Germany NO! Refugees' unease after Düsseldorf terror plot

For many of Germany's newest residents, the roughly 1.2 million people who arrived in the country over the past year, Thursday's thwarted terror plot has reignited fears about migrant stereotyping.
"We are talking about just a few people arriving every month or so who destroy the reputation of refugees here," Iraqi national Mustafa Ahmed Hussein told DW, in Arabic through a translator.
Hussein, whose first perilous attempt to cross the Mediterranean was thwarted when the boat he was traveling in was intercepted by EU border authorities, is now studying in the western Germany city of Bonn. After being arrested and returned to Turkey, he was able to make a second crossing to Greece and eventually made it to northern Europe.üsseldorf-terror-plot/a-19305346

>group who's has members who planned terror attacks are the real victims

Welcome to the misguided """empathy""" of the left
>members of group A murder and commit crimes against group B
>"think of the poor people in group A!"
>repeat until the last member of group B is hanging from a tree in front of a crowd of screaming chimps
Liberals have no conscience.


The real hilarious point is:

1. This Hussein is an Iraqi, where 30 million people live and work without any problems whatsoever. Why is he a "refugee"?

2. This Hussein claims to study, but when they interview him, he speaks Arabic through a translator.

3. He is talking about "just a few people arriving EVERY MONTH who destory the reputation". So we are talking hundreds or thousands of people per year who are terrorists.

He is not a refugee, he can fuck off to his shithole.

>be Mustafa Ahmed Hussein
>be in germany illegaly
>terror attack barely prevented with possible hundreds of casualities by my brethren in faith
>complain about m-muh western oppression
So much arrogance and narcism. It's always the same with those mudshits, they will never change.

When the number of "moderate" Muslims reaches critical levels, I'm going to enjoy watching them return the "empathy"

>Iraqi national Mustafa Ahmed Hussein told DW, in Arabic through a translator.
>Hussein, is now studying in the western Germany city of Bonn.

How the fuck ? Are you kidding me ?

They are never leaving.

Having police hunt down over a million people and forcing them into train cars looks too bad for Germany.

In 5 years everyone saying "Don't worry, they will leave." will be saying "They have a life here now, Some have kids. We can't send them away from their life into a country they no longer recognize!"

I know, Germany was always retarded when it comes to deportion and all that.

Fun Fact, my Girlfriend from Austria would get instantly deported if she would get any Help from the State, i love germany.

>Having police hunt down over a million people and forcing them into train cars looks too bad for Germany.

True, this has never worked before. This is literally impossible logistically.


So what will Merkel's reaction be when germoney is actually attacked?

>majority of invaders are welfare leeches who never had/will never have a education, let alone integrate or speak fluent German...
>shows proven statistical anamoly as poster boy

Every time.

Going to be very interesting if Germany is attacked next, probably nothing will happen though. I've honestly given up hope for Europe at this point, despite it all Germans aren't swinging right-wing at all, the states propaganda and censorship is too strong to get anybody to rise up.

>not all muslims
>no connection to refugees
>AfD caused it somehow
>muh EU

Probably gonna be an attack in France during european soccer championship soon tho

You won the price! Correct answer to "mass murdering loonatic as a head of state healbent on destroying Germany and Europe for 100"


1.2 million in one year....where the fuck do you put that many people?

But I thought there were no terrorists among the refugees, I thought they were all running away from the terrorists

Don't be intolerant Hans, you should feel honored to subsidize their existence

>concentration camps have distorted people's views of the average nazi DW reports. "Not all nazis were in the camps," one expert said and noted that stereotyping people because of the actions of a small minority was the kind of bigotry germany has been fighting for the last century.

I read Austria so i commented because I love these damn Joeys

>whose first perilous attempt to cross the Mediterranean was thwarted when the boat he was travelling in was intercepted by EU border authorities
>his shitty flimsy boat was stopped mid-way, and instead he was given a more comfortable ride in a larger safer boat that took him to Europe, where he is now making free use of one of the finite spaces in Germany's higher education system

the loo

Why has DW turned into cuck propaganda?

You either die, or live long enough to see yourself become the terrorist.

>boosts xenophobic narrative

Facts? Boost valid concerns

Please go Europe

Look at me
I'm the German now.

>We're very worried about migrant stereotypes
>The other day they brought me a little girl and left her alone with me in the bedroom
>After a couple of hours they were worried I didn't rape her
>I just want to play LoL without lagging

>"just a few"

Pew polls taken in the Middle East show a very tolerant climate. It's as tolerant as it's green of foliage.

>terror plot averted