ITT: People in the movie business who are well known and yet have never made a good film

ITT: People in the movie business who are well known and yet have never made a good film.


Apart from Pan's Labyrinth, which is amazing, he really never made something good.

Hellboy was great

Zack, the hack

I find it very juvenile and silly. Ron Perlman is the only good thing in it.

300 is aight

Delete this.

Fuck you op

Blade II, Devils Backbone, Pans Labyrinth and Pacific Rim were varied and excellent

You uncultured cretin. Pans Labyrinth is fantastic and I'd wage it's opening scene trumps the opening scene in any movie that you have seen.

Liked everything except Mimic.

>You uncultured cretin
>Pans Labyrinth is fantastic

>Silent Hills is dead
It's was too good for this world, too pure


apart from the good things he's made he's never made anything good

Genuinely concerns me that there's people here that think Pan's Labyrinth is bad.

JJ abrams
Roland emmerich

Dawn of the Dead was great, 300 was good too

or The Devil's Backbone

Every time I hear about this guy it's about him abandoning another project

Does he only see like a quarter of his projects through?

You're on Sup Forums, why are you surprised they hate something genuinely good?

Pan's Labyrinth is great

>Pan's Labyrinth
>Hellboy 2
>Pacific Rim
>The Devil's Backbone
>Blade 2

All his movies are 6/10 or better.

Rudo y cursi is also fun I guess

also Crimson Peak is underrated as fuck, great pastiche of classic gothic movies

lmao it's true, he's only made shit

All shit.

>I find it very juvenile and silly.


If it wern't for a few dodgy looking and dated CG effects, I'd go as far as to say that Pan's Labyrinth is an almost perfect film.

Regardless, it's still a masterpiece.

>movie in Spanish set in the civil war about a kid trying to escape the horror of war by fleeing into a dream world is plebby
I mean it's not like I love that movie but it's very far from any movie depicted your maymay.

It's a juvenile fairy tale story with black and white morality filtered through a literal child protagonist with a tacked on tragic ending to appease juvenile American critics.

Pure shit straight from the horse's ass.

Blade is kinda fun to watch, depends whats "good" to you