
>stated that "Islam is a religion of peace."
>hated whites
>believed integration is wrong and has stated "we don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all"
>traitor to the US, during the vietnam war, he refused to be drafted

Why are people mourning over his death?

Other urls found in this thread:

>believed integration is wrong and has stated "we don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all"


>traitor to the US, during the vietnam war, he refused to be drafted

Fuck off you pototo nigger, being proud of being drafted is the most cuck thing you can do

Whites love to grovel over niggers for months after they die.

>against integration
>refused to fight in Vietnam

Nothing wrong with these.

didn't he die like 40 years ago?

really makes you think

>Why are people mourning over his death?

Nobody is are they? He was a muslim for starters, and a draft dodger.

>he didn't hate whites
>being drafted in a country where you don't have equal rights
Only cucks will disagree

I thought he died a while back too. Mandela effect has been all over the place lately.

I'm not. Fuck him, I'm glad he's dead, I hope all blacks and sandnigger muhammedans die in horrors.

He shit on white people and Americans for soldiers just like every other retarded baby boomer. He converted to Islam so he didn't have to be a part of the white and religion. You retards just are following the trend because faggots on kikebook are posting nice things about him so he must be a saint fuck off the guy was anti white as they came.

No. He avoided Vietnam so his cash cow (fists) remain intact.

Didn't realize how many traitors there are in my country who support this.
Funny enough, the same people have zero problems calling Trump a draft dodger.

people are cucks, you know this

also pic related

Didn't he left that cult, became more moderate and converted to actual Islam?

> believed integration is wrong and has stated "we don’t want to live with the white man; that’s all"

What's wrong with that?
You want to live around niggers?

>Mocks kikes
>Supports the military complex war that made the jews a shit ton of money

fuck off you natsoc retard

>>traitor to the US, during the vietnam war, he refused to be drafted

Trump did the same.

He kinda looks like a nigger Schwarzenegger on OP pic.

Because he was still a legendary boxer and that's worthy of praise. I love the boxer but I still can't get to like the person. The whole show about Joe Frazier is something that makes my blood boil but denying him any honours is as stupid as denying how much of a litteral traitor he was.

Double dubs. Get checked.

Fair enough
I can agree with this

because mandingo fighting is a national past time of ours.

>traitor to the US, during the vietnam war, he refused to be drafted
Trump was also a draftdodger, you think anybody gives a fuck?

>traitor to the US, during the vietnam war, he refused to be drafted

And ?

>Be drafted
>Risk your life for the white man
>Go home
>Get called a nigger

I wouldn't have went either

It's because of prince

Nigga lookin like Bob Dole

>risk your life for the whiteman
How does preventing the spread of Communism have consequences solely for white people and not the entire world?

lol irish,
stay mad potato face

oh wait, he's serious


yeh he's one of the original useful idiots

the only good thing he said whats blacks should be proud and and shouldn't racemix

the negro believes marxism improves their situations because gibsmedats

>becomes Muslim
>gets Parkinson's and dies

>Why are people mourning over his death?+ 0 post omitted.

Because Americans are fucking cuckolds.

A great black intellectual is dead. See you in Valhalla mr. violent nigger.

>married and had a child with a white women
>a hypocrite
>worse than Frazier and just popular because media has hyped him for being black and anti-white in the 70's

if he was boxing today he would be even harder pushed by the media and would be a made a complete saint by now.

I liked him as a boxer but did not like his views aside from the race mixing.

He tried to join the military before he was famous, and Vietnam was going on, and they said he was unfit for service. Then he starts running his mouth about a bunch of shit, and they try to draft him years later. If you're declared unfit when you try to join, that can't change. That's hardly dodging the draft.

Me, i like de man.