Bjork and Yorke Rom-Com Thread

Time to finish what we started in I have what is already done saved and will be posting in ITT while our writefriend finishes the epilogue. Happy Saturday night Sup Forums. :)

Thanks a lot

You're welcome man. Will start posting soon.

>Prof. Bowie (to class)
"We've got a new classmate joining us today, all the way from Iceland. Please make her feel welcome."
>Thom the Undergrad (thinking to himself as he looks up from his doodles of dead capitalists)
'Oh great, another student. As if the class wasn't full enou-'
>Thom sees Bjork walk in, mouth drops open
"It iz nice to meet you all"
>Prof. Bowie
"Why don't we seat you right here next to my star student, Mr. Yorke? I'm sure he'll help you feel welcome."
>Bowie looks to Thom and winks.
>Thom feels his heart race as Bjork takes her seat and smiles towards him.
"Hello Thom!"
"Uh, h-hello, I-I'm Thom"
>Bjork (giggles)
>Thom (thinking to self)
'Stupid! Why'd you say your name?! She knows your bloody name!'
>Prof. Bowie
"Alright class, today we'll be starting our discussion on gothic literature. Hopefully you've all done your readings. Let us start with Oscar Wilde's classic: The Picture of Dorian Gray. As we see in the character of Basil...
>Thom (thinking to self)
'OK. You gotta say something clever to make up for that. C'mon, what do Icelandic girls like?
>Thom (whispering to Bjork)
"Y'know, quite a number of girls have told me I look like Leif Eriks-"
>Prof. Bowie (cutting Thom off)
"Ahem, Mr. Yorke, I appreciate your zeal for class discussion, but perhaps this is not the best time?"
"Uh, sorry sir, I was jus-"
>Prof. Bowie
"That's quite enough, Mr. Yorke. Please see me after class."
>Thom (thinking to self)
'Fuck me'
>Bjork steals a glace at Thom, giggles silently and then mouths the word 'sorry'
>Thom's heartbeat quickens as he smiles back.

>cut to after class

>Thom (thinking to self as he walks to Prof. Bowie's desk)
'She said bye to me before leaving! That's a good sign right? It's gotta be!'
>Prof. Bowie
"Mr. Thom? Are you listening?"
>Thom (quickly looking up)
"Oh-yes sir. Sorry sir."
>Prof. Bowie (smiling)
"You seem to have been quite distracted this entire class. Quite taken with the new student, I imagine?"
>Thom (feeling his face go red)
"N-no sir! I-I was just trying to be polite!"
>Prof. Bowie (laughing)
"Quite understandable, Mr. Thom! Just don't get too ahead of yourself. Foreign women can be quite tempestuous."
>Prof. Bowie grabs his stuff and walks out, slaps Thom on the back on the way.
"Good luck."
>Thom (talking aloud to himself)
"Dammit, am I really that bloody obvious?"
>Bjork (having walked in quietly while Thom's back was turned)
"Ovious about what?"
>Thom (quickly turning around)
"Bjork! I thought you left!"
>Bjork (smiling cheerfully and pointing to her desk)
"I had forgotten my books"
>Thom (thinking to self)
'Here's your chance!'
>Thom runs over to the desk and picks up Bjork's books
"Let me get those for you!"
>Bjork (giggling)
"You are quite a gentleman, Thom!"
>Both walk out of the classroom.
>Thom, nervously
"So, uhh, how are you liking the city?"
"Oh, it is wonderful! The people are so kind! And all the men are very handsome!"
>Bjork laughs as Thom blushes
>They approach the end of the hallway.
"Vell, I have to go to my next class. See you next veek?"
>Thom, as he hands back her books
"Ye-yeah, for sure!"
>Bjork smiles and waves as she walks away.

>Thom, thinking to self.
'Damn, this is great! I might have a fockin' chance for once in my life!;
>Thom, thinking to self as she looks down at his own books in his hands and sees an unfamiliar volume
'Oh, I think she forgot something'
>He opens it up and sees a word written in large letters on the first page: DIARY
>Thom's heart races as he thinks to himself
'I really shouldn't. What kinda guy would I be if I did?"
>Thom's hand reaches out to turn over the first page.
'I'm a sick bastard. I don't deserve her!'
>He turns over the page. His heart beats quicker as he looks down to read the words.
"FUCK! It's all in Icelandic! Fuck me!"
>Thom quickly flips through the pages hoping for something that might be of use to him, but other than some drawings of what looks like dead oligarchists there's nothing.
>Thom sighs as he decides to walk over to professor's office and relinquish the book to him.

>Thom approaches the office and knocks on the door, which is ajar.
>Prof. Bowie (voice leaking through the door)
" honey, I'm not doing cocaine again. Yes, yes I promise. Look, darling, I have to go, someone's at the door. Alright. Love you too. Bye."
>Prof. Bowie (to Thom)
"Come in!"
>Thom walks in
"Hello professor."
>Prof. Bowie
"Ah, Mr. Yorke. To what do I owe the pleasure?"
>Thom (handing over the diary)
"Eh, you see sir, I accidentally came into the possession of this book which belongs to one of your students. I was hoping you could return it next class."
>Prof. Bowie (taking hold of the diary and opening it, realizing who it belongs to)
>Prof. Bowie (chuckling)
"My my, you kids these days do work fast!"
"N-no sir, you misunderstand! It was a mistake!"
>Prof. Bowie (raising hand to interrupt Thom)
"You needn't explain a thing to me, Mr. Yorke! I too was once a young man such as yourself, off serenading women with hopes of love in my heart!"
>Thom (thinking to self)
'Here he fucking goes again.'
>Prof. Bowie (after a few minutes of nostalgic bullshit)
"But enough about me! Let's talk about you! It's not secret you've grown to like this girl. Quite quickly too it seems!"
>Thom, nervously
"Uh, yeah, sir, I guess I have. She's, uhh, y'know..."
>Prof. Bowie
"Seductive? Sultry? Voluptuous?"
"I was gonna say cute, sir."
>Prof. Bowie
"Ah, that too."
>Thom, fidgeting about
"Well, sir, I was hoping you could, perhaps," *clears throat* "Uh, give me some advice on how to go about this?"
>Prof. Bowie, smiling warmly
"Of course Thom, I'd be glad to help. Please take a seat."
>Thom (walking out of the office)
"Thank you for the talk, sir. I think it really helped."
>Prof. Bowie
"No problem, Mr. Yorke! Good luck with it all!"

>cut to Monday. Thom hiding around the hallway waiting for Bjork to walk in.
>Thom (thinking to self)
'Alright, just do what the professor said. You've just got to act natural, is all. Forget those dreams you've had of being a viking and fathering all those Nordic children with her, everyone has weird dreams, it's natural. Just focus on getting closer to-
>Thom feels a tap on his shoulder
"Good morning Thom! Waiting for someone?"
>Thom (flustered)
"Ah, Bjork! G-good morning! Yes! Just waiting for my friend Matt, he was copying off an assignment of mine. Uh, but I can get it later, let's go in!"
>Bjork, grabbing Thom's arm and leading him in
"Alright then, let's go!"
>Thom, thinking to self
'God, she's touching me!'

>cut to after class, people filtering out
>Thom, turning to Bjork
" doing something after this?"
"Yes, I was going to get some lunch. Do you know of any good places?"
>Thom, ignoring all the memories of eating instant noodles alone in his room while watching The X-Files, tries to think of some place on campus to eat
"Uhhh, yeah, yeah there's loads of great shops here, like uh..."
>Prof. Bowie, interrupting
"Couldn't help overhearing your conversation, children. Might I suggest the café outside the sociology department? Very good appetizers."
"Sounds lovely, professor! Would you, eh, like to come Thom?"
>Thom, nervously laughing
"Ye-yeah! Yeah! I'd love to! Bloody love eating lunch!"
"Great! See you later professor!"
>As Bjork and Thom walk out, Prof. Bowie leans in close to Thom and whispers, as he hands him a $50 bill
"Offer to pay, order something lavish. Just like we discussed. Godspeed!"

>in the café, after Thom ordered many expensive items
"Are you sure you can spend that much money Thom? I really don't want to be a burden."
>Thom, trying to act cool
"Hey, you could never be a burden, like, how much do you weigh, 50 kilogra-?"
>Thom, thinking to self
'What the fuck am I saying'
>Thom clears throat
"I mean, don't worry about it. I've got a little extra cash from my part time job."
"Oh? What do you do?"
>Thom, never having worked a part time job, tries to think of what to say
"Eh, just got fired the other day, actually. Manager said I was making the rest of them look bad!" *forces a laugh*
>Bjork, giggling
"Very impressive!"
>Food arrives
"Well, if you insist on paying, I'm not holding back!"
>Bjork starts to hungrily eat
>Thom, who has a fetish for watching women eat, adjusts himself in his chair, and thinks to self
'Should've worn looser jeans today.'

>after meal, waitress comes with cheque
>Thom puts down the $50 bill
"Keep the change"
"Tip here is 20% actually."
>Thom, nervously
"Oh, yes, of course, of course
>Thom frantically takes out his wallet and tries to calculate how much is left to pay
>Bjork, giggling, produces the right amount
"Allow me to take care of that bit"
>Thom, smiling sheepishly
"Uh, sorry about that. And thanks."
>Bjork, putting her hand over Thom's
"No need to thank me Thom. I had a great time! I'd love to do this again. Maybe somewhere cheaper!" *giggles*
>Thom laughs
"Yeah, I'd love to do too, uh, I mean, I'd like that too. A lot."
"Well, I've got some schoolwork to finish. See you next class?"
"Definitely, definitely."
>Bjork, smiles, gets up, and very quickly leans in and gives Thom a quick kiss on the cheek. She blushes.
"See you then!"
>Bjork runs off quickly.
>Thom sits at the table for a while, dazed, until the waitress tells him he needs to leave

>in Prof. Bowie's office
"She kissed me professor! An actual kiss!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Certainly a promising sign, I'd say. Any tongue?"
"Well, it, it was just on my cheek. But that still counts, doesn't it?"
>Prof. Bowie
"Time will tell."
"What do you think I should do next?! Is it too early for flowers? Chocolates maybe? What do you get Nordic girls? Animal pelts?"
>Prof. Bowie
"Ah, Mr. Yorke, you mustn't rush such things! Women demand a nuanced approach!"
"Yes, yes, I think I understand sir."
>Prof. Bowie
"But yes, chocolates might work."

>Wednesday, Thom walks to class with a box of Belgian chocolates
>Sees Bjork outside classroom chatting with a female student
>Thom stops short around the corner to overhear the conversation
"...really cute!"
>Thom, thinking to self
'Shit, is she talking about me?'
"I just want to cuddle up with him all through the night!"
>Thom, thinking to self
'Oh my god!'
"He's got some fleas though. I'll have to take care of that soon."
>Thom, thinking to self
'Dammit! I thought I got rid of those! How did she find out?!'
>Female classmate
"Dogs sure are a hassle. I can't have chocolate around the house anymore! It's so annoying!"
>Thom, thinking to self
'Fuck. Fuck me.'
"Oh, that doesn't bother me. I never liked chocolates. It's always so tough having to accept them on Valentines or something."
>Thom, thinking to self
"Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck!"
"Well, class is about to start, I'll see you later!"
>Female classmate
"Bye now!"
>Bjork, seeing the outline of Thom's head around the corner
"Oh! Thom!"
>Bjork runs over to him, sees him stuffing large quantities of chocolates into his mouth.
"Um, hello Thom. Eating breakfast?"
>Thom, through a mouthful of chocolate
"Ha ha, yeah. Uhh, doctor said I should be getting more carbohydrates."
>Bjork, giggling
"Good to see you're taking care of your health. Let's go to class."
>Bjork again grabs onto Thom's arm and leads him in

>in class, waiting for professor to show up
>Bjork, looking down, fidgeting with her fingers
"Um, Th-Thom?"
>Thom (feeling sick after eating all the chocolate)
>Bjork, continuing to avoid eye contact
"I was thinking, umm, would you like to, uhhh, go, wi-with me, out with me, today? Like, the park or something?"
>Thom's heart skips a beat, and he involuntarily grabs onto Bjork's shoulder with his hand
>Bjork flinches and looks at Thom, her face is red and she looks nervous
"Yes! Yes, I'd love that! I know a great park just around here!"
>Bjork's face calms into a gleeful grin
"Great!" *says this a little too loud, calms her voice* "That's great, let's go after class!"
>A student in the class spots Prof. Bowie at the doorway, hiding with just his head visible, eyes locked on Bjork and Thom's exchange
"Umm, professor? Is something wrong?"
>Prof. Bowie, standing up straight
*clears throat* "No no, just inspecting this door frame. Fine quality work, very detailed."
>Prof. Bowie walks in, and shoots Thom a sly grin. Thom smiles back.

>late in the evening, having spent the last few hours together chatting
"I've really enjoyed today."
"I have too Thom! I'm glad I met you when I got here. You made feel welcome."
>Thom, thinking to self
'You oughta make her feel some other things now.'
>Thom, shaking his head
"Uh, yeah. I'm really glad I met you too. I-I feel like, uh, it's something special, y'know?"
>Bjork, smiles
"Yes, I do know!"
>Bjork reaches out and grabs Thom's hand
>Thom looks over to her and sees she's blushing and looking down, but smiling
>His face breaks out into a grin and he squeezes her hand tight
>She leads him into a small copse and turns to face him
>She looks up into his eyes and then closes her own, sticking out her chin
>Thom, thinking to self
'Oh my god! She wants me to kiss her! This is it!'
>Thom slowly leans in, moving his face closer to hers
'OK, don't fuck this up. Like the professor said, keep control over your tongue. Don't wanna get too steamy right now.'
>Just before Thom makes contact he hears a voice outta the thicket
"Hey you! Stop right there!"
>Thom and Bjork look over to see a masked man holding out a knife in their direction
>Man, to Thom
"Step away from the girl!"
"Who the fuck ar-"
>Man lurches at Thom, who steps back
>The man uses his unarmed hand to grab at Bjork's arm. Bjork screams
"Let go of me you brute!"
>She lashes out at him to little effect
>Man moves towards Thom and pushes into a bush
"Get outta here while I have my way with the little miss!"
>Bjork struggles again, thrashing her arms at the man
"You son of a bitch! I'll kill you!"

>The man pulls Bjork out of sight behind a tree
>Thom, struggling to get up, says aloud to himself
"Christ! I have to call for help!"
>He gets up and feels a hand pull him back. He turns around and sees Prof. Bowie, who's wearing a hat and a long coat with the collars popped
"Sir! What are you doing her- nevermind, you've got to help me! Some ruffian has made off with Bjor-!"
>Prof. Bowie, cutting Thom off
"You damned fool! What are you doing here?! Go save her!! I've paid off one of the students from the drama department, you've just got to play the part of the hero!"
"What the fuc-"
>Prof. Bowie, pushing Thom towards where the man is still struggling with Bjork
"Go you idiot!"
>Thom turns and makes for the man and shouts
"Alright you bastard! Stick em up!"
>Thom runs over to the man and pulls him off of Bjork and punches him weakly in the stomach
>The man feigns pain and then, trying to convincingly fall over, trips over a loose stone and, arms flailing as he falls, scratches Thom's hand with his knife
>Man, on the ground getting up
"Oh fuck! Shit man, sorry, wasn't supposed to do tha-"
>Bjork approaches the man from behind and whacks him on the back of his head with a jagged rock
>Man, staggering from the pain
"Ow!! Fuck! Jeez! Oh fuck this!"
>Man runs away from the two of them towards the edge of the copse
>Thom, ignoring his bleeding hand, looks up at Bjork, who is still standing with the rock in her hand, breathing heavily
"Are you alright?!"
>Bjork, ignoring the question, looks at Thom's bleeding hand
"Oh your hand! Thom, we've got to go to the medical office!"
>Thom, looking away from the blood in case he faints
"No no, it's nothing. As long as you're alrigh-"
>Bjork, ignoring him again, moves quickly to rip off a bit of fabric from her shirt and apply it to the wound, pressing down on it
"C'mon, we've got to go now!"
>Bjork, keeping pressure down on the wound, pulls Thom along in the direction of the nurse's office

>Thom's eyes slowly open and he makes out the face of Bjork standing over him, looking anxious
"You're awake!"
>Thom, trying to sit up, noticing he's on a bed
"What happened?"
>Bjork, giggling
"When the nurse removed the cloth from your hand you looked down and fainted!"
>Thom, face going red
"Ha ha, well, must be because of all that chocolate I ate. Usually I'm quite good with bloo-"
>Bjork places a finger over Thom's mouth to silence him and then leans in and kisses him
>They make out for a while and Thom moves his uninjured hand to wrap around Bjork's waist, when they both hear a voice
>Prof. Bowie
"Well, well, pardon the intrusion."
>Bjork and Thom quickly pull away from each other, both blushing. They talk over each other
"Professor! I didn't hear you come in"
"Sir! What are doing here!"
>Prof. Bowie, laughing
"Just heard you were in a bit of a brawl. Wanted to make sure you were doing fine. Seems you're doing a lot better than fine!"
>Bjork blushes harder
"Um, I should go call my roommates and tell them why I haven't gone home. They must be worried."
>Bjork runs out of the room quickly
>Prof. Bowie, gesturing towards Thom's hand
"Terribly sorry about that whole fiasco, Mr. Yorke. Seems my hired student was a bit too physical in his approach."
>Thom, unable to contain his smile
"It's alright sir, I think it turned out well."
>Prof. Bowie
"Well, I could certainly see that."

>Friday morning
>After a few more very successful dates and outing, and several heated make out sessions, Thom finds himself at the florist
'So chocolates are outta the question. Hopefully she isn't allergic to flowers or something. Hmm, a collection of white lilies might be nice.'
>Thom picks out his flowers, pays the florist, and walks excitedly to school
>He sees Bjork standing outside the classroom as she's been doing recently, and his heartbeat quickens as it never fails to do after all this time
>But Thom notices Bjork is not looking out for him like she usually is, but is rather staring down with a sullen expression
>She hears him approaching, looks up and puts on a forced smile
"And how are you today?"
"I'm...I'm well Thom."
"Looking lovely as always, lovely enough, I thought, to warrant a purchase of this bouquet."
>Thom produces the flowers he had been hiding from around his back and proffers them to Bjork
>Bjork takes the flowers and tries her hardest to smile
"Oh Thom..."
"You like them?"
>Bjork looks down at the flowers and her smile slowly fades, Thom notices tears welling up in her eyes, she looks up
"Oh Thom!"
>Bjork throws her arms around Thom and clutches him tightly
"Bjork, what's wrong? What's happened?"
>Thom, thinking to self
'Fuck, don't tell me she really is allergic to fucking flowers.'
>Bjork pulls away and looks at Thom who sees that she is now sobbing.
"Tell me Bjork, what's the matter?!"
>Bjork shakes her head, sobbing harder, and then turns and runs for the door.
"Bjork, wait!"
>Thom attempts to run after her but is stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

>Thom turns around to see the professor, with a grim expression on his face
"Sir! Bjork, she- something's wrong, she was just crying! I have to go see her!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Thom, listen. There's no easy way to say this..."
"Oh my god!! She's dying?!!"
>Prof. Bowie
"No you fucking idio- just listen. I got word from the administration yesterday. Bjork, her student visa has been cancelled. She's being forced back to Iceland."
>Thom feels his stomach twist
" can't be. Things were going so perfect!"
>Prof. Bowie
"I'm sorry Thom. Fate can be cruel to even the best of men, so you're not really out of the question!"
>Prof. Bowie laughs a little but Thom just stares ahead, looking defeated
>Prof. Bowie, his voice becoming gentle and quiet
"I'm really, truly sorry Thom. It was all very sudden. I hear she has to leave by midnight. You'll have a chance to say your goodbyes."
>Thom, holding back his tears
"Th-thank you sir. For...for everything."
>Prof. Bowie pats Thom on the shoulder
"It was a pleasure Thom. Now go on, I'm sure you're in no mood for class today."
>Prof. Bowie turns around and walks away, and Thom is left standing alone in the hallway

>Thom walked outside into the darkening morning. It looked to him like it was going to rain so he let his tears fall freely, but then it never rained so he went about frantically wiping them away as passersby stared
>Thom, thinking to self
'It was too good to be true, and I knew that.'
>Thom, stopping as he approaches the flower shop he had just been in. Anger and frustration filled up in him. But then, he was calm. The tears stopped and he looked up in the direction of a different shop he always passed on the way to school, and ran towards it.

>cut to Thom standing in the lobby of an apartment building a couple hours later
>it had taken him some time and a lot of questioning to find her address but he was there
>knowing Bjork, Thom was sure she wouldn't be able to bring herself to see him one last time so he had to go to her
>after having inconspicuously slipped into the building and figuring out her floor he made for the stairs and ran up them
>after a few flights he had to go find a water fountain to prevent himself from collapsing, then scaled the last few flights and was finally outside her door
'Fuck my fear of elevators.'
>his heart was racing, but he was used to that by now. he took one final deep breath and then knocked
>hearing her soft footsteps approaching he pulled out the ring he had just bought out of his pocket and got on his knees
>the door opened and Thom closed his eyes and belted out
"My love, will you marry me?!"
>Thom opened his eyes to see his ex-girlfriend standing in front of him

>Thom, getting up
"Monica?! You live here?!"
>Monica, jumping up to hug Thom
"Oh Thom!! I knew you were still in love with me!"
>Bjork, hearing the commotion, comes out of her room to the front door
"Um Monica, what's happening?"
"Oh Bjork! It's that boy I was telling you about! He finally did it like I knew he would, he came back for me! Oh, I need to call my mother!"
>Monica runs off and Bjork sees Thom standing at the door, ring in hand
"Uhh, she a roommate of yours?"
>Bjork, running at Thom hands raised
"You pig! The moment you hear I'm leaving you do this?!! You bastard! I'll kill you!"
>Bjork starts to whack Thom with her fists
"Stop! Ow, jeez, stop! Let me talk!"
"What else do you have to say you son of a-"
>Thom grabs her hands to prevent her from attacking and leads her to the end of the hallway
"Let go of me! You filthy, no good-"
>Thom plants a kiss on her mouth and lingers there as she calms down
>He pulls away and laughs
"I had forgotten you had roommates."
>He clears his throat and kneels, holding up the ring
"Bjork, will you marry me?"
"Thom, what're you-"
"Bjork, I know we've only known each other a few weeks, and I know this is sudden, and I know I had promised that girl in my hometown I'd marry her next year-"
"Wait, wha-?!"
"And I know that we're still both in school and young, but I also know that this is what I want. If I've ever wanted anything, it's this Bjork, it's you. So, if you want it too, stay here Bjork. Stay here with me."
>Bjork, tearing up
"Oh Thom! Yes! Yes, I want it too! I love you Thom!"
>Thom, starting to cry again, slips the ring onto her finger and gets up to embrace her
"And I love you."
>Monica's voice carries down the hallway
"Thom, where'd you go?"
"Uh, Bjork, go downstairs will you? I'll clear some things up and meet you there."
>Bjork, giggling, kisses Thom gently
"Good luck."

>cut to apartment lobby
>Bjork sees Thom walk down the stairs with a black eye
>Bjork, laughing
"Are you alright?"
>Thom, laughing as well
"Yeah, I'm alright. After all, I'm here with you, aren't I?"

And that's it! Now we just have to wait for the epilogue to be written. :)

good job

Can you please post the pastebin link? This is the best thing ive ever seen on Sup Forums, would rather not lose it

Thanks a lot user! You did a great job with the pacing.

Thanks! I had a lot of fun re-reading it, some really funny jokes in there.
Not yet; the epilogue with Bowie hasn't been written yet.

Thank you, but I believe it was really YOU who was responsible for that.

Thank you to all the good people on Sup Forums that encouraged my writing. Having others enjoy it made writing a lot of fucking fun. I'll start posting the epilogue.

>few months later
>Thom stands still as Prof. Bowie adjusts Thom's necktie
"I'm very glad you agreed to be my best man sir."
>Prof. Bowie
"I doubt Jonny can say the same. Alright there we go. You're ready!"
>Thom looks at himself in the mirror.
"Is blue really my colour?"
>Prof. Bowie
"You're betrothed certainly seems to think so. And women in love can be known to be a little off."
"Right sir."
>Prof. Bowie
"Don't tell my wife I said that."
"Of course not sir."

>cut to the altar. Thom waits nervously and suddenly hears Wedding March start to play
>Bjork walks in slowly, and looks up at Thom
>Both smile


>"Don't tell my wife I said that."

oh lord


If I saw York pork Bjork, I would most certainly HORK!




make a sex scene plz


No please dont ruin it. Its just perfect as it is

It doesn't need one, would feel tacked on at this point honestly.

Please put me in the screencap

not if it's missionary with Bjork leglocking Thom and hold hands with sole purpose of procreation

>cut to wedding reception. Bjork and Thom sit at their table.
>Prof. Bowie rises to make his toast
"When I first met Thom, I knew he was a romantic at heart. I'm not quite sure what it was that gave me that idea, maybe it was the way he seemed most engaged when we were taking up romance stories in class, or maybe it was when he accidentally submitted that Sailor Moon fan-fiction instead of his essay on Magical Realism-"
>Thom, thinking to self
'Fuck, he said he wouldn't bring that up.'
>Prof. Bowie
"But whatever it was, I was convinced that one day he'd be sitting at a table not too different from the one he's seated at now, next to a beautiful girl who I'm sure he's going to make very happy."
>Prof. Bowie raises his glass, people cheer and everyone except Jonny drink.

Is this the general consensus? I'm coming up with this as I write and was planning on asking if you guys thought I should have something like that.

you mean Bowie won't have a threesome with them??? disappointing.

Add it if you want, just try your best to make it feel natural. Something loving and sensual, and not too explicit while maybe still being titillating.

>instead of his essay on Magical Realism-

>next to a beautiful girl who I'm sure he's going to make very happy.
>I'm sure he's going to make very happy.
Nevermind there HAS to be a sex scene now.

You just know there gonna be fanart of this for years to come. This is one the biggest that happened to Sup Forums since the Ann frank threads

The sequel will be Thom leaving Bjork for someone younger. Time to start naming candidates.

We need Johnny Greenwood to be his sidekick in the sequel. Morrissey will be one that tries to win Bjork over only because he want to fuck with Thom.

>You just know there gonna be fanart of this for years to come.
>years to come.

Aaliyah the junior in school crushing on the senior student Reznor who doesn't notice her until shortly before she dies and regrets it.

Taking a quick break to eat. I'll be back with the rest of it very soon.

but what about Prof. Bowie?

You already know he's fucking, that handsome devil.


Make sure the sex is wild and passionate, yet sensual. Hopefully Thom's sense of humor sneaks in there too.

Kid A is a good album.

Alright, sorry for the delay.

This'll be the first time I'm writing a sex scene. I'll try my best.

>With the food eaten and the dances danced, people start for home. Thom stands nervously outside the room which is to be the scene of his consummation.
>Prof. Bowie stands next to him, holding another bottle of wine. Thom has lost count of how many he's been through.
"Don't worry too much about it. Every girl knows men perform poorly the first time."
"How do you know it's my first time?"
>Prof. Bowie
"Need I bring up that fan-fiction again?"
"Alright, alright. I'll be fine. No need to worry about this too much. It's no big deal. Not very big at all."
>Prof. Bowie, laughing as he does when he's drank
"Let's hope your wife doesn't mirror your thoughts. 'Not very big at a-'"
>Thom, interrupting
"OK! Dammit, I called you here for reassurance sir!"
>Prof. Bowie
"Don't sweat it. You've done all that can be done to prepare."
"Yeah, I masturbated just now like they say you should."
>Prof. Bowie, chuckling
"Hmm, you always were fond of preemptive strikes. Now! No more fretting, my dear boy! Wouldn't want the wife to fall asleep waiting for you. Though that might be better than her falling asleep during the act."
>Prof. Bowie laughs harder
"Alright that's it, I'm going in!"

Oh my fucking god Bowie is so funny here, and he interacts perfectly with Thom. They play off each other really well. Good luck with the next scene!

Thanks. I'm gonna need it.

This was so wholesome that it made me genuinely happy for once.
Thank you, user.

I don't know why this made me chuckle so hard but it did. You'll do good I bet, just don't be awkward and don't be too explicit if you don't have too. Titillation is all about knowing what to and what not to restrain.


yeah best of luck user
same here, I wasn't doing anything tonight, made my day.

I think it's made the day of everybody involved. By the way I really appreciate you dumping your Bowie collection, it's nice.

I think I'm gonna spread this next part out into multiple smaller posts. That way, you guys can give me feedback about what you like and what you don't and I'll factor that into the next post. This is what you get for having a virgin write your romantic comedy.

>Thom nervously opens the door. He sees Bjork sitting on the bed facing away from him tapping her foot. She does that when she's nervous. Hearing his entrance, she turns around.
"Thom! You're finally here!"
"Sorry for the delay, I was mastu-err, I was taking the stairs. You know how I am with elevators."
>Bjork, laughing
"I'm well aware."
>Bjork, blushes
"Umm, I'm looking forward to this."
>Thom, forced into a blush himself
"Heh heh, are you?"
>Bjork, avoiding eye contact and lowering her voice
"Yes, I've been dreaming of it for a while now..."
>Thom proceeds to have a coughing fit lasting several minutes.

Jarvis Cocker is wisecracking kid at the back of the class

Ian Brown is 'ayy u want sum fuk?' rival

Read those for some ideas about her sexual needs, then try to conceptualize those to fit into this context. Hope that helps.

Now I'm even more confused. Thanks though.

>Bjork, laughing, pats Thom's back
"You alright?"
>Thom, still wheezing
"Yeah, I'm alright."
>Thom stands up straight and looks to Bjork
"I get like that when I see someone this beautiful."
>Bjork, giggles, and runs her hand over the side of Thom's face
"Well, I'll take care not to look this good around the house."
>Bjork lets her hand move around to the back of Thom's head and slowly pulls him in closer.
>Their lips join and stay locked for a moment.
>Thom pulls away and stares at Bjork
"Felt just like the first time I kissed you."

you're welcome...
>"I get like that when I see someone this beautiful."
cheesy as FUCK.

>cheesy as FUCK
I'm sure Thom recognizes that.

On second thought, maybe he doesn't.

I see you've given her a good sense of humor, which is nice, because she hasn't really done all too much up to this point.

>Just waiting for my friend Matt, he was copying off an assignment of mine
is this a subtle Muse joke?

so does anyone know an amateur film maker who would be willing to shoot this

Yeah, I'm guessing.
Hopefully not.

I guess they're more comfortable with each other now, after all this time.


"So that time you were knocked unconscious?"
"Sorry, I meant the second time."
>Bjork, laughing
>Bjork turns towards the bed, and leads Thom there.
>Thom moves his hands to undo the straps of Bjork's dress, and lets it fall to the floor. Underneath he sees her elegant lingerie which reminds him of his mother's clothes that he'd see hanging on the clothesline at his childhood home but he firmly pushed that memory out of his mind.
>Bjork started to undo the buttons of Thom's shirt, her hands moving gracefully

>Underneath he sees her elegant lingerie which reminds him of his mother's clothes that he'd see hanging on the clothesline at his childhood home but he firmly pushed that memory out of his mind.
Weirdly specific.

I've got something for you though, something an user wrote a while back. Maybe find some inspiration there?

Quite explicit, huh? Well, if that's what the people demand, I'll give it a shot.

If you can handle it ;)
>tfw no bowie gifs to use for this

Let's hope I can.

>The two work slowly, but with steady hands. Upon shedding all articles of clothing they stand still for a moment, taking in the sight of each other.
"Uh, it's a little cold."
>Bjork, with her eyes looking down, giggles
"Uh huh."
>She moves closer to him
"Let's warm things up."
>Using her hands, she guides Thom onto his back on the bed and gets up on top of him.
>Thom moves his hands up her sides, taking in as much of her as he can

I like the way you capture the awkwardness of a first time, pretty cute actually.

>Bjork moves her hips in a circular motion, rubbing up against Thom
>Thom moves his hands around to her back and pulls her in closer, kissing her up her neck
>His hands move to caress her breasts, eliciting a sound from her mouth
>Thom spins Bjork around and gets on top
>She looks up at him smiling a shy but cheerful smile
>He smiles back and then moves his hands to part her legs gently


>He looks down and struggles trying to enter her, she giggles
"C'mon, Thom. You're almost there!"
>He moves in slowly, and Bjork moans, her arms moving to wrap around Thom, pulling him into her
>After a moment of slow entry Thom pauses
"Do-does it hurt?"
>Bjork, closing her eyes and smiling
"No, Thom. It doesn't. Keep going."

I have one
I actually like what you have done till now user. Good job.

>"No, Thom. It doesn't. Keep going."
I'm imagining a face of disappointment and a blunt tone with this sentence.

>I have one
You always do ;)

You know, as soon as I posted that I realized it might have come across wrong. I meant it more like she's so wrapped up in the heat of the moment she doesn't waste words.

You're good man, even a lot of respected writers can't write sex scenes without them coming across as awkward.

Thanks, that's really encouraging.

well it is their first night together.
Thom isn't as experienced as Bowie.

Let's not forget this image to properly imagine this fan fiction

Yeah, Morrissey is a very talented lyricist but he can't write sex scenes if his life depended on it. (He used the term "bulbous salutation" as a euphemism for penis)
This also makes sense. Don't sweat it too much.

>Thom moves with more vigour, taking in the sight of her face in pleasure
>Bjork's arms come loose from around his back and fall on either side of her
>She moves her legs to replace her arms, wrapping tightly around Thom
>Thom lets himself drop gently on her body, and moves his hands to clasp hers, gripping both tightly
>Bjork's moans get louder as she holds just as tightly to Thom's hands
"Oh Thom! Thom!"
>Thom feels himself getting close, moves his face next to hers, taking in her scent
"Oh Bjork, I love you so much!"
>Bjork feels herself heating up, the promised moment close at hand
"Oh Thom! I love you too Thom!"
>Both feel each other's bodies coil up and release, an explosion of feelings and emotions, as intertwined with the other's as their bodies.

Awww, they came together. (Right now, over me)

that's really cute.
but David, David! sounds much better than Thom! Thom! don't you think ;)