I'm a firefighter/paramedic. AMA

I'm a firefighter/paramedic. AMA

i got my dick stuck in the toaster, what do i do

Got my dick stuck in my hamster, wat do?

Take it into the bathroom, fill the tub with water, plug the toaster into whatever outlet it will reach(use an extension cord if needed). Turn the toaster on right before you get into the water so it doesn't get hot fast enough to burn you, then lower yourself down into the bathwater with it. When the toaster is fully submerged it will cause the toaster to eject, wallah, penis freed.

I'm a med student.
>Tell your buddies to quit thinking they're more than human delivery boys

What's the worst thing you experienced?
Also, thanks for your service bud.

Why are cops so shitty? Real question here not trolling

Take jumper cables, hook them up to a car battery, then to the hamster. Hamster will die, causing it's musculature to relax, so your penis can be freed.

This is why they get the idea that their special.


They work for like 30k a year and save lives. They're special in my books. Hope your house catches on fire and you're not able to call 911

You'll probably end up like the doctor who questioned my leveling of a trauma patient the other day, activated a lower level than I called for, and when I came back in a half hour later was scrambling like a retard while the guy crashed. While a lot of our calls are just bullshit, a lot of our care or advocation for the patient can make the difference in them living or dying at the ER.

i took a CPR class and the instructor said you did not have to put your mouth on the victim anymore but could use the 100 compression instead, have you found this effective in the field?

Yeah, because they were too stupid to do anything else. Just like soldiers and cops.
Fucking sheeple man...

have you ever saved a kitten from being stuck in a tree?

You're a student, stop acting like you save lives and not going to drop out...

You shut your mouth when you're im my Hospital.
>Speak when spoken to

Says the guy who probably works a shit job or lives with their parents.
Go ahead and tell me lies about how your successful, I'll be waiting...

I've seen a lot but the ones that mess with me most are honestly just seeing people my parents ages dying unexpectedly, as I'm 30, have young parents, and no kids yet. Saddest was a 17 year old I ran for suicidal threats, parents didn't take him serious, ran him again 2 weeks later when he hung himself.


Oh hey, I was just scrolling by and I saw one of my fav gifs


I'll try that right now.

I did both actually. Med school is expensive. But I saved up and I'm doing great in school.

Excellent taste my friend

Then why talk shit about it, you know what you had to deal with.
You make no sense...

Most aren't. Some are. Most people who have issues with cops are delinquent shitheads or people who don't like to accept their own faults. And I've had plenty of traffic violations. I deserved every one of them.

why don't you have an anime sticker on your helmet?

Are you the guy in med school?

Would you say you are courageous?


FF here. Our driver made $10k last pay period alone for hiring back constantly as we're currently short over 100 employees. He clears $110k a year driving at a semi-slow station. There is plenty of money to be made in the department if you're willing to "work" extra for it.

Compressions are far more important than ventilation. It only takes 10 seconds of no compressions to reduce perfusion back to a level as if CPR hadn't been performed at all. Stay on the chest as much as possible until defibrillation is available.

how many naked calender's do you need to do a year for funding?

I should note I obviously don't know howmuch everyone makes in said field. I simply looked up average pay rate.
I assume people can make double that or half that.

I just have a strong dislike for firefighters/ EMTs.
Most of them think they are fucking God's and treat others like shit.

Stop dodging my question fagg and answer it. Would you consider yourself to be a courageous individual? Yes or no

No. I'm a guy who was a car accident who flipped his car.
The fuckers didn't even check me out because I was walking and too busy checking on the other bitch because her arm hurt.

That's understandable.
I work at a corrections officer and see the same thing. In any career, especially though who are public servants there are those who seem themselves as gods.
Doesn't mean we should disrespect them all though.

The job requires an ego, alpha male confidence to walk into a fucking burning building on fire. There's always going to be some assholes out there who think they know best, but overall they are few and far between imo.

Very, and I'm talking VERY few and far between.
Have met about 100 FF, only like one so far.
It's like niggers. Of course they are some decent ones, but the majority are nigs

They don't even do that. They just hose it down.
95% of that job is sitting on your ass
>Don't confuse stupidity with alphaness

I think many people who see the sort of inhumanity we see who not be able to take it. Hell, many fellow FFs can't in the long run hence why many resort to alcohol to cope. I so not feel that makes one courageous perse, just requires you to be wired a certain way.


Not a fan

I guess. I'm pretty humble and self-depricating.

I make about 80k a year working for a department that runs about 8 calls per station in a 24 hour shift. The department I started at paid 26k to start though. It's really all in tax base as to what the firefighters are paid.

At least 6 but no more than 2

Some are quite complexed, I'm not one of them. I actually wish I had a career less in the limelight sometimes because I'm a humble individual with low self-esteem.

Answered that once in this post

While they should've, if you were walking and comprehensive you were within every right to ask yourself to be checked out. While I'm not blaming you for their error, scenes can be pretty hectic and we are going to focus on the immobile before the ambulating.

I can assure you with confidence less than 25% of my shift is spent sitting on my ass. But I work for a busy department and we train and many other things in our downtime.

I'm drinking right now, do pretty regularly, and am actually on a leave right now for anxiety issues my job has caused me after 10 years of doing it.

We don't even so what? Enter a burning structure and put out the Fire? That's sort of my job, though you are 100% correct that 95% of the time FFs are answering BS calls. It's the fellow paramedics riding the box that are running constantly.

I was 18, I did ask to be checked out.
They told me I was fine.
Nobody was immobile.
I'm 33 now, attorney fag here.
Literally go out of my way to get cases against 'muh EMTs'.

It's hard to say without all the facts but it sounds like you should've received better service. If I was a supervisor I'd be having a discussion with them had you brought that to my attention. It's pretty asshole of you though to base your entire perception of us on one bad experience though, and seek our imperfections out as a drive for your livelihood. You gonna tell me you've never went back to eat somewhere you had subpar service once? Get real. It's so hard to prove full wrong on our part anyways that you're more than likely wasting your time and career.

I'm also studying for medifag but I need to know what books/PDF/links are you using to compare


If it came down to it and you were the only person. Would you run into a burning building with a brittle structure to save a person?

And for being an attorney you sure don't seem too bright. I asked if you were med school fag because you used "their" when it should've been "they're". Not normally a grammar police but that's a pretty fundamental error for someone who is supposedly an attorney lol

If there was a good chance they were alive, yes. However, if the structure is burnt to the point it is brittle, the survivability profile is about 0%, so it is highly unlikely that situation would ever portray itself.

Well I guess some people are born men and others aren't. As long as your good with the hose I guess.


What’s your favourite colour?
