I'm never quite sure if you're out there

i'm never quite sure if you're out there
but i am here for you

Other urls found in this thread:




thank u based user


who's out there?

my favorite "anonymous poster" on the planet

This thread is comfy. I like comfy things. It seems safe in here... I'm going to sleep in here.

sleep tight.

sweet dreams user-kun

I love you bby

Have gud slep.


Is it me?

you don't seem awkward enough to be them
unless you're just adopting a new persona

hi, guys



I guess not then
Whelp good luck on your quest for love
I hope you make her happy user

Thanks for the feels Aron im here for you to faggot.

Thank You for never forgetting me 日

It's difficult to find anyone who loves number 4. The fact that even one person does thaws ice deeper than Greenland's foundation.





I love your face.Hope to see you soon. Won't you sing me to sleep again?


someday i will reach through to my sensitive little hedgehog

You guys fucking or what?

This is pretty pathetic if you're not.


Wtf is going on?

mental illness

not nice

Hey, asshole.
You didn't answer my question.

tl;dr this is the answer to pretty much all of Sup Forums's mysteries.

you just gotta worry bout how you're going to work your way through the sewage to find the golden nuggets.

bisexuality is the only sexuality

i don't want to "fuck" unless i am loved back

yes, yes. we know you like to spam about it.

I'm str8, m8.

I was just talking about myself don't worry implying the nuggets aren't sewage

>i don't want to "fuck" unless i am loved back

That doesn't answer my question. Are you guys taking an extended trip to pound town or not?

sure, buddy, sure...

just because something is spam doesn't mean it's not true

true spam is best spam

why ask questions you already know the answer to?
of course we aren't.

If you're not "fucking" her because she doesn't love you back what are you doing here?

>why ask questions you already know the answer to?

It's funny to me to reduce your heartfelt sentiments down to crude biological impulse. And I know that it must be uncomfortable for you. That's all.

Are you gay or is one of you a boy and the other one a girl?

now I'm confused

i am not even sure if it is a male or a female
and i don't care which.

What if they don't have anything? Just some kind of simple pee hole, what then?

Are you fine with a life of celibacy?

pronouns are pronouns, that's not the point of my question

i can always put my cock in their ass.



So romantic. I'm sure they love knowing that's how you think of them.

but to tell you the truth, i'd rather receive.

but most of all, i'd rather just lie in bed and hold each other.

never seen that person in my life.

Hey, it'd work on me.

Wouldn't that be something

you are the one who is asking me sexually charged questions.

>aren't sewage

but they're golden ^_^

nah i get what you mean, immaterial goodness. To rephrase for clarity.

There are amazing pieces of information and wisdom up for grabs here on the anus of the internet AKA Sup Forums. Decide what you're seeking and pursue it relentlessly. No one is going to do it for you.

P.S. Try avoid distracting yourself for 13 years like this one cunt i know.

Yeah but you don't have to answer them. I mean, I appreciate the answers and am having fun with this conversation. But if someone asked me about fucking the girl I liked I know my answer wouldn't be something along the lines of, "I don't know how but I'm gonna get in there!"

But apparently you're cool with being that guy.

true spam > false spam
bisexuality > monosexuality

Figured since you didn't know if they were a boy or a girl

>golden nuggets
I think those are corn.



my nugget of gold is very shy
and doesn't like to stick around for long
and they always fall through my fingers when i try to hold on.

i am having fun too. i am serious though, sex is probably the last thing i want from this person. when i read what they write, i can't help but feel magnetically attracted to them. like i want to ease their emotional pain and be somebody that they feel comfortable confiding in. in fact, i'm okay with never having any form of physical contact.


Aw hell yeah.
I fuckin' love Korn.

i'm certain that user would be flattered. I hope you have a beautiful day, your kindness is wonderful.

>avoid distracting yourself
But ignorance is bliss user

But yeah nah I know what your sayin, and realise its importance. I'm gettin older now so I can't use the excuse that I'm still figuring out what I want in life (though I am), time to get my ass into gear I guess. Oof.
Cheers mate, you're truly a good cunt


oh, i know they are.
but they never show me any clear signs.
in fact, i even asked them if i was coming on too strong.
and they basically implied that i was not...

>i'm certain that user would be flattered.

Or creeped out if the feeling isn't returned.

That was a nice nap... Thread is still here. Oh... Hello everyone.

the green text is me, and the poster is them
in case you even give a damn

When did the heart thing start?


eyy what up fam

i got the idea from "them"

Looks to me like they sound frightened and wary about your behavior.

But they don't seem like the type to ever say no if it'll cause conflict. So you'll probably end up fucking that butthole even if they don't want you to. All the while never realizing that you've scared them into submission.

it's an interesting take.
but i also read how they were deeply hurt by someone else that they had been close to, and how that experience has made them incredibly wary of opening themself up again.
i couldn't help but feel that they want to love again, but are just too scared to.

Sup¿ I don't really know... I'm having bad thoughts... Can you tell me something to distract me from it? I was fine a second ago...

aw that's no good
Did you know that the barnicle has the largest penis to body size ratio of all creatures on Earth?

to add, their fear is that someone who once treated them with affection and an open heart suddenly became cold, distant, and sarcastic in their interactions. it makes me feel even more determined to reach through to them.

Hmm... I did not know that... I guess that is interesting.

rather, their fear is that it will happen to them again.

idk I thought "weird facts" and that was the first thing my brain gave me
im weird like that

What's your favourite movie? Or top 3?

They're probably a weak little fem-boy. If you're cool with that.

Good morning.

in that case
i would be overjoyed beyond measure

I have to go. I can't be here right now. It is making me feel too bad. I'll come back later. I can't. I don't like these thoughts. I'm sorry...

stay safe

Feel better soon, friend.

you are welcome back anytime.

That's a shame. My heart goes out to you user.

take care, space cowboy.


>someone who once treated them with affection and an open heart suddenly became cold, distant, and sarcastic in their interactions
who would that terrible person be?

honestly, i'm not sure if it is the person whom they call "no fun", or someone different.
but they don't matter anymore.


so, you think you have enough affection to help chemo?

you have no idea.
i am not normally the type of person to fervently pursue anything.
i kid you not, they are the sole reason why i don't just lurk.
that's not to say i don't greatly appreciate the friends i have made here either.