Fug, we're being exposed!
Fug, we're being exposed!
well at least we [spoiler]do it for free [/spoiler]
Sup Forums gold account required to watch this video on our plan to stop bernie/hillary
The media keeps fucking up. The more they """expose""" us, the stronger we become.
They're used to operating in an older era where the jews controlled all media outlets. Shining a light and revealing us doesn't do anything to stop us when we can't be easily censored.
>Look it's their fault we don't get along!
They're blaming us like we're Jews.
The normies know
Shut it down
This. When will the shoah stop?
>Xeni Jardin
K guys from now on all plans are posted as gold images, no way these poverts are going to fork over the $39.95/month just to keep tabs on us.
Good idea m8.
what a bunch of tin foil conspiracies
there's no such thing as this "Sup Forums" whatever that is supposed to be
Sounds like they are just labelling and blaming their internal conflicts and failures as a fault of Sup Forums as an easy way out.
I anything Sup Forums doesn't give so much a shit about trolling those libtards and more so about voicing their conservative opinions and Trunp support. I'd say the left is spending a lot more time bashing the other parties than the right.
Sup Forums comments now qualify as news content
>it didn’t pan out as well as intended, despite dozens of (You)'s on the post.
my fucking sides
False flag the article and post.
how many people even read this
Just us apparently.
We don't even have to do much. They're mistaking each other for trump voters and fighting each other...then start chanting bernie. lol
>reddit tier post
sure "we"
They shouldve been able to tell he's a bernie supporter by the fact he hits like a girl
Wasnt Ghost the one who said that people should go out and do this 3 days ago?
No one here uses the word "systematically".
Only leftists and kikes do that.
Someone is talking. It's one of you.
>tfw my taxes pay for cia buying a Sup Forums gold account
i systematically fucked ur mom lmao
>said trump fans on 4chin
so who exactly is this 4chin mainstream is talking about all the time?
He is a widely known hacker and awful person.
I dont think Jardin understands the nature of this place and is desparate to tie Trump with something negative.
ifay eeway ypetay inay igpay atinlay, eythay illway otnay comprende.
that doesn't sound nice
i hope he's not coming on here disrupting our peaceful community
i am easily triggered
what does that even mean
meme warfare
Sup Forums is 1 of the most dangerous people in the world. And I mean that in a literal sense, right up there with hitla, the invention of atomic weapons, and ben garrison.
That would take too long how about this
dare they enter our magical realm?
No one ever said that. They made it up just to have something to cry about.
They are the food and we are the hunter?
Who are they quoting?
>Xeni Jardin
You can tell that when a white cunt with pink hair has a name like "Xeni" that she's going to be a fucked-up libshit.
>linking to a 404 thread
Sup Forums is a board of peace and i find it VERY offensive that anyone would suggest otherwise :/
The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
The sad thing is they could easily come on here to say it themselves and just save the conversation that ensues. "Journalists" are too fucking lazy to even do that when there's no possible way it would ever trace back to them. It's pathetic.
I do it for free, because they're such nation-wrecking faggots.
There is no way that's not a kike.
>Help! We're being trolled to death
We're a board of peace
that's our Sup Forumsrothers only Love sister board desu
this is Sup Forums
Journalism died 20 years ago. It is now just a bunch of kikes trying to tell non-kike white people how to think.
It's about Weimar Germany tier right now.
The more attention they give, the stronger the meme-warfare becomes.
They don't seem to know it but it's fucking hot when relatively big news sites report about Sup Forums and memes.
It's giving me a hardon.
> normies come to Sup Forums to see what it's all about
yeah, could you imagine a journalist walking into their editor's office saying "Uhhh boss, could you paypal $39.95 over to [email protected]? It's for my internet club!!! I'm gonna find anonymous!"
Congratz, you speak german now.
You will be handled a celebratory refugee shortly.
would gag her with her own panties/ 10
So his name "was provided to the Daily Beast" and it was a pasta that was posted several times? Manufactured bullshit confirmed- they came here, posted this stuff, capped their own posts and wrote an article about it.
WHO IS THIS Sup Forums?
Racist systemic system
Trigge...#CruzMissle launched
if someone sends you money, post here for endles kek
The normies are finally realizing that Sup Forums runs the world.
Powerful stuff
>they think this is newsworthy
Wew lad
It's from the intro to Attack on titan
God I feel bad for jews who have to deal with other retarded jews.
Galko rules the world, soon every woman on the planet will be innocent pure qt gyaru
guys... i just had the best idea! Let's reinforce systematic racism against minorities! While we're at it, everyone continue the true conspiracy to oppress women everywhere! Also the Holocaust? More like the HOLOHOAX. WE KNOW WE ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY AND WE DONT CARE YOU NEGRO WETBACK KITCHEN SLAVES! *ahem* end quote
Really makes you think
>“We could've gotten any anti-Bernie or anti-Hillary hashtag we wanted to trend and with nobody the wiser when the fights began,” one of the organizers told The Daily Beast's Gideon Resnick.
Ok, who was it?
Yep that's pretty much us, enjoying your time here?
>Bernie fans do it too
>mfw the razor keen, Pulitzer-winning gaze of such distinguished media outlets like boingboing is upon us
How can Sup Forums ever recover?
Who names his media outlet boing boing ?
every damn time
every damn time
I always thought he was just retarded
but now I see that hes actually insane
>Bhutanese Brush Drawing Notice Conglomerate
>influencing anything
pick one
>those punches
Nazi's better watch out
Hot pink.*