Why does everyone always need to do something with their hands, legs, hair etc. all the time, and especially while they're all alone outdoors? The perfect example is the bus perhaps. I've started glancing at people more oftenly recently, and I've noticed NONE of them can ever sit down calmly, while not at least moving every 5 seconds. Not to talk about those who can't stop stomping repeatedly, so they turn out looking like they have a snake down their sock. The only calm people I've seen were those that had their baby bottle with them, that is their phone. I've actually noticed that I get a lot of weird looks from people because of my extremely calm appearance, which is completely bizarre, and not to say how many times people thought something was wrong with me just for standing/sitting calmly while not moving my glance. Who is to blame for this Sup Forums?
Why are people so nervous all the time?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have a colossal anxiety problem and have this problem everyday of my life the past 12 years.
>single mother
>no role-models
>multiple nervous breakdowns towards the end of my teenage years
I'm hoping I will mellow out with age.
Hmmm, really makes you think
People are scared and tired.
Count your blessings, OP.
i got called a statue once while sitting on a park bench
i bet it was because im not glued to a phone like the rest
>I've actually noticed that I get a lot of weird looks from people because of my extremely calm appearance
How do you know that's the reason they were looking at you funny?
Where I live 99% of commuters are always plugged into their phones, tabs, etc. The other 1% are sleeping
Adults know the Truth
Kids are aware of it
>single mother
I can't stand this anymore. Every 2nd to 3rd person I know at the moment comes from a broken marriage. Can this stop?
And I'm sorry to hear about the rest of the things that impacted you in that way, I too hope you'll get rid of that problem.
I'm on SSRIs for anxiety/depression. Feels ok man. But I have it far worse than normies.
Normies get nervous because they haven't had sex in a few days and have a party to get to.
This one lady mistaked me for a statue at an art exibition half year ago, I can relate.
I have a similar problem.
>living with single dad
>leave mom
>dad is a physician who leaves for weeks, even months doing medical work
>I'm left alone
>I was abused early in my life
>no consistent role-model
>replace role-model with computer
>addicted to it now
>multiple nervous breakdowns with elevated heart rate and psychosomatic disorders whenever I'm not on the Internet
>dad leaves the computer with me whenever he goes out of town
It's a horrible existence, user.
Because I really do stand out because of it, I can see that myself too. The same thing is with my clothes, though I almost usually wear neutral colours like black, white, brown and beige, I stand out because everyone else almost always has to wear something colorful or neon. I doubt it's because of my face, I look pretty plain.
>Guy who sits across the hall from me at work taps his feet constantly all day
>Has one of those plastic-like chair mats so the sound is enhanced
>Due to distance and a wall between us the sound is reduced to a barely noticeable level
>The subtle noise starts to dominate my psyche. Start to hear the tapping noise when I know he isn't at his desk. Hear it when I'm not even at work
I think I'm going crazy.
Hey guys, there's this kid at my bus station who just autistically stares at people while not moving or blinking. It's making me and the other passengers pretty nervous, we keep shooting him glances hoping he'll get the hint but he just keeps staring with this air of smug superiority. What do we do?
Being in a place you don't want to is a sign of weakness.
From your description I think you might be a synth. Maybe that's what others are picking up on. I'm picturing you as a cross between Data from star trek and all of the members of Kraftwerk.
Man, I remember this guy at high school who was the worst feet tapper ever to exist. He would literally start SWEATING because of how fast he'd tap. To this day I have never seen someone as nervous as him, I remember him being so distracting at tests that you coudln't resist starting to tap your feet too.
If I remember correctly, the divorce rate went over 50% this year. (can't remember if this is US or Irish)
I'm staving off suicide by:
i.) Going to a good uni full of nice people.
ii.) Doing well in a STEM degree so I can walk into a job easily
iii.) Shitposting, writing music and reading literature.
As soon as you can, get into a college course. Mark my words, you will regret it otherwise. As a side note, things do get quite a bit better as you grow older. But when you're seriously affected by this (like me), you only get better gradually and a full fix seems quite far off even at this stage
Time to get on Opiates, my friend.
>>multiple nervous breakdowns with elevated heart rate and psychosomatic disorders whenever I'm not on the Internet
I had a very similar literal withdrawal when I had to go without internet for about 2 weeks. Never realized how much I rely on it.
>Single Mother
This is really a scary epidemic, because it seems to grow bigger each year. As OP said a lot of people are getting raised from single parent/broken households. No wonder people are glued to their phones, social media, attracted to being an SJW, preaching tolerance while being violent, addicted to porn, women running wild voting in more shitskins, etc...
We no longer have strong role models. Instead we let the state and jewish influenced media do the raising while the parent slaves away to pay rent.
I used to have such bad social anxiety that my hands would turn white and tremble. But this was before the #safespace era and people told me to just 'get over it.' Too many people see anxiety as a switch that you can turn on and off.
I never stare at people, thought that was politeness 101. Though I see that most people don't care for that, since I've had numerous situations where people'd just stare directly at me for 5-10 minutes with no shame. I feel no sense of superiority, but rather concern. Why are Americans always such bitter shitposters?
>attracted to being an SJW
To be fair, I have a close friend who I bonded with initially over finding things in common that our idiotic single-mothers done.
He's extremely far-right and, being 6"3, frequently calls people out on liberal bullshit.
I'd say that growing up with a single-mother shows you first hand why you should despise women and the attrition of good family values. Leftists mostly come from wealthy, nuclear families.
Get some worry beads ffs
you all still have PTSD from being bombed by NATO
I have this weird urge to tap my leg all the time, especially in public. It calms me down somehow. When I don't tap my leg, I feel like my body's (esp. low back) gonna explode. It's a strange feeling. Something to do with my nervous system I think...
Nah, you guys were just the cumshot.
The real hardcore action happened in the first few years of the 90's.
Damn, I did get a lot of comments saying that I look like an alien/robot. I'm really questioning my whole existence now Sup Forums
*besides being told that I look like Hitler or a doll, never really got how those two are similiar
We should be out fighting for our country and race. Our subconscious knows.
Making repetitive motor movements is called 'stimming' and is common with autism.
Are you serious? The only thing leftists ever want to do is ruin traditional family values, and they are the ones to blame in the first place for a high divorse rate.
>despise women
Yeah that says a lot about you in itself, no I'm not an SJW, I do recognize the fact that women are to blame for a lot of crap that's happening at the moment, but I in no way hate them. I recognize that they are very pliable in their nature, but that's why a man exists, to help her stand firm and not strand in the wrong path.
>inb4 MRA "we dunt wuntz to serve womeeen"
Damn, that's just sad. The state that the present generation is in is no surprise when you're aware of that
People used to walk/forage/hunt/perform some kind of physical labor for most of the day in order to stay alive. Any time they took to rest, they really wanted to rest and relax.
Now most people don't walk further than their kitchen or car, so they have a lot of pent up energy which they need to find an outlet for. Any time I get back from the gym, I usually sit and relax for a while. I don't bounce my leg anymore, or anything like that.
>Who is to blame
Sometimes you need to blame yourself. Blasphemy, I know.
>taking the capsilized jew
If you don't have a desire to move you're probably low energy and/or low T
Tolstoy was still young and full of shit when he wrote War and Peace. Read The Kreutzer Sonata if you want the truth
>Yeah that says a lot about you in itself, no I'm not an SJW, I do recognize the fact that women are to blame for a lot of crap that's happening at the moment, but I in no way hate them. I recognize that they are very pliable in their nature, but that's why a man exists, to help her stand firm and not strand in the wrong path
>to help her stand firm
Serbian friend, it's not the 1840s anymore.
Try getting a "red-pilled virgin" that some of the day-dreamers here talk about.
Read Tolstoy's first epilogue of War and Peace and think about how that domestic romantic bliss has been expressly denied you.
Ireland is lagging behind a lot of other countries, so it's not so bad here; but you have admitted that they are responsible for so much yourself, I don't see why it says a lot about me that I despise the majority of women.
I think if you experienced what it's like having your mother embarrass your family name and make a fool out of it, you would snap out of the precarious middle-ground you're trying to cling on to.
There's a reason why there is a legion of omegas nowadays.
And do you think the fathers are the ones pushing for divorce? You need to think about these things friendo
I think some of it is due to sedentary lifestyles. We weren't designed to sit all day at work then sit all day at home.
>Tolstoy was still young and full of shit when he wrote War and Peace. Read The Kreutzer Sonata if you want the truth
I have read it, Tolstoy was a bit of an eccentric when he grew older. Read the biography written by his friend and first translator. (I can't find his name, I read a pdf)
Not to mention that story is awful lol
Yeah, guess that's a logical explanation, but I think that the general anxiety that's implemented in a lot of people today plays it's role too. The feeling of being watched and judged by others and whatnot. Because I rarely see a friend tapping his/her leg when we're all alone, it only ever happens in big crowds, when the person is all alone.
Well I do have really low blood pressure and occasional anemia, that sure played its part.
>get married
>best case scenario she keeps her 1000000 past dickings a secret and stays with you because of vague feelings of fear and complacency
>worst case you spend the rest of your life living in a rundown cuckshed, paying alimony and visiting your genderqueen offspring and xer stepfather tyrone
So is war and peace senpai
AK and Ivan Ilych are his masterpieces
This is our reality.
>AK and Ivan Ilych are his masterpieces
I'd include War and Peace with them. I narrowly prefer AK but War and Peace is without doubt in my top 10.
Keep reading though familia, nice to see some people here reading
Society has become too demanding, it's like there's a list of things you need to do or else you're made to feel like a loser.
>get good grades in school, because if you don't go to university you're a loser
>but also party hard because you need to enjoy your youth
>get a good degree or else you're a loser
>get an internship or else you'll have no job prospects and work in retail like a loser
>get a tinder and bang chicks or else you're a loser
>after exploring your sexuality with a double digit amount of people you must get married, make sure to get as much sexual experience as possible or you may be incompatible with your partner!
>get a good career or else you're a loser
>but also be prepared to retrain in a dynamic and rapidly shifting global economy
>buy a house, renting is for poor losers
>but also be prepared to relocate in a dynamic and rapidly shifting global economy
>somehow in the middle of all this you're supposed to travel the world
>constantly bombarded with social media, people posting their fun experiences making you feel like you're missing out
>all this must be achieved in a hyper-competitive job market
As a result most people are overwhelmed, get anxious as fuck, some say "fuck it" and drop out completely. Information overload causes many people to to become like a deer in the headlights. Should I pursue a career in X, what if it gets automated? Maybe I can become a programmer, but then I will be outsourced to the third world, after all anybody with a laptop and internet connection can do that.
I think that's not too abnormal, some people are just more prone to fight/flight response and it would happen in a big crowd of strange people. It has some benefits.
I'll surely get called an attention whore for this, but I'm infact a what you'd call "redpilled" (though I hate that expression) female virgin. And I have a couple of quite "redpilled" girlfriends on top of that too, so the meme that such women are only a "daydream" falls into water. Again, only using this for the sake of argument. And I'm not a "not all wumenz!!!"
I'm sorry to hear you've had such an experience within your family regarding your mother, but you shouldn't just give in to that one moment controlling your whole perception of half the human population, for the rest of your life. You cannot infact be "redpilled" if you don't recognize the importance of a strong family bond and traditional family values, since those are the things the Jew has been degrading since his recent grip on humanity.
I don't think it's the fathers that are pushing divorce, I think it's unmistakably mostly mothers.
>tfw getting a new bookshelf and books soon
I had thought getting employed again would relieve me of anxiety but it only seemed to make it worst. Now I'm worrying about making mistakes that would get me fired.
The only winning move is to not give a fuck and do your own thing. Not surprisingly people would like you more, and you'll be happier overall.
>but I'm infact a what you'd call "redpilled" (though I hate that expression) female virgin
>one moment
You mean 21 years. I chose my words carefully, I said the majority of women.
Oh wait,
>female virgin
A-am I weird because I just sit there, looking around and taking in my surroundings?
I swear my bookshelf is not really this weak, it's just that I always carry the books around my house and leave them at random places. What are those red books?
>I've actually noticed that I get a lot of weird looks from people because of my extremely calm appearance, which is completely bizarre, and not to say how many times people thought something was wrong with me just for standing/sitting calmly while not moving my glance.
They bullied me in elementary school for it
>reading senile, fat memejoyce
A 19 year old female who doesn't want to lose her virginity until she gets married since she's religious and finds that act sinful, that sure is awful. I don't get it, on one hand you hate women who sleep with whomever they can but now you're using the fact that I'm a virgin as some kind of an argument that automatically makes my opinion completely false? Okay.
Sitting down for more than 20min actually damages your heart. Leg movements help blood circulation. You must be retarded to not instinctively want to circulate blood through your body.
They are unsaved and plagued by the burden of sin
lol same
I also lived in section 8 apartments next to a freeway and so I didn't get any social contact from age 11-18.
i'm in a somewhat similar situation, minus the molestation
>parents divorced when i was 3
>raised by father; in truth was raised by grandmother
>taught me that the world was going to end in 1999 and that i was going to hell
>told me that there were worms in poptarts
>constantly told me i was fat
>if i argued/disagreed with her in any way, she'd whine to my father and i'd be beaten
>also told me that my mother was dead after the divorce
>this went on until i turned 13 and moved in with my mom
>still can't shake the poor self-image and the dread of dying/going to hell even as i sit here a broken 28-year-old man
i know i haven't had it nearly as bad as some others, but it still sucks.
The one's that you probably can't see are the very top left books, which are: Old Testament, New Testament, The Divine Comedy, The Aeneid, The Metamorphoses, lot of Tolstoy and The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (like you, the gap is because the books are sitting on my desk).
The red ones are: nearly everything by Faulkner, some Kafka, some Bronte and Middlemarch.
These are only the books I can afford to buy right now, I've been studying a lot of religion and philosophy. Have you read Kant? He's definitely among my favourite philosophers.
I assumed you were lying. If you actually are serious, and you actually read the books on your shelf, then you are too good to be true and I'm equally suspicious kek
Yeah, I really didn't like the Tunnel or much else. Same with DFW. Gass' essays are pretty interesting though.
Don't worry for me, I walk outdoors for at least 2 hours daily + exercise on occasion. I'm just the kind of person that easily drifts away in thoughts and completely shuts down from what's happening around me, so I genuinely forget to move. Low blood pressure also plays its part.
Modern industrial soft society lacks outlets for regular natural physical exertion (gym doesn't count, it's not integrated into daily life). People aren't designed to sit for the majority of the day.
it's stress, people who have actual jobs suffer from it
I'm so used to retarded ignorant dipshit answers on Sup Forums that seeing someone with an insightful and reasonable post is jarring. You hit the nail on the head, it's potential energy that's not being used.
You're clearly a fucking idiot then to think this is a good answer
No better feeling than that of when you kill a meme.
That's literally what it is. It's people in beta wave functioning who are thinking intently, over-energized or stressed out. Our sedentary lifestyles are not natural and create antsy people.
How did you come around to your views?
I'm writing a novel and I could use your biography to work on my female characters.
I'm a typical chantard who spent his teenage years at the computer, yet when I would go vacationing to my grandparents in the countryside I would go fine the whole summer without access to a pc or the internet.
Are all Serbian girls like you?
You also made it into my 10 folder. Congratulations.
I like your soft delicate facial features
>goes on about people being nervous
>is nervous about others being nervous
Kekkity kek
Especially those fat people who constantly pull their shirt down to make themselves look less fat
Shit I'm going to have nightmares, no offense
Really? That's great.
It's not that much of an interesting story though
>had a "redpilled" father
>was fairly disgusted with the state the world and its people were in since my early age
>didn't really fit in which made it easy for the atheist/specialsnowflake/commie group of people to invite me to their cult and for me to accept that
>genuinely thought that they're these amazing, brave people, with courage that I too wished to have
>came to know that they are some of the most mental, cowardly people to exist
>got fairly depressed since I thought there's no hope for both sides and that people are just done for
>one day my father turns on "Triumph if the will" for me to watch
>i get really confused, the beauty of the film amazes me
>start reading about Hitler and ww2
>start reading about Jews
>and more about Jews
>come to know the beauty of Orthodox Christianity
>get baptized
>discover Sup Forums
that's an okay short version of it i'd say
I'm just trying to hide my tits
>posts decent bookshelf
>saving her virginity for marriage
>posts chaste and classy selfie with timestamp
And you respond with this.
It's okay, I do have sort of a weird face.
You don't bite your nails in today's society? How do you function? My actions other than that will not show any fear but if you aren't at all anxious these days there's something wrong with you
>sits totally still
>can't see her eyes
>that doll-like face
Good, I'm sure you're pretty but this^ combination is creepy
Nah girls around here are getting more and more indulged into all sorts of perversions, now it's normal for girls as young as 13 to be losing their virginity. Not to say that most of the time these are their role models (pic related), and they've completely lost any sort of real sense of nationalism and love for their Orthodox faith. And when I say nationalism I don't mean what most of them do, that is take a selfie with a serb flag while having too much skin shown, just to show how "patriotic" they are to men.
But I don't want to generalize, besides them there really is a minority of quite redpilled, nationalistic, religious women. Especially out of Belgrade.
Is that you?
She is example of american media
Well i think serbia seems to be a nice place
She is just a kim kardashian wannabe
I can top that, I was in a museum in Texas once waiting for my sister to finish using the bathroom, just standing around. I guess I was standing to still and looking around with my eyes while people were walking by and one woman jumped back, startled, as she observed that I was in fact a human being, and not one of the museum's mannequins.
OP may have a point, there's just something off about someone just standing around not doing anything
I think social media has a big part of this. Everyone feels like they're being judged constantly or watched, because they essentially are. I mainly see it in young people. Started noticing this among the young people in Kosovo as well. Never happened with the media explosion w/ phones. Sorry if this was already posted or a shitty observation.
Yeah, now that I look at the picture again I do look a bit creepy. But as I said, I just have a really weird face.
I wouldn't be so dismissive, it's quite a bit more interesting than most. How late was your baptism then? Was it recent?
That's a shame, the rot has set in deep with instagram, etc. exposing kids to the wrong types of role-models at young ages. I know two girls near me who lost their virginity to a 24 year old drug dealer at age 11 and the other at 14.
You seem like someone who's interesting and I'd like to ask you a lot more without keeping up my chan persona, drop me an email at my temporary account if you want:
[email protected]
I already have a few people I've met here that I'm using as biographical studies and character sketches, and you would be one of the more interesting.
You look fine.
Why did you need to write this out in four separate replies?
Yes, that's me.
I agree, Serbia is absolutely gorgeous
And she is a full on Kim K. wannabe, no mistake there
>pls respond
Why you are being rude to me?
Are you muslim?
How old ar you?
Why you browse this board?
Im going to move to serbia, what city dl you recommend me?