If you get dubs you have to go to church

if you get dubs you have to go to church

I was under the impression from all the pictures of Jesus people post that this was a Christian image site and everyone already attended church?

Awh god dammit

you do now bucko

It's a Sunday isn't it


your bitchass is gonna get dropped fool!

Already went


Loser lol

inb4 quads


pls no

Atheist and on meth dont make me go the bathtub isnt full yet


what a fuckin loser

TV mass counts

Np ill let that priest fk ke in the ass anytime. In front of the entire audience Ill suck that cock so hard it will cum loads, dude audience cant even see sht I swallow that sht whole gobble it up real good!

That time of the week again

Hmmm. Are churches still open? Oh go on then

Hello Brother. Christian here. Went to church myself. The message was about forgiving those who wronged us, and in return receiving forgiveness for our sins.

Good message all and all.

God bless you and your family.