Is the educated African American woman becoming the most powerful group on Earth?

Is the educated African American woman becoming the most powerful group on Earth?

>Michelle Obama
>Whoopie Goldberg
>The Ghostbusters nigger

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No. You knose who are as of now the most powerful.

The mostest edumucated DMV employees on de earf.

Yes, but it seems that the American Black woman receives the most social benefits, free college, gets paid if her thug babies get shot by cops, write books about bad white people, etc etc.

Educated (and uneducated) Black woman in America seem to be gaining the most power, and Black women going to college is on the rise.

Free college. FREE!!!

They also have the highest rate of video watches for twerking.

They have the highest rate of gibsmedats, spending welfare on weave and clothes, and repeating the same thing over and over thinking they are winning an arguement.

>They have the highest rate of gibsmedats, spending welfare on weave and clothes, and repeating the same thing over and over thinking they are winning an arguement. sounds like they're winning.

You wouldn't want free shit?

Free college education?

Free groceries?

Free cellphone service?

Money for having babies?

If you say no, you're just jealous. Everyone wishes they didn't have to pay for those things, and instead use your money for hentai.

No, I actually want to work for what I have. It makes me feel good knowing I earned it. Try it sometime, you will experience this thing called "pride".

You think so?

>No, I actually want to work for what I have.

I knew you were going to reply with this.

No, no one wants to work.

We're humans, not ants.

If someone offered you a billion dollars, you would take it and vacation the rest of your life.

If you really want to work until you die, then you're literally a cotton picking nigger or orange picking mexican with no brains.


She owns an island.

What about you, nigger? Do you own an island?

You're right, but allow me to pontificate on the matter:

The free shit comes from money paid in taxes by the people who work. Free shit is thus unsustainable, therefore if everyone received free shit, there would be no money in which to give out free shit. Have you ever heard the phrase "there is no such thing as a free lunch"? That's this. Because of that, we all have to work with no free shit. All animals work for shit. They hunt, build shelters, store food for winter, etc. working is a fact of like. Hope that makes sense.

Wtf did I just watch?!

Wow some people in the entertainment industry are black.

Yeah but they end up studying female and black studies which serves as nothing but a basis to piss them off and attend rallies.

Even with free higher education they can't drag themselves out of the gutters of society.

Its top quality bantz and makes me laugh.

Nigger intellectuals

>Educated African American

Nice oxymoron.

>The free shit comes from money paid in taxes by the people who work.

Again, you're playing the victim.

No one gives a shit about the whiners who sit around complaining about the people who work the system and get free shit.

Just whine, work hard, and whine some more, while someone else smokes weed, gets free shit, and lives a good happy life.

Who is the real fool in the situation?

It's you. Whining, crying like a baby, that life isn't fair.

Well, it isn't. It's a dog eat dog world.

Stop whining and get yours, nigger.

Get yours.

[Audience Applause]

>restrict white people access to higher education
>restrict men access to higher education
Oh look black wimmin are the smardezt nao !

>Even with free higher education they can't drag themselves out of the gutters of society.

So these poor Black women who grew up with nothing but now own nothing?

You don't get it.

Black American Women are the highest growing demographic for education and finance.

So...while you White dudes sit on Sup Forums and talk about "nigger" this and "nigger" that...

...Black women are taking over the U.S.

Michelle Obama is the greatest first lady to ever sit in the Oval Office.


You salty, nigga?

You gotta get yours. Blacks is getting theirs.

U probz Sheldon looking white boi LULZ


>bleached nipples

Now I've seen everything

She prolly used pasties on nipples in solarium.

No, I don't.

But I never said she wasn't wealthy. You don't have to smart to be rich, dumbass.

>You don't have to smart to be rich, dumbass.

Are you rich? I bet you're poor, and live paycheck to paycheck, am I right?

I have over a million dollars in my bank account and I'm a Black woman.


But if you tell that to everyone it wouldn't work that's what I'm saying

Today is the first day I have heard that name in years

I'm not rich, but I'm certainly not poor.

That's great that you've got that much money, but I'm not sure why it matters that you're black or a woman or what my economic status is.

If all you have to say in response is that you're a rich black lady, then you clearly have no argument. Fuck off.

>But if you tell that to everyone it wouldn't work that's what I'm saying

I know. Just making it clear where I stand.

Of course we need working drones bees.

We grasshoppers will sit around and enjoy the fruits of the workers.

I'm Black and proud.

>black women

That gargoyle doesn't own a fucking thing, of course you wouldn't get it because you don't know shit about law or economics.

Your paper money is literally monopoly money, ration coupons that will continue as long as the white let it.

Don't kid yourselves your social security slave name is all you are too the system that's encouraging you too make something of yourself.

She and Obama were selected by white guys playing the puppet master because their brains lack of any cognitive ability made them excellent candidates for this position, and whilst the only achievement barrack has is that he played more golf than any president (and likely human) in history these past 8 years michael used her position too promote turnips and BLM.

No lives matter.

Though this is all a low tier ruse too try and gain a reaction too which you may try to extract some schadenfreude as is the Sup Forums tradition, I enjoy writing and responding to the bait.

Your move.

>Today is the first day I have heard that name in years

You realize she owns half of cable television and most of the NFL teams, right?

>If all you have to say in response is that you're a rich black lady, then you clearly have no argument. Fuck off.

So it makes you mad that a Black woman is better than you, right?

I win.

I always win.

>Black women are taking over the U.S.
Lol this is what black women actually think. Nigerress please go watch sotomayor videos. Nobody likes you

Shit educations and race quotas don't make you powerful. This is low quality

A rich black women but she waste time in Sup Forums.
Nigga you trolling

i wonder why that is

No. Asian in general are more educated, married, wealthy, less incarcerated then you and have more power. Heck even Hispanics and Arabs are more powerful than your group. Teach your men how to get a job and stay.

how can white "women" compete / really makes you think

hue hue hue hue hue

oh my fucking lawd pls kill all niggers

Actually, I don't give a shit what shade of brown you are or what set of genitalia you have.

You're black. Whoop-dee-doo.

You're a woman. Yay.

You're rich. Good for you.

If you think that you're better than anyone else because of any of those three things, you're delusional.

Go fuck yourself with the high horse you sit upon.

70% of African-American women are single.

70% of black kids grow up without a father. So that shouldn't surpriser anyone

>Even with free higher education they can't drag themselves out of the gutters of society

This. I worked at a local community college and every black woman there was either studying cosmetology or early childhood development. They just wanted to do hair or babysit. None of them wanted to take the general math or science courses that could transfer to the 4 year universities and get a degree. None of them wanted to take computer programming or networking. Very few went into nursing even.

I like how black people like to claim they have money when they get into an argument. So what? Black people still commit more crimes than their counterparts, higher in STDs, single family units, lower quality of life.

>michelle obama
>a woman

Ouchy-Mouchy! Looks like Whitey salty?!?!?!


This proud, beautiful, voluptuous, educated Black woman be laughing all the way to the bank!

Proud sistas showing the world how educated they are.



This low effort bait makes me think a real nigger is actually posting all this shit.

>Michael Obama

I wonder what compells everyone to write rare. It must be quite the meme.

Do Black people threaten you, Mr racist russian?



Holy shit
There 50 point IQ's can't go that fast

Are you really that lonely?
Why don't you just call up your dad, see what's new?

>Are you really that lonely?
>Why don't you just call up your dad, see what's new?

Let me guess, you can't get pussy, amIright?

I'm a proud, gorgeous, strong, educated, intelligent and powerful Black American woman.

What are you?


>Michelle Obama

Do you have more of this qt nigress ?

My ID...
why are you doing this kek ?


>Do you have more of this qt nigress ?
goldenxsky on the twitz

>whoopee goldberg
pick one and only one

Believe it or not, the African American woman is the most oppressed group in this country. The men have all the opportunities offered to them, and it was black men like MLK and Malcolm X that paved the way for them. They don't have anything to complain about. These days, it's the women's turn. That's why most of the activists are women (eg. BLM).

Simple observation.

Can't even take a second to roll your mouse over the flag? That's Serbia.

>Can't even take a second to roll your mouse over the flag? That's Serbia.

it's so summer in here today

>get free college
>professors wont fail me because they are scared of being called racist
>mfw when they start calling me the most edumacated

>muh vagina

but this time by proxy! wow!

>Michelle Obama
>Whoopie Goldberg
>The Ghostbusters nigger


That's a joke, right?


>it's so summer in here today

What the hell does that mean?

>What the hell does that mean?

It means BUSH DID 911, NIGGA!

and they still manage to be almost entirely unfuckable

the iphone made it summer all year long

Still don't get it.