>Hispanic values
>Puts mexican flag
Yeah fuck the Spaniards and the Portuguese, all Hispanics are automatically Mexican beaners
fat bald retard
>Hispanic values
>Puts mexican flag
Yeah fuck the Spaniards and the Portuguese, all Hispanics are automatically Mexican beaners
fat bald retard
Other urls found in this thread:
We don't identify as Hispanic though.
In fact, we find it rather insulting.
Agree with this compatriota.
Half Indian lawnmowers think they have family values living in their Section Ape housing, while their drug addict kids kill each other over heroin. Truly, natural conservatives
>Iberian pls
>Hispanics are automatically Mexican beaners
Fuck you too, burger.
only mexicans are the ones with indian blood
>Not getting my post 101
Cállese hombre horrible
Found American intellectual.
Puerto Rican Trump supporter here. Shit like this pisses me off. Leftists claim to be against stereotypes despite doing it more than every other group.
Leave Portugal out of this you star spangled cunt.
Spaniards are bros, user. Mexicans a shit.
portugual is considered hispanic by the us government
Hispanics are the brownfags
Spaniards and Portuguese are white Europeans
>inb4 t. Alberto Barbosa
I've literally never bothered to watch one of Molyneux's videos. Try again, leaf.
Hispania was the whole peninsual. So hispanic=Iberian.
The world is done not speaking on subjects because thin-skinned milk drinkers get their feelings hurt.
Yes, there are exceptions to generalities. Be happy if you're an exception.
What do you want to bet this is a Spanish translation of Ubuntu, that is, "You better not stand out, or air your dirty laundry in public, if you know what's good for you, fellow Hispanic brother."
Gotta side with the Portuguese here. Hispanic has to do with Spanish culture and that doesn't include Portugal. Brazillians are Latin American, but not Hispanic.
Canadians have been shitposting Aussie-tier stuff, what happened?
Surely Mexicans are the largest voter group though?
But they dont call themselves as such. The modern is hispanic term is reserved for Spanish speakers.
Oh stop being a pedantic piece of shit. The vast majority of hispanics in america are mexican.
Why there are no Mexican polititians? It seems to be huge chunk of the voters,and no Mexican was run in the primaries
Hispanic is an odd term for iberian people.
Hispanic is used for the racial mix between the colonizers of Hispania and the natives of South America. Technically you could argue that we share the hispanic ascendence but you don't call argentinians italian even though they even share their surnames.
Much like this brother said here we consider hispanic (some even latino) as an insult. Most people call spaniards mediterraneans or just south europeans.
kinda like how the modern definition of racism changed cause why not?
fuck off retard hispania included portugal shut the fuck up
I understand were you coming. we don't like being called Latinos either, because we usually associated with Mexico and Central / South americans.
>arguing about who is or isn't Hispanic
Why? All non-whites will hang on the day of the rope.
You're pretty much arab after all the past and current rapings by Ahmed and friends.
Yeah, we all know the true race of the Portugese
Why are you so butthurt nigger?
why don't you take a minute and read the fucking thread, and posts from Alberto Barrbosa's
This is somewhat correct. We don't call ourselves Hispanic, but we certainly talk about Hispanic culture. To call a guy from Spain latino is an excellent way to piss off the average Spaniard. Sup Forums, please take note.
alberto bordoba
Lusitania =/= Hispania.
Shit like this annoys me. Just because your Hispanic people assume you're from Mexico.
Not everybody is a shit tier Hispanic like the Mexicans.
>implying portuguese aren't niggers
>>Hispanic values
>>Puts mexican flag
triggered not gona lie
In a couple of decades hispanics with pale skin are going to be considered whites. This ride is going to end for the whitey m8
Ahmed and Stacy doesn't like you, remember?
>implying hispanic isn't an euphemism for border crossing beaners
The Manuels get it
I'm Cuban and would solely be called by my territorial heritage, no reason for me to be Jewed from a nation and land if Americans which are immigrants claim to own their own land.
Hispanic takes away power from me and gives rights of my territory and resources to foreigners, same thing in the EU with "European".
>be me
>98% european caucasoid
>rest is north african caucasoid
>still hispanic, family lived in mexico for a couple generations, bred with other euro migrants
im a white hispanic american, according to the legal system. i would just call myself white, but by adding hispanic to my resume, i get equal opportunity n sheeeit.
The worse part is that they are dirty fucking chicanos using our fucking flag like they were fucking citizensfuck those fucking faggots
Thanks for the info my Latino bro. :^)
>im a white hispanic american
I'm an exile.
>Canarian Islanders are considered Spanish
>Creoles in new world aren't
what is this meme?
We're trying to return clay you retard.
To be fair I think it's because of the confusing way we label people. People don't know whether to label them "hispanic" or "latino."
>according to the legal system
ITT: Crumpets can't into their own tongue.
glad to know mexico doesnt know the diference between Germany and Sweden with Portugal and Spain
Lol it's amazing how butthurt the Mexcretment gets when you don't consider them to be European despite the fact that they are native half breeds. They believe in the opposite of the "one drop rule", as in if you have on drop of European blood you are European lol. This. I've always considered people from Espana to be Spaniards. It is a different level of prestige. If you are mixed with native trash then you are Hispanic or Latino.
Canarian Islands belong to us still. None of the new world colonies are ours anymore.
>t. Alberto Barbosa
>i would just call myself white
Weren't we the last colony you lost?
We lost you and Cuba the same year. I think the Philippines came shortly after that since it was during the same conflict.
Yeah, Stefan doesn't use the word correctly
He used it incorrectly in his newest video as well
No, it isn't, you moronic American pigeon. Not even Brazilians are categorized as Hispanics.
You categorize as African American, pic related.
You or Philippines, can't remember now.
I hate this "hispanics are mexicans" meme
Everytime when I'm talking to a foreign friend it's always like
>"Hey user, how do you look like?"
>"Oh, I'm half hispanic half german"
>"So you're a latino?"
>"No, I'm portuguese."
People automatically assume I'm a brown mexican when I say I'm half hispanic, when in reality I'm white as snow
omg you moronic pigeon. YES THEY ARE
And you categorize as a White American, pic related.
The Spanish are a Hispanic people. The Portuguese are a Lusitanian people. Spanish-speaking Latin Americans are Hispano-Latinos. Brazilians are Luso-Latinos.
American education at its finest.
Why would you even use the term hispanic?
"Hey I come from one of over a dozen countries that span multiple continents and hemispheres."
It's a totally useless word. No one would ever say they're from the anglosphere.
Actually.. the portuguese are also a hispanic people.
Hispanic is not in the sense of spanish, but in the sense of "part of Hispania", the Roman province.
Yes, the portuguese are Lusitanian, and it's a fact, one of the provinces in Hispania was called Lusitania.
Just accept the fact, even basques and catalans are hispanic.
We can ourselves Iberian bulls.
You are literally this.
>Mexican flag
I wish this would stop, it's creating a stereotype
My Mexican flag is getting tainted and insuled by bunch of ignorant lefties
Worst of all, the rest of the Spanish speaking world is left blatantly ignored
basques never spoke latin.
Always wondered why that subhuman trash call themselves "latino"
Spaniards and Italians are latin, beaners arent.
The term "Hispanic" has been corrupted. The word comes from the word "Hispania" which the Romans named the Iberian Peninsula. So in this ORGINAL regard, Spaniards and Portuguese are Hispanic. Latin Americans are not the "Hispanic" people.
Latin-american name was given by the frenchs historians because they are that much of fags.
Real name is just south-americans. Don't be cucked by french faggots.
Portuguese aren't Hispanic you uncultured swine. Anything involving the Spanish pigs are Hispanic.
How can Spaniards and poortugese not identify as Hispanic? Its literally the wprd that the romans used to name your land mass. To say that you're Iberian and not Hispanic is like a German saying that he is Deutsch but not German.
Most people are retarded. Sup Forums included.
The latin americaan thing is retarded though, south americans have nothing to do with the roman empire
Because nowadays is used for people living in Mexico and South America (except Brazil), why should we identify with a word that's not used to identify us?
>which the Romans named the Iberian Peninsula
Also the hispanic term is not wrong for spanish and portuguese people it's just rare and odd to use such and old term to refer the modern inhabitants of the peninsula.
In any case it'd be an obsolete term like why would we be defined by a civilization so long gone? Why not call us visigoths? Doesn't make sense.
by your logic being against cultural marxis would fit on your picture
Hispanic refers to people who are from countries where Spanish is the native language.
The people of Portuguese speaking countries are referred to as Lusophones.
You can, however, refer to both as Latinos, because they both speak a Latin derived language.
Because 'Hispanic' in Brazil means of Spanish descent, European Spanish. In Brazil we have more distinct categories, such as "Latino Americano" for Latin-speaking people of the Americas while "Povos Latinos" is generally attributed to any Latin-speaking European people.
Americans are bottom-tier when it comes to foreign History and the recognition of foreign ethnic groups, then you wonder why everyone mocks your education.
For the same reason Scandinavians and the British don't identify as German, but Germanic.
The Portuguese identify as Iberian, but they're not Hispanic because that terminology was used to define the Iberian peninsula by the Romans, and due to cultural and linguistic differences, the Iberians were later divided into Lusitanians and Hispanics.
Not even South America. That terminology is practically owned by Mexicans and Puerto Ricans.
not ignored, they are being lumped together with us because it's much easier to generalize (not saying all does it, but it happens many times). Unfortunately, the idiots rioting in US are either dumb chicanos brainwashed by La Raza and the left-wing psychos, or butthurt because trump said exactly what they are (or what some of their relatives are; let's be honest, there are many morons who do stupid things because "it's badass n sheeiitt"...
Spanish and portuguese are white europeans. You shouldn't in any circumstance equate them to south americans.
t. European
So basically you were cucked out of your own name by beaners living on the other side of the world
Bullshit. We don't call the British langauge speakers of the world british. Why would we call the Hispanic language speakers Hispanic?
In reality, Portugal is really just Spanish clay
>Word has different meaning in a different country that speaks a different language therefore they are dumb.
Wowie. Brazil logic I guess.
to be fair no one in the US thinks these people are white, this is just the justice department trying to tweak the crime statistics to make bean niggers and dindu's look less shitty then they are.
What family values are those? Shitting out 500 kids, taking them to the mall, and letting them run everywhere while your fat ass lumbers between McDonalds and Lane Bryant?
>We don't call the British langauge speakers of the world british.
That's why we call them Anglophones.
>Everyone disagrees with your logic.
>"I'm an American therefore I am right and you are wrong."
But Hispania is the name of the land mass. To call a speaker of the language Hispanic is the same as calling an English speaker a British islander.
That's why Americans are stupid.
To be fair, the majority of Puerto Ricans are almost as bad as Mexicans.
Now it's used to define another specific group, we can't do anything about that now.
>and the Portuguese