Where do I find women's underwear online that I can discretely buy and would fit a 6'2 man?

Where do I find women's underwear online that I can discretely buy and would fit a 6'2 man?

Fucking retarded child.

since when has underwear sizing had anything to do with height..
smh op


The idea was just to indicate that I was large and would have a proportionately large bone structure.

You may be able to imagine a difference between a 5'6 man and myself

What I should have asked was what sort of cuts or sizing should I be looking for to fit my junk. Amazon has far too much garbage on it to make searching useful.

>The idea was just to indicate that I was large and would have a proportionately large bone structure.

but im also 6'2 and i need prettymuch the smallest size because im small


Sorry, most people around my height I know are pretty solidly built, my bad.

you can on amazon

a robot packages it all.

also just take the size off the most comfortable jeans / pants / shorts you own, subtract 21, boom thats your womans size

Post more cute panties?

but you are asking where to buy womens underwear how the fuck are people supposed to guess what your size is.
are you one of those fat people or not?

Why do you care about it being discrete? Do you really think that every single employee cares about who buys what? Plenty of men buy underwear for their girlfriends. Go outside, take a look around - most women are big in size. Height doesn't matter, hip size does. Plenty of whales, hambeasts and just generally large-built women around. user, stop thinking the world's revolving round you

I'm 6'2'' and I bought mine at a Target self-checkout

I like hanes and mediums fit me fine. your package won't be a problem unless you're wearing a thong

How do you buy something online indiscreetly?

look up sissy underwear on amazon, they have nice underwear cut for guys with a pouch to put your junk instead of having to tuck it between your legs and going ouch every time you sit.

Is that consistent? I find that even the size of men's jeans, when given two identical size numbers can vary wildly

>user, stop thinking the world's revolving round you

You're misreading the situation wildly. Also having worked retail, yeah, lots of workers judge customers. You're right, it's just not a boundary I'm ready to cross

so why dont you just shave

Good call. I dont wanna tuck, the whole point is to feel the soft material on me


user why do you want to wear womens underwear the material is the same

You're welcome.

The pouch is great for chastity cages too if you're into that.

Not the same material at all you virgin cuck.

this thread doesn't disappoint

yea it is. are you retarded? if you want soft underwear then go buy some soft underwear
if you want to dress up as a woman and fap to the thought of tyrone fucking you in the mouth then go buy some womans underwear lmao

It's really not. Basically my gf left her underwear at my place, I got high, got curious and tried it on, it was really comfy and aesthetically pleasing and just kind of satisfying to wear. There were two different types of materials.

I don't wanna a be a CD or sissy or trap or anything, I just want to make a choice to be comfy and have interesting underwear

most sites have a size chart, get a rope and measure your sizes for best results at the waist and hips

>I'm 6'2
>what size to fit my junk
Unless your dick is 6'2 this is still irrelevant information for underwear.

Nope. Just no.

Dude, then I must have been judged one-too-many times. I regularly buy underwear for my wife on Amazon. And I buy a lot and often since I have a panty fetish. Couldn't give two shits about some beaner dreamer judging me. Based on Amazon's business model and plethora of origins my packages arrived from, I'd say I've been judged by half of America already. Retail is not e-commerce bro. I agree with a retail worker judging a guy who asks for panties his size whilst stammering, but if you do it online. it changes the picture completely. Just don't order it together with prostate massagers and chasity cages.

Disclaimer - I've worked in ecommerce for 4 years in total, running an online store myself at some point. I snooped around customers orders all the time, but I never judged anyone. I just wanted to find out what people bought. Lots of elderly men were interested white socks and jock straps. Do I care about some old faggots urges to suck cock before he hits the bucket? No. Did I care back then? No. I forced date of birth on registration and showed relevant products to a specific age group. It wasn't even intentional, it was mechanical. Think AI, machine learning, big brother stuff. Hell, I don't even know what I paid some Polish Ph.D 1000$ for, but it increased sales in random shit like previously mentioned jock straps, knee high white socks, rugby shorts and 80s style t-shirts. Go figure.

>im not gay i just want to wear womens underwear no homo its comfy

how much denial are you in fam if you want comfy underwear go buy some meundies or some shit yes just yes

>implying pubes aren't cute

just get normal girl ones they are really comfy


Get aerie boyshorts

It's not huge but I dont want to tuck, and different cuts have different widths along the bottom and front.

yeah this is what I'm saying. I'm not embarrassed or anything like that, I just am not ready to ask someone face to face or spend too long feeling materials and shit.

Is memeundies actually any good? I dont know anyone who's actually even worn them

Nope, different fabric and different weaving altogether.

Nobody's saying you can't find comfy guy's underwear, but saying men's underwear and women's underwear are the same material is just false.

What kind of women's underwear will give my dick and balls some room?

>i dont want to be a trap... I just want to make a choice to be comfy and have interesting underwear
Lying faggot, you want to be a sissy bitch, because the vast majority of men's clothes are more comfortable than female clothes.

Men's boxers or boxer briefs.

You can believe whatever scenario gets you hard man. I have no reason to lie on an anonymous imageboard

You are either a child and or foreign, therefore is the only board for you and/or ban

Too loose. I want something that keeps my dick and balls in place without feeling like they're squished.

But yet you are.
There are nearly no women's clothes more comfortable than men's clothes, especially in the underwater department, the only thing women's clothing does right are dresses, but there is a men's option for that (kilts are a godsend in the summer) but objectively no women's underwear is better than men's, unless you have a fetishized element to it, which you do.

>too loose
Clearly never worn boxer briefs
>don't want my dick and balls squished
But yet you are asking about women's underwear, which are designed to not accommodate a dick and balls?
Are you retarded or this much in denial about being a tranny?
If you want to wear bitch underwear, then do it, but don't lie and claim it's for comfort reasons, that is bullshit.

6'2'' is not a manlet status you faggot

Forever21 duh

>6'5+ = tall
>6'2 - = short
>6'3-4" = average

are you mildly irritated my manchild

We all know you're 5'8''
Don't worry.
Maybe someday you will find really short Asian girl who will love you.

Greetings from Holland

Even in Holland 6'4'' is not average

Oh look, another Dutchie sucking his own cock.

Kanker op, pijpneger

Just steal them from the dryer of your appartnent/dorm if you live in one

bikini style is hot

>implying There's a country called Holland.

bikini style my friend

Or he is from Holland, a region of the Netherlands.