazz? Totally makes sense to me. We got duped.

>people agreeing with each other are sheep
kys contrarian retard

'Everything unconventional thing I like is pleb filter'

>"one of the best and coincidently least accessible moments in an album is a pleb filter"
makes sense to me

>'Everything unconventional thing I like is pleb filter'
Bands have filtered their audiences, get over it. It's possible and it has happened before.

Internet wasn't there to ruin people's minds

Can you give me some confirmed examples of this?

Yes, it's one of the bonus tracks on the 2009 remastered version

With hell of a lot of talent. And probably some mind-altering chemicals too.

Fripp doesn't do drugs. Never did.

So he's just autistic


>any of the guitar solos

what were they thinking?

I know this a joke, but he very well might have aspergers. The way he acts around people and in social situations almost confirms it.

it shows the core of the problem. you must be blind or sick if you didn't point it out before.

Tales from Topographic Oceans

I'm seeing them in exactly a week boy I hope they play Moonchild in its entirety!!!

Well it worked, by Relayer the plebs had fucked off to Pink Floyd.

Damn that's a good example

>Fripp released masterpiece at 22
>I'm still masturbating in my parents basement

>implying it wasn't just fripp's idea

You better start on your masterpiece now dude. Once you're 30 years old it'll be too late.

That is a perfect album,
You are a bitch.

Epitaph is my jam.

Epitaph is easily one of the greatest pieces of music ever created.