Usually young educated kids recognize the total hypocrisy of the Right and lean center to center left...

Usually young educated kids recognize the total hypocrisy of the Right and lean center to center left. Since one would assume most of the posters here are 15-30 year old white males from middle-upper class parents and have some college education I wonder why occasionally we get a post from some nitwit pushing some conservative ideal. Things like total deregulation of guns, racism, misogyny, etc.
Is it just young boys trying to impress others by being edgy? I mean, come on. You kids are not really that stupid right? Surely you recognize that today's conservative movement is led by upper-tier billionaires with plans to remove as much of your wealth as possible for their bank accounts?
Please tell me this is so.


Conservatism means freedom.

Lefty governments mean oppression.

Gender =/= sex

>S-socialism works guys. Plz listen to me.

Conservatism means freedom*
*only applies to straight upper class white males


Repubs are idiots but so is this

>Democrats never fucked over the poor minorities or the faggots

Everyone is corrupt. No movement is genuine. People are easily manipulated fucks.

Hippity hoppity, get off my property.

Of course it does not moron. And your have never seen it with your own eyes anyway. And if socialism if retirement with 70% of your last income, free education in most cases and healthcare with no health insurance middle man who robs you every month, then yeah call me a socialism. Idiot inbred redneck who never seen anything outside of this shithole town.

>I'm a democrat and the democrat party fights for the rights of the underprivileged and oppressed! Xd
>why are those niggers voting for Drumpf??! Do they want slavery re-instated?!?
>this is op
found the canadian

Everything that you just said in your post was spoonfed to you by your teachers, professors, and all the documentaries and books they forced you to watch and read.

Stop pretending you're not the product of liberal brainwashing that is occurring every day in the American education system. You're a puppet, no different than the people you hate.

kids vote left because they can't think on their own
The do as their teachers tell them like the whole walkout thing
Fiscal conservatives are people who can actually critically think
Dems are basically retarded

No it doesnt. Everyone is equal. You realize there is wealthy successful blacks right? Liberal governments make an uneven playing field in the name of "fairness" but really it just make sure the best dont always rise to the top. Affirmative action and such.

Also checked

Said the one who supports the party that invented fake news, which lies every day, whose propaganda tube FOX News distorts reality routinely on daily basis. Puppet who?

Because the Republicans are fiscal conservatives. Right. That's why they doubled the deficit in a year. Weird. I thought that if you were running the government like a business you wouldn't want to simultaneously decrease revenue and increase spending, but here we are.

repubs are hicks who whine about poc and vote cause they took er jobsssss but are lazy, entitled fucks that survive off of walmart, cable, fast food, medicaid, and food stamps yet think repubs are for them. Fucking inbreds who cant think for theirselves.



How the fuck does one lean to the center?

Mayonnaise isnt a gender fuckwit.

>Please fill this out while we prepare your safe space

>Real socialism has never been tried, all those failed socialist states werent reeeaaaallllly socialism.


>Believing in the minority oppression meme
We literally had a nigger for president. Minoritys have a free pass to get jobs due to affirmitive action and workplace diverstiy, and wtf does being white get you? Free cash? Get out of jail free? A free house? Im a fucking Spaniard and I can see that whites are being bashed for the sins of there great grandfathers mistakes.
Liberals, socailists, commies, facists, national socialists, federalists, and centrists are all scum that should be educated, deported, or executed for believing in flawed ideologies. History has shown that fail time and time again that they dont work, but people are like muh 3rd reich, muh roman empire, muh communism.
America's founding fathers were the smartest people alive and there ideas should be followed by and country so assure success and happiness Representative Republics or bust.

>everyone left of alex Jones is a socialist
Retard alert

Conservatism means lots more power to the rich.

Lefty governments means slightly more power to the rich.

Fuck your gender

Why, you can come over to my house and fuck my BAAAANE BLAAAADE!


I miss the days when those with Bachelor of Arts degrees were denigrated and demeaned.

>everything you know is from your education
Well no shit sherlock, you want to tell us now how books are bad?

Because fortunately, people are starting to break free of the whole "coke vs pepsi" binary political tribalism bullshit that you seem to be deeply immersed in.

The answer to all of your questions is: "It's not that simple."

Conservatives aren't all racist idiots and liberals aren't all naive pussies, there is a massive grey-area involved called reality.

Well isn't the question really, why occasionally we get posts from some snowflake pushing a leftist agenda?
People post what they want that's the point of this site. And as much as I'm taking bait right now, on the off chance it's a legit question, the media and some of society have gone extremist left. And even though I would consider myself center-left or whatever, some of the bullshit like multi genders and shit is too much. That's why you get push back in the form of extremist right for jokes but also to piss the left off. Just my opinion though.

Yea let's denigrate and demean our fellow countrymen that are also making valuable contributions to out culture and society. 'Merica.

Name 3 fiscal conservatives in office right now.
Fiscal conservatism is dead, it doesn't get you elected so no one gives a shit

Take it easy with that greentext, all it does it underlines illiteracy.

Bach of arts is actually a good degree bow a days, can do a lot with it

you derps have the critical thinking skills & IQ of a lawnmower
aint figgered it out yet?
you have spent 10-20-30 years or more learning from people of like 2 digit IQs

>waaa waaa muh toiletzz!!!! muh campus safe spaces!!1 muh trap porn!!!
>valuable contribution to culture & society
I guess we'll agree to disagree.

This whole thread reeks of fake news.
I'm going back to info wars to get the truth.
I don't need fact when I got my gun.

>Ancap brainlets seriously believing they belong to some third-way realistic approach to society

Everyone with a functioning mind hates you titty babies the most. Just thought I'd let you know

Because ALL Arts majors care about safe spaces and such.

Yes way to generalize and project a very small group of people over a very large group of people.

I say this having done graduate physics. You don't know what you're talking about.

My art tutor had a Masters. Cunt couldn't tell his paint brush from his pubic hair. Utterly fucking useless.

political post interrupted with ass.
I hope you gay traps don't get your jimmies rustled.

stop trying to censor me faggot
I mean it

Only morons think there is a difference who's fucking them in the ass.

I have that pic. They're both guys.

Nice strawman. If you were educated, you would know what logical fallacies are and how to avoid them but I’ll humor you anyway.
“Educated” kids are only typically left leaning because universities are left leaning. Being a manipulated sheep does not equate to being intelligent. Leftism needs to propagate amongst the young and naive because they are the majority of people who buy into idealistic leftist dogma. Once you gain some life experience, you begin to understand that while the motives the left strives for are typically noble, they are simply impractical at best, authoritarian and hypocritical at worst. Both sides are full of good people who wish to improve the world, but because our culture is based so much upon bipartisanship, driven by dogma, it is increasingly difficult to find common ground.

like you allowed Trump to get elected

>supports Trump
>lecturing other posters about fallacious logic


Do you know where you are??? I think a little racism or right leaning is healthy in anything right? Asians hate other Asians. Why can't a white dude hate niggers?

If you're not a communist at the age of 20, you haven't got a heart.

If you're still a communist at the age of 30, you haven't got a brain.

I never said I supported Trump.

I didn't vote bitch.

>Conservatives aren't all racist idiots and liberals aren't all naive pussies, there is a massive grey-area involved called reality.

That last part of your post is so beautiful and so true. I might have to use this line.

You didn't have to say it.
It's obvious you turn your nose up at "resistance."

...but you can see their vag...
oh I'm being baited..
checked otherwise

>not 'nigger'
>gtfo back to plebbit

Not voting means you let Trump get elected.
You did this, faggot.

Good. Hopefully it hurts you.

>inaction means action
What the fuck??

No. It's a guy. Your gay if you fapped to that.

saw this stupid ass thread last night, you got anything else?

No it actually makes me feel superior to hear idiots like you admit what a stupid mistake you made.

Voting for Clinton was the only way to stop Trump.
You did this, faggot.

I didn't do anything moron. It's futile anyway. Too bad your tiny brain can't see it.

You are butthurt af
Republicans are stupid
you are a useful idiot

I think both sides are deeply flawed. Trump represents a force of change that I was slightly in favor of only due to the increasingly radical nature of the far (regressive) left, and only as a tool to initiate a paradigm shift. I don’t think he is a great president, but we haven’t had one for a while, and given the alternative it was a fairly easy choice.

Have ever shoved a barbie doll up your ass while watching your father perform upside-down auto-fellatio?

You’re an idiot.

Le logical fallacies le I'm so le smart
Kys cuck
Ps: tldr


Pajeet and achmed are not niggers

This. It's always the most extreme, minorities who are the most vocal, and people join them on some issues like gay marriage because it's common sense - it empowers these retards with 100 genders, to push even further, giving everyone (including the moderates) a bad name.

Fuck the far left, and fuck the far right, they are both as bad as each other.

>implying i am Republican, lol, butthurt already, and assuming he knows who he is talking to.

>I didn't do anything moron
Exactly. That's why Trump got elected.

Sup Forums again demonstrates how dogmatic the mainstream political movements are
“If u dun agree wif me u must b stoopid. Fuk u”
This is why nothing ever gets done.

>. Trump represents a force of change

Gawd damn! I better tell my wife I'm gay now

Where is trumps forehead? Is he a brainlet?

They're as bad as two dudes fucking each other in the ass

Books based upon science and math aren't bad. Books written by some liberal faggot who thinks there are 500 genders with no scientific evidence are bad. Just because some professor with a degree in gender or women's studies decides to write a book doesn't make her or the book's contents intelligent. Just because you have a humanities class and they tell you transgender people are the gender they identify as doesn't make it true. University "intellectuals" with toilet paper BA degrees think it's okay to teach nonsense not based upon science because it's liberal and thus universities allow it. But if conservative intellectuals like Ben Shapiro try to talk on campus, they protest and the faggot liberal professors get scared that their circle jerk would be interrupted and students would get intelligence from all sides.

No, I'm actually a well-adjusted individual who votes Progressive.
Unlike you, dysfunctional faggot fuck.

The wealthy enjoy the polarizing radicals. It gives them the scapegoat they’ve been longing for so they can make off with all our money enabling them to pass frivolous laws to their benefit at our expense

Aw, you're retarded. Poor little guy.

haha faggot is triggered

You are a Republican. You hide behind labels like "libertarian" but you're still a stupid right wing dipshit.

Clinton would have been Obama 2: Boogaloo, so yes.
Whether you like the change or not, it did change.

I bet you unironically believe this. kek

You lie horribly! Now show me that special progressive trick... y'know, the one where you sit on your own prick.

No, you literally allowed a monster to get elected to the White House.
A monster with access to nuclear codes.
Fuck you. Did you hear that?
Fuck. You.

lol, this guy... trying to cover all his bases without the subject of his castigation revealing anything.

Hope your kids get shot up in school.

>Clinton would have been Obama 2:
Good. Obama left office with record approval ratings.

google is your friend
cointelpro forum slide

I can hear your feet stomping from here. Do you bitch this much to your boyfriend, faggot?


I really hate assholes like you that force the majority into ‘picking a side’ when both sides are clearly fucking toxic detriments to our country. I voted Bernie in the primaries but fuckface shillary screwed him over when he was 10x more electable then her. If you wanted people to vote for your cause then you shouldn’t let corporatist shills run the show. Fucking deal with it. Besides; I doubt Hillary would’ve been much better. Would’ve been Obama 2.0. Another corpoeatistbsellout who lies about every promise and bleeds our country dry and instigating more wars just like he did.