Why are Trump supports so weak? Why do they always run?
Libs result to violence because they know their verbal arguments have failed. We don't have to do that and literally fighting with someone over politics is retarded as fuck.
Gotta Go Fast
Mexicans and blacks always have guns and knives. Who wants to get shot or stabbed?
why didn't will smith fight off the zombies in i am legend?
what a pussy
I want to see that nigger in the black do the perp walk in front of the cameras so God Damned bad.
He's a Somalian so I hope they deport him too
And the kid was only 15 and being chased by a herd of Dindus and Border Hoppers
This wouln't happen if you were to be allowed to oc everywhere
Kind of reminds me of the Genesis of Xianity. Xians got fucking rekt, then rose to become the most powerful faith group in the world.
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gotta go fast
Mobs not only represent a massive intimidation factor, but the sublimating and empowering forces of the group dynamic allow the individuals to commit acts with less moral restraint than if accosting someone while alone.
Tl;dr gang violence is a group/social phenomenon
Trump brownshirts when? They knew to show up and smash the fuck out of the lefties when they started getting violent on people.
They are literally begging for it. It is hilarious.
The socialist idiots think they are revolutionnaries when they attack elderly people and families because of their opinions. Thank god they don't understand that they are only accelerating their own demise.
Vive Trump. Vive la Liberté.
shill. move on.
>Trump brownshirts when?
that's a media invention. the new reality is the one you see in OP's video. that's where the power lies today.
Why am I not surprised to see this in commiefornia, and the commiefornian cops didn't do shit.
You'd never see this in texas or alabama or any of the states with relaxed gun laws
Because if they fought it would be whites beating the shit out of minorities, and how do you think the media would spin that image? Do you think anyone would remember who started it or who finished it?
Face it westerners, no matter what you do, as long as there are staggering amounts of shitskins where you live, you are on the losing position. When even Police gets scrutinized for stopping criminals just because the perps are protected class, you know things are bad,,,
gotta go fast
Imagine going to one of Trump's rallies and for a counter-protest like this to occur. You are surrounded and people are pushing you when you pull out your giant police pepper spray and they all scatter away.
Are there vids of Trump supporters mobs attacking people in rallys?
motherfucker is running to the nearest weapon shop
>chanting, Nazis go home
where are the nazis supposed to go?
if anything, the nazis want you out of their homes.
what manner of semite are you jew or a muzzie why can't you say christendom.
trump cucks always just crying. bluepilled AF
gotta go fast
Unless he can fight off a mob of angry protesters then it's a safe bet he should just up and run for it.
the only uniform acceptable
I think he is hinting at how the SA and SS originated from the need to protect NSDAP Events from leftists and only later turned into the paramilitary commiebashers they are know as.
Realistically, this will only increase.
Because of how it was handled in San Jose, it bolsters their sense of power.
At the convention, expect to see the same
During the general, the same as well.
They realize their words mean shit, so this is the next logical step for them.
I have been lurking on other forums and have seen the idea of attacking supporters viewed as "suppression of hate speech" and "self defense"
I am not saying we hunt the fuckers down at rallies, but we as Trump supporters owe it to other supporters in our cities and towns to defend them against this kind of shit.
Notice in the videos how they sucker punched, and went after the elderly, the young,women, and those that they didn't think would fight back. Those are the people we need to look out for.
We need to help our fellow supporters out, peacefully.
And if some shitbag wants to throw the first punch, self defense the fuck out of them.
He's just an underage chav.
Goddamn I wish I was there.
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STEFAN said we crossed the rubicon
This edit made the most sense
Gotta Go Fast
>getting beat up in front of police
Hope you guys are ready for the revolution when Hillary is elected.
The only thing I find shocking is that a mainstream news outlet covered the events honestly instead of trying to blame Trump supporters for the violence
If he was a man, he'd take them all on, right?
maybe the tides are turning
you cucks can't even defend yourself at your own rallies...
Excuses by San Jose police chief @sjpdchief
I'm not holding my breath. Most people would rather believe a narrative than to look at shit for themselves.
Amazing how history repeats itself...
Where do I sign up?
I have been on Sup Forums for almost three and a half years and I have never been more angry than I have last two days.
really makes you think huh...
but we are most people. we are the "most people" who can vote and pay taxes. we are the citizens, and a silent and growing majority.
maybe they finally realized this and maybe they're on our side for once.
I'm not going to hold my breath, either. This could just be a one off thing but this is the sort of thing the undecided and unmotivated need to see to decide for themselves who they want to stand with and it got some impressive mainstream attention. Even if it doesn't change everything, just a few more people on our side is worth a lot
Gotta Go Fast
>Canadian rallies
Trump is going to be president thanks to these thugs. They're literally proving deportations are a necessity to save this country.
>mfw niggers are starting the race war for us.
It looks like the media is finally waking up. They understand that their antiTrump narrative cannot hold up against reality. The tipping point has come. It's the left that's violent.
>tfw no double digit party number
when a dog bites its owner, what happens afterwards?
tfw SJWs are getting so fucking crazy that even ABC admits it.
>leftards aren't fanatics idiots
can some American answer me this:
Can you, by the law, shoot someone in this protest, if you have licensed gun and he attacked/cornered and tried to kill you?
What is the defending with guns' standpoint here?
lawsuit anyone?
Send that to Trump
I keked
Put all the liberals, Hispanics and Muslims in gas chambers.
depends on how libtarded the laws of the state is and how regressive the judge is.
We aren't most people. Most people are the numbskulls on facebook. They are the normies who post anti-Trump memes, such as "went bankrupt", "racist", etc. I am from California and I can't even openly admit I'm a Trump supporter except to the people I'm closest to because it always ends up in an argument with somebody who only regurgitates Bernie Sanders talking points and it always boils down to me being a bigot.
Yeah, I have a glimmer of hope that a main stream news outlet actually reported this event HONESTLY. But at the same time, you need to look at it from the perspective that the people who own these news outlets are overwhelmingly pro-Clinton, with the exception of Fox News.
It's gotten to the point where our society has gotten so "anti-racist" that violence against people who MIGHT be racist is being justified. Think about that for a second. The same people who are strongly anti-Nazi are the same people who in 2016 are using Nazi tactics against people who hold different political opinions than they do. It absolutely fucking defies logic.
Philadelphia reporting. How big of a mess will the DNC be? No way I'd wear any Trump gear while that shits storm is raging.
as tempting as this might be, the complete and total absence of actual violence from patriotic Trumpateers will become increasingly conspicuous to even the most brainwashed goy normie
the more video we get voters eyes on of mexicans and socialist millennials viciously attacking innocent people, the stronger we get
Gotta Go Fast
gotta go fast
interesting that this incident was so blatant that a mainstream news like ABC couldn't excuse it away and just told the story as it is
does that girl have a mustache?
No matter what we do, the leftist will bullshit their excuses. Our enemy has the advantage.
gotta go fas
their camera guy also got attacked
Is this a big new in US? Seems like there's always violence when there's a political rally over there.
Also is the mob organized? Did somebody call them there?
I was looking through folders to try and find a reaction image fitting of how I feel watching this video and none of them do my emotions justice.
I feel this pressure in my chest building up, every day it gets a little stronger and one day I'm going to burst. I want to scream at the top of my lungs until my throat burns and I can't make a sound.
I keep dropping to my knees but no one listens, no Gods want to help me it feels like. I can't take it anymore.
Why are we allowed to be insulted, beaten, and killed in our own countries? Why CAN'T we stand up? What is actually stopping us?
I want to kill, I want to hurt them and watch them be driven out of their homes. I want these parasites removed.
Please, fuck, I feel like I'm going to turn into a terrorist and kill my PM at this point.
>there is a girl in that photo?
ITT: Trumpette violence denial running very, very deep
>Comments are disabled for this video.
You can call him out on his tweet about it, though.
yes but im sure you will lose since the liberals are afraid of bad reputation
remember the /k/ protest?
they were innocent but they decided to arrest them just so the cops cant be called racist
>1 against 15
>Why do they always run?
who is this qt?
Violence will only vindicate them. We are today's victims of oppression, and they can't keep it hidden forever. Patience my leaf friend, we must have patience.
What if someone gets murdered during the protests at that convention.
Imagine the stigma around the Democrats and Hillary for being unable to control the event from literal murderers, and the fact that young liberals as a whole would be associated with murderers, and that to get that necessary demographic, Hillary would need to pander to those branded as murderers. Trump would automatically win.
Not sure in commiefornia but in Florida we can
Really makes you think
not even fucking once. nuke this shithole, Russia
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Gotta go fast